After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 200 195. So, he walked into the recording studio.

Chapter 200 195. So, he walked into the recording studio.

11 month 1 day.

At seven o'clock in the morning, before the alarm clock rang, Mogami Kazuto had already got up, and briefly cleaned his face with clean water. The cold water hit his face, and the remaining drowsiness completely disappeared.

Put on your sportswear, don't forget to bring your keys, and go for a morning run.

The air outside the house could no longer smell the heat of summer, and the chirping of sparrows was endless. The birds staying on the telephone poles were chirping and looking at the human male jogging below.

By the time Mogami Kazuto got home, it was already eight o'clock.

Enter the bathroom to take a shower, and after washing up, start to prepare today's breakfast.

For a light novel writer, it is quite a healthy routine.

And from today onwards, Kazuto Mogami will shoulder another layer of identity.

Boarding the tram, although it is a working day, but because it has passed the morning rush hour for work, the interior of the train is slightly empty, and there are not many passengers.

Mogami Kazuto casually found a place to sit down, took out a certain volume of the library, and began to read it silently.

The car is very quiet and very suitable for reading. Kazuto Mogami thinks this is a good place next to the bedroom at home.

Just once, I want to take the Shinkansen heading far away, the setting sun falls into the mountainside, and the shining red light shines on the pages of the book.

Just thinking about it makes me feel relaxed and comfortable.

Suddenly, Kazuto Mogami felt eyes focused on him, so he raised his head slightly and found a girl wearing a mask sitting across from him.

The other party is wearing a student uniform, presumably a high school student, but this point has already passed the class time of high school students, and I feel a little strange in my heart.

When the girl saw Mogami Kazuto, she immediately looked away, but after a while, she wanted to look at Mogami Kazuto again.

Mogami Kazuto has long been used to this kind of daily life, because of this face, he is often accosted by high school girls on the tram, to the point where he is no stranger to it.

After the voice announcement that the train was about to arrive, Kazuto Mogami put away his book, stood up and walked to the door, waiting for the tram to enter the station.

At the same time, the high school student girl also came over. It seemed that she was going to get off at this stop as well.

I just hope that the other party doesn't come to strike up a conversation. Although Mogami Kazuto is very good at rejecting passers-by's strike-up, he always hopes that there will be less trouble in his heart.

However, things eventually unfolded in the direction of trouble.

"That... I'm sorry."

Her voice is very sweet, much softer than those high school girls who came to him in the past, and has a very distinctive voice.

Mogami Kazuto moved half a step aside calmly: "Hello, what can I do?"

"Onisan, were you reading a light novel just now?"


It was the first time Mogami Kazuto was called Onisan after being in the island country for so long, but compared to this, he couldn't understand the high school girl's question.

Does this society no longer allow jobless people in their 20s to read light novels on the tram?
Is it too harsh to treat otaku?

Having said that, Kazuto Mogami was just checking for typos in the upcoming third volume.

That's right, what Kazuto Mogami was reading on the train was the sample of the third volume that Natsuki Yuta sent yesterday, which had just been typeset and printed.

"I just accidentally saw the cover of the light novel you read, big brother, if I read it correctly, it should be "Journey", it is a light novel that I like very much recently.

But the cover is an illustration I haven't seen, so I'm a little curious, I'm sorry for that. "

He spoke honorifics fluently and his attitude was quite sincere, but Mogami Kazuto didn't let his guard down because of this.

So far, he has even been struck up by the excuse of "excuse me, what brand of perfume do you use, it smells good".

Kazuto Mogami never used perfume, so this kind of excuse is really outrageous.

And every time they strike up a conversation, without exception, they are all young and beautiful female high school students.

Therefore, in Mogami Kazuto's mind, the degree of trouble for female high school students in Tokyo is second only to female voice actors.

And the highest level of trouble among female voice actors is Ms. Sakura.

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Sorry, I haven't read the novel you mentioned."

There is still half a month before the release date, and the sample volume in Kazuto Mogami's hands is a genuine commercial secret, so he can only choose to lie.

"Huh? But..."

The girl seemed to want to say something more, the tram arrived at this time, the door of the carriage opened slowly, Mogami Kazuto nodded slightly: "Farewell."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the girl behind him to react, she took the lead on the platform and left.

After leaving the station, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but glance behind him, and was relieved that he didn't see the girl.

It seems that it is better not to read books in public in the future.

According to the address given by Dai Qiuhui, Kazuto Mogami wanted to find a recording studio in a certain building, where he was going to record the broadcast today.

After entering the recording studio, Kazuto Mogami saw Dai Qiuhui immediately.

It stands to reason that with Kazuto Mogami's current position, when he came to record, his manager would not accompany him.

However, besides Kazuto Mogami, Dai Qiuhui is also Miyano Mamoru's manager, so it's not so strange to appear here.

"Good morning, Miss Dai." Mogami Kazuto walked over to say hello.

"Good morning, Mr. Totsuka."

Mogami Kazuto looked around, and there were many staff members who were busy: "Sorry, am I late?"

"It's nothing, there are still 10 minutes before the appointed time, Totsuka-san is very punctual, it's just that we staff need to arrive early."

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

"Mr. Miyano hasn't arrived yet. This is the radio script. You should familiarize yourself with it first. I still have things to do."


So, Kazuto Mogami took the script, looked around, found a corner and sat down, and went to read the script silently.

After knowing that he was going to be on the radio program, Mogami Kazuto went to find a few radio programs to listen to, and probably knew what kind of radio program it was.

After listening to the broadcast, Kazuto Mogami's evaluation of the host of this program, Mr. Mamoru Miyano, was quite subtle.

How should I put it, it's hard to describe, this senior may be a little bit wrong, he doesn't look like a normal person.

Kazuto Mogami didn't know if it was the effect of the show or if he was acting in his true colors. In short, it's better to be careful.

After reading the script for about ten minutes, Mogami and Ren heard Dai Qiuhui call her name, put down the script and walked over.

At this time, another man stood beside Dai Qiuhui.

He is tall, with hair dyed dark blond and permed into a bird's nest hairstyle, with three-dimensional features, a bit like American actor Jim Carrey.

It was the man I met in front of the elevator at the King Records headquarters last time.

 Add more (9/22)

(End of this chapter)

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