After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 202 197. Kazuto Mogami finally found out that he seemed to be the voice actor.

Chapter 202 197. Kazuto Mogami finally found out that he seemed to be the voice actor.

After finishing today's recording work, Kazuto Mogami successfully exchanged LINE with Senior Miyano.

Hmm... This statement seems a bit wrong. It should be said that Mamoru Miyano took the initiative to exchange contact information with Kazuto Mogami.

Although this junior did not seem to be very talkative on the surface, which led to several silences during the broadcast, unexpectedly, he was able to produce some inexplicable divine language speeches every time.

For example, in the middle of the broadcast, Kazuto Mogami suffered from depression again, and suddenly had a life talk with Mamoru Miyano with a straight face.

If it wasn't for the audio supervisor calling to stop later, I'm afraid Kazuto Mogami would still be able to continue talking.

And this made Miyano Mamoru feel that this person was really interesting. After the broadcast, he smiled and asked for Mogami Kazuto's contact information.

Kazuto Mogami, out of etiquette, sent a message saying hello, please take care of me, and Mamoru Miyano replied with his own emoji.

【Totsuka-kun, I'm pretty good at making GIFs, if I have the chance, I'll make some for you too. 】

[Thank you senior, I don't think it is necessary. 】

[You don't have to be so polite to seniors, I will be more handsome. 】

Ah no, I didn't mean that...

Mogami Kazuto sighed heavily and pressed the elevator button.

After leaving the building, Kazuto Mogami thought about what he should do next, and that was the end of today's work.

Starting tomorrow, Kazuto Mogami will need to show up at the company's recording studio frequently. The company originally provided him with a vocal teacher.

Artists under the company, whether they are newcomers or seniors, almost all need to receive professional training.

However, after only one class, the vocal teacher said that he could not teach, and almost got pointed out by Kazuto Mogami.

After this incident, Dai Qiuhui never mentioned the matter of letting Mogami Kazuto accept the study.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon, and it was already past lunch time. Miyano Mamoru originally wanted to invite Mogami Kazuto to lunch.

But after that, he still has another job. He can only eat sandwiches for lunch today, and he can only invite Kazuto Mogami next time.

In this regard, Kazuto Mogami can only lament that the schedule of a well-known singer's seiyuu is really hard.

After much deliberation, Kazuto Mogami decided to eat nearby first. Although the food outside was obviously not as delicious as his, Kazuto Mogami was not that picky, and it was not a big problem to eat out once in a while.

Turning on the mobile phone navigation, Kazuto Mogami picked the nearest family restaurant and walked there for about 10 minutes.

Since there was nothing else to do in the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami set off at a leisurely pace.

With Mogami Kazuto's current savings, buying a car is actually not difficult. It's just that he has been staying at home before, and the range of going out is not far and the frequency is not so frequent. The tram is more convenient.

Although I am not very busy now, in the future I should be busy with broadcasting, recording and other work, and I need to go to different recording studios to record frequently.

With his current coffee position, it is obvious that the company has not yet provided him with a special car, so Mogami Kazuto couldn't help thinking of getting a scooter.

However, new problems emerged.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't have a driver's license.

Whether in his previous life or this life, neither of his two identities had the right to drive a four-wheeled vehicle.

Naturally, there is longing. Mogami Kazuto is an ordinary man after all, and he always has a natural intimacy with machines.

Of course, he has not yet reached the point where he has to buy a car, and he thinks in his heart that he will consider the driver's license when he really needs it in the future.

Although I don't know much about it, it shouldn't be too difficult to get a driver's license, and it must be easy to get it.

Walking all the way, I kept thinking in my heart, and soon I saw the family restaurant that I was navigating.

After entering the restaurant, he sat down by the window and ordered a curry rice. Kazuto Mogami wanted to continue reading the novel he carried with him, but thinking of what happened in the morning, he gave up this idea.

Swiping the phone boredly, time passed by little by little.

【dong dong dong-】

There was a strange sound next to his ear, Kazuto Mogami looked away from the phone, the sound came again, someone was knocking on the window beside him.

Kazuto Mogami looked to one side, and there were two petite girls of similar height standing outside the window, one of them was still wearing a high school uniform, as if he was a high school student.

As for the other one, that's too familiar.

When the two people outside the window saw Kazuto Mogami noticed them, they immediately came to the family restaurant from outside and walked straight to Kazuto Mogami.

"Hello, Totsuka-san, what a coincidence."

Before the person arrived, the voice arrived first, and Qingshui Yousha greeted him very politely with a shallow smile.

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the girl beside her, surprised, but at the same time probably understood the idea of ​​sand in clear water.

"Hello, Minase-san, what a coincidence."

Shimizu Yusa grinned: "Totsuka-san would mind if we sit here?"

You really love acting.

The corners of Mogami Kazuto's mouth twitched indistinctly, so he nodded.

"Hehe, that's great, Rina-chan, let's sit with Totsuka-san."

"Eh? Oh... oh, excuse me."

Hidaka Lina hadn't fully understood the situation, so she could only give Mogami Kazuto a slight nod in a daze.

Just now, she did hear Shimizu Yousha calling this man "Totsuka-san". After all, isn't this man in front of her the one she met on the tram this morning.

"Totsuka-san, let me introduce you. This is Hidaka Rina, who is a voice actor like me, but he is still an active JK."

The girl beside Yousa Shimizu took off her mask and stared at Mogami Kazuto in front of her: "Hi, I'm Hidaka Rina, we should have met this morning."

Now it's Mogami Kazuto's turn to be a little confused. Isn't this name and appearance the same as the voice of the heroine that he had finalized when discussing with Natsuki Yuta a few days ago?

Why did all the female voice actors hit him?
"Hi, Hidaka-san, I'm Totsuka Kazu."

Kazuto Mogami didn't use his real name, and since Shimizu Yousa called him "Totsuka-san" as soon as he came in, he roughly understood what Shimizu Yousa was thinking, so he had to cooperate with her in acting.

"Totsuka-san and I are good friends, and we occasionally eat together like this." Shimizu Yousa explained to Erigakari who was on the side.

Hidaka Rina nodded half-understood, as if she accepted the statement.

However, in Mogami Kazuto's eyes, this behavior was extremely deliberate.

too obvious.

This woman clearly wanted to take advantage of Hidaka Rina's presence to create the impression that "Minase Inori and Totsuka Kazu are ordinary friends who eat together".

If it can be spread, at least in the eyes of people in the industry, it will become quite normal for the two of them to eat together, so as to accomplish her goal of eating together.

Mogami Kazuto silently watched the sand in the clear water, without saying a word.

"What's wrong? Totsuka-san."

Qing Shui Yousha asked with a slightly "confused" expression.

With a faint sigh in his heart, Mogami Kazuto said softly: "No, it's fine."

 As usual, there will be more changes before dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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