After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 245 239. Ms. Sakura's Life Talk.

Chapter 245 239. Ms. Sakura's Life Talk.

12 month 26 day.

Kazuto Mogami took a taxi back last night, and it was already around one in the morning when he got home, so he woke up a little late today.

After washing and eating, I have been writing in the bedroom since then.

The weather is too cold, Kazuto Mogami still feels the safest in the bedroom.

There are still a few days before New Year's Day, and Kazuto Mogami plans to go back to his parents' house tomorrow.

I haven't been back several times in the past six months, and Mogami Kazuto is still very sorry.

It's just that Kazuto Mogami is not very clear about the singer's schedule for next year, so it's hard to say how many days he can go back to live.

In the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami still braved the cold wind and went out to the editorial department to discuss the manga with Natsuki Yuta.

Mogami Kazuto didn't know much about this aspect, so he could only choose a few cartoonist teachers he liked according to his own style of painting, and the final result was decided by the editorial department.

Natsuki Yuta specifically mentioned last night's live broadcast, and said that he posted a barrage, and asked him if he saw it.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry, who could see this.

Let's just ask what he posted, Natsuki Yuta said it was "reserving a name in the front row", and directly left Mogami Kazuto speechless.

Thinking about it, he would not have watched the three-hour live broadcast honestly, he probably just glanced at it for the first time.

Kazuto Mogami didn't have any opinion on this either, he didn't care about this kind of thing, if he had to say it, it would be better to see him have fewer acquaintances.

Although it was only a few tens of seconds, it was showing his face after all.

But just like Qingshui Yousha said, they are a minority in this profession, even if they are well-known actors, not everyone will recognize them.

Kazuto Mogami didn't stay in the editorial department for long, and left after discussing the matter.

On the train going back, Kazuto Mogami put on his headphones and found the video of Aimi Terashima's first online live last night on the Internet.

On the open and bright stage, a girl in a black and red singing suit stood in it.

At some point, her mid-length hair was dyed dark red, with slightly curly ends covering her snow-white neck.

There was a seductive makeup on her face, this was the first time Kazuto Mogami saw her make up.

Even in the first online live, her expression was extremely calm and calm, without any appearance of stage fright.

She is still so sassy, ​​and she is still Aimi Terajima who is full of character.

Contrary to Kazuto Mogami who always triggers broadcast accidents.

What Terashima Aimi was holding was a strange-shaped guitar that Kazuto Mogami had never seen her use.

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback by the exaggerated shape of the guitar.

The crimson piano body looks like an open animal claw, giving people a strong visual impact, dancing like a flame.

The four corners of the piano body are printed with golden five-pointed stars, which are her favorite patterns.

And the whole guitar is like a star in the sky.

She introduced herself with a smile, a sweet smile, and a star-shaped guitar.And to be noticeable.

Kazuto Mogami hasn't watched Aimi Terashima's live for a long time, and he didn't even go to her farewell concert.

Just like what he said to Aimi Terashima back then, he hoped that the next time he saw Aimi Terashima live, it would be on the TV screen.

So, isn't the current form her best answer?

Aimi Terashima is one step closer to her dream.

Seeing Aimi Terashima playing, singing, and enjoying the music to her heart's content, Kazuto Mogami was touched after all.

Recalling when I first met this girl, her precautions, her cautiousness, and after hearing her music at this time, Kazuto Mogami felt shocked.

This is the power of music, and also the power of Aimi Terashima.

After listening to a few songs, the train stopped, and Mogami Kazuto turned off the video.

After hesitating for a moment, he opened the line and found Aimi Terashima's profile picture. He wanted to say some congratulations, but he couldn't.

say what?
I watched your live, very good?

Hmm... not suitable.

After much deliberation, Kazuto Mogami didn't know what to say, and was deeply afraid that Aimi Terashima would misunderstand something because of this.

In the end, I had to give up.

And when Kazuto Mogami just put the phone back into his pocket, he immediately felt a shock.

He took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar mobile phone number.

Mogami Kazuto frowned suspiciously and connected the phone.





"Who is it please?"

Kazuto Mogami thought it was a prank call, and was about to hang up, when a slight female voice rang through the receiver, which had been silent.

It sounds familiar.

"it's me."

Mogami Kazuto hung up the phone immediately without the slightest hesitation.

Within ten seconds, the phone vibrated again.

"Bastard! Why did you hang up on me!"

"I just wanted to ask, how did you know my mobile phone number?"

"I want it from the younger generation."

"Senior? Which junior?"

"Don't tell you."

Mogami Kazuto was speechless, and sighed with a headache, as if every time he heard this woman's voice, he would feel physically uncomfortable.

In short, it is disgusting.

"What's the matter?"

"Please eat."


Mogami Kazuto thought he was hallucinating, or maybe it was actually a dream.

I pinched my arm, it hurts.

"Miss Sakura, didn't your mother teach you not to eat food that falls on the ground? It's not clean."

"Huh? What are you talking about? Is your head broken?"

"I think it's you who lost your head."

"I'm normal."

"Normal Sakura-san wouldn't treat me to dinner, who the hell are you?"

"Mogami! Don't go too far! This lady just wants to treat you to dinner!"

"Thank you, I can't bear it, see you again, don't call me again, I will block you."

"and many more!"


"Actually... I have something I want to discuss with you."

Oh, sure enough.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

"Go find someone else, I really don't know you well."

"What! I obviously answered your life conversation seriously back then!"

"When did I talk to you about my life?"

"When you asked me what life is like, I should have answered you well."

Kazuto Mogami was silent, as if there was indeed such a thing.

But what kind of life talk is that?

Mogami Kazuto firmly refused to admit it.

"Anyway, I'm going to see you at! See you in 10 minutes!"

"Where are you from?"

"Sakura's family."

"I didn't let you talk nonsense!"

There was silence on the phone for a while, Mogami Kazuhito thought she had finally given up and was about to hang up.

"I said, Jun Ren, it is said on the Internet that you are my single pusher, is it true or not?"

Mogami Kazuto's mouth twitched.

Breathing calmly, Mogami Kazuto took a deep breath and said:

"Don't worry, even if I push Miyano-senpai alone, I won't push you."


 I missed Amy's (reality) online live today, woo woo woo

  You would never have imagined that today I was doing a massage while taking off my clothes, and at the same time coded with my mobile phone. I am so strong!

(End of this chapter)

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