Chapter 253 247. New Year's Eve.

Today is February 12.

For the past two days lying flat at his parents' house, Kazuto Mogami still maintains a good schedule. His daily routine is to get up early, read the news, and eat oranges.

Although Mogami Kazuto had mentioned that during the time he was at home, his mother could cook by herself without having to work so hard.

But it was still rejected by Mochiyo.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami is like a rice bug in his 20s who has not gone out to work and only gnaws at home, living a miserable life every day.

According to the development in the light novel, it is easiest for him to be taken to another world by truck in such a living state, and then show his true skills in the other world.

Maybe he could end up with three wives.

Of course, light novels are light novels after all, Kazuto Mogami doesn’t want to go on an adventure in another world.

As for the three wives.


After eating lunch made by his mother, Mogami watched TV in the living room with someone, and chatted with his mother for a while.

After that, I went back to the bedroom on the second floor and read a book alone in the room.

He kind of wanted to write novels, but he didn't have a computer at home.

This is not the first time that Mogami Kazuto has encountered such a situation, including when he went to the company to record songs, and sometimes sat in the coffee shop for an entire afternoon.

It's not that Kazuto Mogami has never thought about buying a laptop computer, but he still feels that writing novels in his bedroom is the most reassuring for him.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't like to go out. If he takes an unmanned train and goes to the countryside in the countryside, he may be able to yearn for it.

But if he was walking against the cold wind on the streets of the metropolis, he still felt that it would be better to sleep at home.

Kazuto Mogami is very happy to go on journeys to unknown destinations like those in the book, to see things and scenes that have never been seen before.

Going to the countryside far away from Tokyo, maybe because of a whim, you may even settle in the countryside and live a comfortable pastoral life every day.

He felt that he was suitable for that kind of life, suitable for lying on the porch basking in the sun, suitable for walking alone in the deserted fields.

Suitable for farming.

It's a pity that he doesn't have that chance now.

As for the future, what will happen in the future, who can say for sure.

Mogami Kazuto, who was lying in the bedroom doing nothing, suddenly thought of what Sakura Ayane said that day.

According to his memory, he entered the name of the female voice actor in the phone, and after looking at it for a while, he found that the female voice actor was a more famous and popular voice actor than he imagined.

On the homepage of the official website of her agency, it is impressively written that she has temporarily stopped her voice actor activities, and the work she holds will be handed over to other voice actors to complete.

He couldn't help feeling sorry for it.

Thinking of the appearance of Ayane Sakura at that time, that arrogant and arrogant woman, praying to him with sincerity.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head, what does this have to do with him.

He doesn't like the saying that with great power comes great responsibility.

Moreover, he never felt that he was such a capable person. The abilities endowed by the panel are foreign things after all, even if they disappear suddenly, it is not such a strange thing.

He thinks it is very important to stick to one's heart.

Becoming a singer, after all, is to experience a different life than before, not what he wants to occupy.

Complacent because of external forces, gradually become inflated, escalating their own ambitions,

He's not for that kind of thing.

To write a good novel and live a good life without worrying your parents is the biggest wish of Kazuto Mogami now.



12 month 31 day.

The last day of the year.

Early in the morning, after Kazuto Mogami had breakfast, he curled up in the kotatsu in the living room, silently swiping his phone.

One thing to say, the kotatsu is really a good thing.

Mogami Kazuren didn't have such a thing at home, so at first he found it troublesome and unnecessary.

I have never used it in my previous life, and I don't know what it feels like. Only after using it, I feel that it is really fragrant.

If it wasn't for the end of winter, Mogami and Kazuto would like to have one at Tsukishima's house.

His father, Mogami Junpei, came over, sat down on the floor as well, and stretched his legs into the kotatsu.

"and people."


"how's the work going recently?"

"Work?'s not bad, sales are pretty good."

Kazuto Mogami hasn't told his parents about becoming a singer, they usually don't pay much attention to such things, let alone Kazuto Mogami is not well-known to that extent.


"Not about that, about the singing job."


Mogami Kazuto was stunned immediately, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Mogami Chiyo, who was holding a teacup, came over at this moment, put down the teacup in front of the two of them, and said to Mogami Kazuto with a smile:
"Your dad has been reading reviews of your novels on the Internet, and later found out what account you have on the Internet. I don't understand this, and then found out that you were singing."

"Don't say unnecessary things."

Mogami Junpei looked at his wife dissatisfied, and Mogami Chiyo chuckled.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly realized that the name he debuted as a singer was the same as the pseudonym he wrote the novel under. As long as he did a little search on the Internet, he would know about this kind of thing, and anyone could find it out.

Kazuto Mogami was just surprised, he didn't expect his father to search for his works on the Internet, which made him a little embarrassed.

Mogami Junpei didn't seem to be much better. He coughed and said, "I just want to read my son's book. What kind of evaluation is it? Anyway, I think it's quite good."

Mogami Kazuto smiled faintly: "Thank you Dad."

"Your dad always wanted to bring your novels to school for his students to read, but I stopped him."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry, I have to say that in this regard, Chiyo is still the most rigorous, otherwise this would be a loving father opening the box for his son with tears in his eyes.

Kazuto Mogami didn't want to encounter such a situation, and immediately dissuaded his father, saying that such a thing must never be done.

Being told by his wife and son at the same time, Mogami Junpei had no choice but to give up the idea.

Kazuto Mogami thought that after returning home, his parents would keep talking about Saori Xiaonishi.

However, in fact, neither Mogami Junpei nor Mokami Chiyo deliberately avoided mentioning this name.

Thinking of the fact that his mother put the childhood photo of him and Xiaonishi Saori in the drawer in his bedroom, Mogami Kazuto can feel the love of his parents for him.

Kazuto Mogami is undoubtedly lucky, at least his parents in this life also love him.


In the evening, I had dinner with my parents and sat in front of the TV, preparing to watch the upcoming Red and White Song Concert.

Mogami Junpei said with a smile that he would like to see his son being able to attend the Kohaku Song Concert anytime, Mogami Kazuto could only smile wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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