After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 250 244. After the family, their new year.

Chapter 250 244. After returning home, their New Year.

When Mogami Kazuto parted from Sakura Ayane, he specifically asked for her friend's name.

He was simply curious as to what kind of person could do such a thing for his work.

What he got was the name of a female voice actress he had never met before.

The second half of the name has a pronunciation similar to Qingshuiyousha.

Remembering that name secretly, Kazuto Mogami finally separated from Ayane Sakura.

Today's Sakura-san is unexpectedly rational, it can almost be said that she has not lost her temper.

To be honest, as long as she learns to shut up and be a quiet girl, her looks are quite pleasing.

At least it will definitely attract the love of many men.

Of course, the men here do not include Mogami Kazuto.

Kazuto Mogami was still a little reluctant to deal with Ayane Sakura, but today, he is not as repulsive as before.

Perhaps, if it hadn't been for that incident, they might have gotten along well.

As for now, friends must not be able to do it. This kind of getting along like acquaintances but having nothing is actually quite good.

Kazuto Mogami is a person who is content with the status quo, even when he saw the change in the intimacy of Ayane Sakura from -999 to -500 on the panel.

Mogami Kazuto didn't have any different thoughts either.

Anyway, it's a negative number, no problem.

The only thing that Kazuto Mogami couldn't figure out was that he had clearly rejected Ayane Sakura's powerless request, but Ayane Sakura's intimacy increased instead of falling, which really baffled him.

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, could this woman be shaking M?
Anyway, thinking about these unimportant things, Kazuto Mogami returned home.

Now it was approaching the end of the year, Kazuto Mogami was lying in the quiet bedroom, and the hustle and bustle outside the house had nothing to do with him.

Staring blankly at the sky outside the window, I saw the sun gradually glowing red, and then disappearing below the horizon, the sun and the moon alternated, and the dark blue night sky bloomed with a wonderful brilliance.

After today is over, there will be tomorrow, and after tomorrow, there will be the day after tomorrow.

Kazuto Mogami thought about his own life. Once upon a time, he set two goals for himself.

One is to become a well-known light novel writer, which is considered a smooth journey.

The other is to become a vlogger with millions of followers.

However, the path he was walking seemed to be getting more and more off course, like a ship lost on the sea.

Although Kazuto Mogami has fans now, it is obviously different from the fans he imagined.

Since it is already an established fact, there is no other way but to accept it silently.

Experience a life that you have never experienced before. This is also one of the tenets of Mogami Kazuto.

Because I have no dreams, I have to experience all kinds of things to find the things that really excite me and the dreams that exist in my heart.

Even if the Tao is not found in the end, it doesn't matter.

Compared with what his dream is, Mogami Kazuto hopes that he can enjoy this journey of finding his dream.

For sure, it won't be boring.

Kazuto Mogami began to believe so firmly.



The next day.

Kazuto Mogami woke up early and started jogging on the newly installed treadmill in the corner of the living room as soon as he went downstairs.

At noon, the temperature gradually rose, Kazuto Mogami put on his coat and scarf, left the house, and walked towards the station.

On the tram back to Ueno, Mogami Kazuto was very calm inside, quietly putting his hands in his pockets, with only a pair of captivating black eyes showing on his masked face.

It seems that as long as you take a look, you will be attracted by the depth of his eyes, which makes girls have the urge to know him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught two young girls in their teens, looking at him with bright eyes, talking softly to each other.

Kazuto Mogami sighed inwardly.

Then, Kazuto Mogami closed his eyes.

The sound of the tram running, the breathing of the passengers, and the tapping of the virtual keyboard of the mobile phone with the fingertips can be heard in the ear.

Occasionally there is the sound of flipping magazine pages or newspapers.

Originally thinking that he would not attract attention, he pretended to be asleep, but it seemed that he really fell asleep.

Winter is such a terrible season that people can't help but want to sleep again and again.

After arriving at Ueno Station, Kazuto Mogami did not go back to his parents' house immediately. Instead, he walked for a long time and bought many gifts for the New Year.

Finally boarded the bus home.

Since he officially confessed to his parents, he no longer had the depressed state of mind at that time, and no longer had to think about how to deceive them and how to hide them.

Standing in front of them in his original posture.

Compared with half a year ago, Mogami Kazuto's mentality has indeed changed quite a lot.

The former Mogami Kazuto would be troubled by the fact that he was the sinner who took the life of their son.

But with the passage of time, the heart-to-heart dialogue with his father and mother, I don't know when it started, Kazuto Mogami has already treated them as real parents.

Then, there is nothing wrong with acting as their son for a lifetime.

They don't know anything, and they still look ordinary and happy.

"I am back."

Opening the door, Mogami Kazuto took off his shoes and entered the house.

Mogami Chiyo is cleaning the living room. After several months of recuperation, his body has almost recovered, but Mogami Kazuto still hopes that she will not work so hard, and he can still afford the housekeeping money.

However, Mochiyo disagreed, saying that he had to clean up his own home so that he would feel at ease when he lived in it.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't hold her back, so he could only tell her to pay attention to her body, bought a lot of supplements that she didn't know if they were useful, and was scolded for spending money indiscriminately.

Mogami Kazuto felt that he was very strange. He didn't dislike his mother's gentle reprimand at all, but he felt kind to it.

He felt that this should also be one of the proofs that he gradually integrated into the world.

"Heren, you're back."

Even though he had already said hello a few days ago and would come back, the mother would still show a pleasant smile of surprise after seeing her son's face.

"Well, how are you doing?"

"Okay, I can beat your dad already."

Mokamiyo was joking in a rare way.

Mogami Kazuto hoped that this was indeed a joke, and laughed along with Mokami Chiyo.

Kazuto Mogami put the things he bought in the living room, and returned to his bedroom on the second floor with a bag containing a change of clothes.

Familiar layout, familiar floor, familiar single bed.

Mogami Kazuto put the bag on the ground casually, walked to the desk, and lightly brushed the edge of the desk with his fingertips.

Fingers are spotless.

It seems that Mokamichiyo has been cleaning his room all the time.

Kazuto Mogami sighed and shook his head, he really hoped that his mother would not have to work so hard.

He glanced over the desk, and suddenly found that there seemed to be something missing on the desk.

Mogami Kazuto frowned slightly, and immediately opened the drawer, and saw the item.

Reaching out to pick up the upside-down photo frame, the boy and girl in the photo have such bright smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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