Chapter 255 249. Heren, sit down.

Mogami Junpei patted Mogami Junpei hard, and Mogami Junpei looked at his wife suspiciously.

Mochiyo secretly glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and then pointed to the vibrating mobile phone on the table after withdrawing his gaze.

"Why?" Mogami Junpei asked.

Mogami Chiyo whispered: "It seems to be a girl calling."

Mogami Junpei gave her a strange look: "Girls are girls, my son is so handsome, why is it so strange that a girl calls?"

Of course Mochiyo knew this truth, but he was really curious, and continued to ask: "Hey, tell me, could it be Kazuto's girlfriend."

"will not."

Mogami Junpei answered almost instantly, and Mogami immediately became unhappy when he heard the words.

"How do you know it won't, what if it is?"

"It's not that you don't know what your son's personality is. If you really have a girlfriend, you just told me about it. As for hiding it?"

"That being said, what if?"

"Wouldn't it be better if it was a girlfriend? You have a daughter-in-law again."

When Mochiyo heard that it was indeed such a rationale, he became happy again.

However, no matter how curious she was, Mochiyo would never answer his son's phone without authorization.

I could only let the phone vibrate, and finally it turned into a missed call record, which stayed on the phone screen.

Not long after, Kazuto Mogami's phone vibrated again.

Mogami Chiyo glanced at the name on it again, and immediately slapped Mogami Junpei on the shoulder frantically.

"what happened again?"

"My son called again."

"Call as soon as you call, maybe you need to find him for something, just wait for him to come out after taking a shower."

"But the girl's name this time is different from the one just now."

Mochiyo is a woman after all, and liking gossip is something engraved in her bones, not to mention that this is her son's gossip, which concerns her new daughter-in-law.

Mogami Junpei's performance was much calmer than hers.

"The son also has his own interpersonal relationships, isn't it just a few calls from girls, it's no big deal."

Mochiyo was not happy when he heard this, and raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean? Do you think it is normal for many girls to call men? Then do you have many female students calling you?"

Mogami Junpei could never have imagined that his casual remark would bring disaster upon him.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are still at home, don't make up things for me that don't exist."

Mogami Chiyo just casually said that she knew very well what kind of person Mogami Junpei was.

The phone that rang this time was the same as the last one. I hadn't answered it for a long time, and there was no more movement.

The number of missed calls displayed on the phone screen has changed to two.

Mogami Chiyo stared at Mogami Kazuto's cell phone for a long time, then nudged Mogami Junpei with his elbow: "Do you think there will be other girls calling?"

"Impossible... By the way, are you so sure that you are a girl? Can't you be a female senior in her 40s who has similar jobs?"

Mochiyo thought about it for a long time, and said with some embarrassment: "I can accept it at the age of 30, but not at the age of 40. Kazuto probably won't like him who is so much older."


Mogami Junpei was speechless, the content of his chat with his wife was not on the same channel at all.

He just wanted to continue to say something, telling her not to stare at Mogami Kazuto so closely, for fear of causing unnecessary pressure on her son.

Mogami Junpei is a relatively stable person, and he is very aware that the pressure that Mogami released invisibly like this may have an impact on Mogami Kazuto, and I hope she will try not to get in touch with Mogami Kazuto as much as possible.

As for getting married, although my son is a divorced young man, he is handsome, talented, and still very young, so there is no need to worry about not finding a girlfriend in the future.

I was planning to persuade my wife, but my phone, which had been silent for a while, vibrated again.

Mochiyo looked at it for the first time, and then stopped talking.

"what happened?"

Mochiyo looked strange: "It's the name of a girl I haven't seen before, the third one."


Even Mogami Junpei gradually didn't know how to answer.

Today is New Year's Eve, and it is the time of the New Year's Eve. If it is not very good, why would they choose this time to call Mogami Kazuto.

Even if it is not a lover relationship, it will definitely not be an ordinary friend or colleague relationship.

Mogami Junpei thought there was nothing wrong with this kind of thing, but three of them came at once, which is really a bit interesting.

Could it be that the son who has always been very gentle and well-behaved is actually a merciful sea king?

Mogami Junpei hesitated for a while.

And Mochiyo gradually changed from being happy at first to worrying.

She was having the same thoughts as Junpei Mogami.

Looking at the three missed call records on their son's cell phone, the parents began to waver.

After a long time, Mogami Kazuto changed into pajamas and came out of the bathroom.

The clock hanging on the wall ushered in zero at this moment.

New Year's Day is here.

Mogami Kazuto was wiping his hair with a towel, walked towards the living room, and said casually, "Dad, Mom, I'm done washing."

Mogami Junpei did not speak, and Mogami Junpei glanced at his son:
"Heren, come and sit down."

"Huh? Oh."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what happened, so he sat cross-legged opposite his father.

Glancing at the clock, Mogami Kazuto said with a light smile just after midnight, "Dad, Mom, Happy New Year."

However, his parents didn't reply as he expected, but had a serious look on their faces.

Mogami Kazuto was slightly stunned, puzzled and asked: "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Mogami remained silent, Mogami Junpei glanced at his wife, and coughed softly: "Kazuto, we really won't meddle in your private affairs too much."

"Huh? Oh... oh oh."

Although I don't quite understand what he is talking about, but nodding is always right.

"But, dad, I think it's better for a man to be single-minded, just like your dad and me."

Mogami Kazuto didn't understand why Mogami Junpei boasted, but he nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think Dad's right."

Mogami Junpei and his wife looked at each other, seeing that his son was so calm, he didn't look like the kind of scumbag who played with many women.

Besides, his family doesn't have the gene of a scumbag, so it's unlikely that such a thing would happen.

Then, Mogami Junpei changed his mind.

"Kazuto, maybe you haven't thought about that, but girls are easily attracted to outstanding boys.

Maybe you don't have that idea, but what about the other party? "

"Dad, what exactly are you trying to say?" Kazuto Mogami became more and more confused the more he listened.

"Father wants to tell you that you must grasp the degree of getting along with girls."

"I know this."

you know?
you know shit!
Do you know that there will be so many girls calling you on New Year's Eve? !
(End of this chapter)

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