After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 239 233. King Records Christmas chapter special chapter.

Chapter 239 233. King Records Christmas Special.

Not long after, Shimizu Yusa and Ogura Yui walked into the dressing room, Miyano Mamoru greeted them, and Mogami Kazuto followed suit.

Looking at the makeup, they have already done their styling. The men's dressing room is separate from the women's dressing room. I think they were doing makeup in the dressing room before coming, so Mogami Kazuto didn't see them when he came.

After Kazuto Mogami finished his hair, it was time for the live streaming schedule.

Because it is a live webcast, the program flow is roughly written in the script, but the actual content still depends on each person's on-the-spot performance.

Mamoru Miyano has the most seniority and excellent professional ability. He is the most suitable candidate to be the host to control the field.

As for Shimizu Yousa and Ogura Yui, they are all veterans in this respect, and only Kazuto Mogami is a pure newcomer.

In addition, his celebrity status is not very big. To put it bluntly, he is just a supercharger, and his main purpose is to promote his own single at the right time.

When Shimizu Yousha first entered the dressing room, he subconsciously set his eyes on Kazuto Mogami, but only for a moment, he looked away.

Handsome is very handsome, but it looks a little hateful.

Well... hate it, hate it, but I still like it.

Shimizu Yousa is a girl who can face her heart calmly, and she is much better than Mogami Kazuto in this respect. Once a decision is made, it is difficult to be shaken by anything.

Even so, when she saw Aimi Terashima carrying Kazuto Mogami's guitar bag on her back in the morning and leaving the lounge, she almost called Aimi Terashima to stop.

Fortunately, I finally held back.

At this time, there was still an hour before the show started, and the four of them were sitting face to face, talking about the broadcasting later.

Today's program is a Christmas special program released under the name of King Records, the main purpose of which is to promote the recent singing works of the four.

Although Mogami Kazuto is just making up the numbers, but thinking about it from another perspective, he can borrow the traffic of the other three people this time. As a newcomer that King Records has recently promoted, this is a program with a high exposure.

It's no wonder that the superior directly and unilaterally appointed him to play, which also shows that the company really has high hopes for Kazuto Mogami.

There is nothing wrong with it, Kazuto Mogami has a handsome appearance, and singing ability that can be called the top level in the industry, and before his official debut, he has obtained a large number of traffic, which is the most commendable.

If it's not popular like this, then I really don't know what kind of artist can become popular.

Kazuto Mogami is going to promote their debut single this time. Mamoru Miyano and Yusa Shimizu are both promoting their concerts next spring. As for Yui Ogura, this time they are also promoting a group single.

Another member of the group is Hidaka Licai, but Hidaka Licai has not signed a record company.

Hidaka Rina is still a high school student, and she has already spent a lot of time just working as a voice actor. She must not have the energy to sign a record company for the time being.

While the four of them were chatting, Miyano Mamoru suddenly looked at Kazuto Mogami: "Totsuka-kun, about my solo concert next year, do you want to be a guest?"


Kazuto Mogami was stunned for a moment, but didn't realize what it meant, and thought for a few seconds before he understood what Miyano Mamoru meant.

Is this asking him to sing at Miyano Mamoru's solo concert?

Frankly speaking, this is also a kind of bundling sales strategy. Mogami Kazuto doesn’t know if this is Miyano Mamoru’s whim or the company’s benefit.

In short, this is not a question that can be answered on this occasion.

"Uh... how about this, Miyano-senpai."

"I don't know, I haven't asked the company either."

Mogami Kazuto was speechless, all he could say was that it was him.

"Mr. Totsuka, or you can come to my concert."

Shimizu Yousha smiled slightly, and said words that shocked Mogami Kazuto.

"Oh? Ms. Minase also likes Totsuka-kun?"

Miyano Mamoru immediately became interested. It was obviously something that had nothing to do with him, but he was particularly concerned about Mogami Kazuto's affairs, and it was obvious that he really admired him.

Kazuto Mogami, who was the person involved, didn't know what to say, while Yui Ogura, who was the opposite, was in doubt.

It turns out that not only female voice actors, but also male voice actors?
This person is really scary!
And it sounds like not only Hidaka Licai and Terajima Aimi, but even Shimizu and Yousha admire him a lot.

What happened to this world?
Am I the only one who thinks this person is a pervert?
Or, did he really only stretch out his evil claws on himself?
That must be Lolicon!

"I'm still far away. I'm already very nervous about a radio show like Miss Ogura, let alone a concert."

Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to show weakness, and Yui Ogura trembled visibly when he heard him say his name, and then met Kazuto Mogami's gentle and kind eyes.


Ogura Yui could only nod with a dry smile.

Kazuto Mogami was puzzled by her attitude and didn't think much about it.

"Nothing like that, didn't Mr. Totsuka also acted with Miss Amy before, the number of views of that video seems to have exceeded [-] million views.

For a mere concert, I think Mr. Totsuka's aura will be fine. "

"It's okay to attend Ms. Ogura's radio show, but please spare me the concert."


Ogura Yui panickedly picked up the notebook that had fallen on the ground, dodged her eyes, and smiled awkwardly.

Qingshui Yousha cast a puzzled look, thinking in his heart.

"Mr. Miyano, Mr. Totsuka, Miss Shimizu, Miss Ogura, it's almost time to enter the studio."

The staff who appeared suddenly conveyed instructions to several people.

Everyone made a final check in the mirror and left the dressing room together.

Inside the studio.

On the pure white background wall, there are posters about the four of them. There is a long table in front of it. On the long table are mineral water bottles with labels torn off, as well as many album CDs.

Kazuto Mogami consciously sat on the edge, facing the cameras in all directions, feeling some physical discomfort to some extent.

And at the front of the crowd, where the camera couldn't shoot, there was an LCD screen, and now it was showing the waiting screen.

After the live broadcast officially starts, the shooting scene will be played on the screen in real time.

There is sand in clear water, Miyano Mamoru, Ogura Yui, Mogami Kazuto.

This is the arrangement of the four people sitting down.

It was almost seven o'clock at this time, and there were already many people in the channel waiting for the broadcast to start, sending out various barrages.

The supervisor ordered all parties to be in place, saw that the four artists were ready, and finally checked the equipment to ensure the smooth progress of the production and release, and gave the order to start the broadcast.

Thus, the King Records Christmas special program officially begins.

(End of this chapter)

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