After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 231 225. The new voice actor in the station.

Chapter 231 225. The new voice actor in the station.

The next day.

Kazuto Mogami woke up earlier than usual, lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, then prepared to wash up and go for a morning run.

When I was changing shoes at the entrance, I saw boots with clear water and sand. After a little hesitation, I turned and went back to the kitchen.

After I have breakfast for one person, I just put it on the dining table, and I am ready to go for a morning run.

The door of the guest room opened at this moment, and Shimizu Yousha, who was wearing a coat over his nightgown, walked out of the guest room.


Qingshui Yousha rubbed his eyes, still looking sleepy, the female voice actress who got up early, her voice was vaguely lazy.

"Breakfast is already on the table."

"Hmm...thank you, won't Kazuto-san eat with me?"

"I'll go for a morning run first."

"Huh? Now? It's still snowing outside."

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback when he heard the words, and walked to the French window, opened the curtains, and the sunlight poured in, covering the floor, lengthening the shadow of Kazuto Mogami.

After a whole night, the courtyard was completely white, with snow piled up on the withered branches and leaves. The cold December wind blew by, the branches swayed, and the snow fell all over the ground.

Kazuto Mogami shook his head. It was really impossible to go out for a morning run in this weather, so he immediately dismissed the idea.

"There is sand, let's have breakfast first."

"Yes, together with Rensang."

Kazuto Mogami made his own breakfast again, and said casually, "If you're not full, tell me, and I'll make it again."

Qing Shui Yousha coquettishly said in displeasure: "Why do you call me a pig that can't get enough to feed?"

Mogami Kazuto was speechless, just took a bite of the fried egg, and sat in the sandy clear water opposite and said:
"I also want a piece of toast.

No, two slices. "

Kazuto Mogami: "..."

OK, you are the ancestor, you really belong to me.

After breakfast, I went to change clothes and wash with clear water and sand, and Kazuto Mogami was washing dishes in the kitchen.

Not long after, Qingshui Yousha changed his clothes, reappeared in the living room, and walked into the kitchen bouncing around.

"Yousha, should you go to the office? You still have work in the morning."

"Well, I'll be leaving in a while."

Shimizu Yousha nodded in response, but kept his eyes fixed on Mogami Kazuto's profile.

As if thinking of something, a blush slowly climbed up her neck, and she let out a silly "hehehe" smile.

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her, and the panel kept reminding him that his proficiency in "dubbing skills" was constantly improving.

As long as one speaks, the proficiency of dubbing skills will increase. From this point of view, this skill is undoubtedly the easiest to improve.

However, Kazuto Mogami felt that this was the most useless skill.

Because he doesn't need it.



"Breakfast is delicious." Qingshui Yousha expressed his feelings very frankly today.

"That's good."

"Want to go out with me?"

"I don't have a job as a singer today, so I should be writing novels at home."

Shimizu Yousa immediately showed a regretful expression, she originally wanted to enjoy the time of walking to the station with Kazuto Mogami.

"Then it's time for me to go."

"Well, pay attention on the road."

Shimizu Yousha picked up the bag and waved goodbye to Kazuto Mogami.

Mogami Kazuto suddenly raised his head: "There is sand, it's snowing outside, take your umbrella."

"Well, I know."

Shimizu Yousha pulled out a long-handled umbrella from the umbrella tube at the entrance, and left Mogami's house alone.

Outside the house, the gentle and cold snowflakes are all over the sky, and the clear water has sand gently lifting the head of the gnat, exhaling a faint white mist, which slowly dissipates.

Pure white snowflakes like cotton candy slowly fell in front of him.

For some reason, Qingshui Yousha is in a particularly good mood now. It is obviously not the first time to spend the night in this house, but the mood is different from every time in the past.

Feeling the slight touch of snowflakes falling on the umbrella surface and passing along the umbrella ribs, Qingshui smiled and hummed a song in a low voice.

Walking all the way to Yuedao Station, Qingshuiyousha swiped his card to enter the station, and suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps behind him.

Immediately, there was a hasty wind blowing beside her, a figure brushed past her, and Qingshui Yousha was taken aback.

"Ah! I'm very sorry, I'm in a hurry..."

Qingshui Yousha looked up, and saw a young woman bowing to her in a panic.

Just when I was about to say "It's okay", the woman in front of me suddenly showed surprise.

"Huh? Could it be... Ms. Minase?"

Qingshuiyousha was taken aback, unable to react immediately.

The woman covered her mouth in disbelief: "It's really Ms. Minase!"

Qingshui Yousha was puzzled, wondering if she was a fan or something, the woman directly reported her family name.

"It's the first time we met, I'm a new voice actor who just joined I'm, my name is Uchida."

Qingshuiyousha suddenly realized, silently stepped back half a step, and said politely: "It's the first time we meet, Miss Uchida."

Uchida Maaya just joined the office not long ago and has not received a formal job yet, but even so, she still works hard to show up at the office every day, hoping to get acquainted.

As a result, I got up late today, so I hurriedly ran in the subway station, unexpectedly almost bumped into the seniors in the industry.

"I was really sorry just now."

"It's okay, Miss Uchida didn't hit me, please don't take it to heart."

Hearing what Shimizu Yousa said, Uchida Maaya gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it can't be seen on the surface, Maaya Uchida is in a panic now, for fear of angering her seniors. She was banned before her career as a voice actor officially started, so she really can't laugh.

"I've always been Ms. Minase's fan!" Uchida Maaya looked down at Shimizu Yousha in front of her with a little excitement.

"Uh...thank you."

Uchida Maaya thought for a while, and said, "Could it be...does Ms. Minase live nearby?
What a coincidence!My home is nearby too! "


To be honest, Qingshui Yousha didn't know how to answer at all. If she met a newcomer in other places, she might still be chatty.

It's just that she just did something she couldn't do as a popular female seiyuu last night, so it's inevitable that she feels a little guilty at the moment.

You know, she just came out of the man's house who lived alone at this moment.

To be honest, it's not a normal panic.

Therefore, when Uchida Maaya asked this question, Shimizu Yousa could only stand there in embarrassment, hoping that Miss Uchida could understand air better.

Although Uchida Maaya hasn't fully entered the industry yet, she is not a person who can't read her face. At the moment, she thought it was Shimizu Yousha who didn't want to reveal her residence.

"Ah! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't ask such personal matters,"

"No, it's fine." Qingshui Yousha smiled sweetly.

"Compared to this, is Miss Uchida okay?"


"For newcomers, this point should have been reported in the office by now."

Uchida Maaya was stunned when she heard the words, her face turned pale immediately, and she bowed fiercely to Shimizu Yousha a few times.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry first, Ms. Minase!"

Shimizu Yousha nodded with a smile, Uchida Maaya stopped talking, turned around immediately, and disappeared around the corner.

Qingshui Yousha thought for a long time, and said to himself: "A new voice actor who lives nearby..."

 I was called out for a drink, you wouldn't believe it, I was in the bar listening to music and watching people around me drink.With a cold face, he coded with his mobile phone.

  I'm numb.

(End of this chapter)

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