After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 267 261. He doesn't lie, someone will.

Chapter 267 261. He doesn't lie, someone will.

Mogami Kazuto stepped on the tram to go home, and received a call from his parents on the tram. Mogami Kazuto said that he had gone to visit New Year's shrine with his friends, but his parents didn't ask carefully.

Not long after I hung up the phone, a young girl in a kimono stood not far away, looking secretly, as if she wanted to strike up a conversation.

A phone call at the right moment rang, and Kazuto Mogami didn't even pay attention to the strange number, so he answered it immediately.

"Hello, hello."

Seeing this, the girl in kimono had no choice but to take back the steps she had just taken halfway, blaming herself for not being able to go up faster.

On Kazuto Mogami's side, after connecting the phone, he was waiting for the other party to speak.

"Hey, it's me."

"Phone scam?"


Of course Kazuto Mogami knew that this was not a phone scam. If it was a phone scam, he could hang up now, and he would be much more relaxed that way.

"What's the matter? Miss Sakura." Mogami Kazuto imitated the way the housekeeper of the noble lady's house spoke in the animation, trying to disgust her.

"Hey... can you stop using this tone, it's a bit disgusting."

Obviously, Kazuto Mogami's battle was successful.

"Just tell me something."

Mogami Kazuto's tone was as flat as ever, but the strong impatience in the past was gone.

"What, you are so indifferent, I just want to say a happy new year, what is your attitude."

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback for a moment, pondered for a while, and then slowly responded:

"Well, happy new year."


Ayane Sakura on the other end of the phone snorted disdainfully, then fell silent.

Mogami Kazuto thought for a while, thinking that if someone is willing to make a special phone call to say hello during the New Year's Eve, he really can't be too perfunctory.

"I'm just a little surprised you're calling me."

"Anyway, I didn't call you specifically, I was just looking at the address book list to wish you New Year's greetings one by one."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know the truth of this statement, but it was indeed like Sakura Ayane's style.

He suddenly remembered what she had said when he met Xiaoxi Saori before.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami couldn't help but said: "You are really busy. Not only do you have to go out to pay homage today, but you also make phone calls to pay New Year's greetings."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Is not it?"

"Not everyone will go out on New Year's Day. Well, I don't want to go out early in the morning to visit New Year's worship. It's a hard holiday. Today I will stay in the kotatsu all day."

Faced with Sakura Ayane's open declaration, Kazuto Mogami gradually fell silent.

He didn't need to confirm to Sakura Ayane, he had already learned of Nishi Saori's lie.

This is not difficult to understand. If it were Mogami Kazuto at that time, he would probably choose to lie.

In this respect, they may have a semblance of similarity.

Through the window of the tram, Kazuto Mogami looked at the heavy snow falling outside the window, and Kazuto Mogami had a strange feeling.

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, I'm listening."

"Listen to a ghost, you are obviously distracted."

"Sorry, I'm on the tram."

"Tch! Anyway, let's go out with a pretty girl again, scumbag."

"I don't understand at all how you came to that inference."

"Anyway, you didn't deny it."

"Well... it's true that I'm going out, visiting the New Year's shrine."

Sakura Ayane is obviously not interested in this kind of thing.

"If it's okay, let's do it first."

"Wait a moment!"

"what happened again?"

"About last time..."

Mogami Kazuto frowned slightly, he had obviously rejected it so thoroughly, he couldn't understand why Ayane Sakura still didn't give up.



Kazuto Mogami was silent, waiting for Ayane Sakura to continue.

"After that, I told Zhong Jiang about the incident, and she reprimanded me for what I did, but in turn comforted me and thanked me."

Kazuto Mogami was stunned.

"Do you know where I went wrong?"


"In that case, then I have nothing to say."

Kazuto Mogami is not her father, so there is no need to teach her what is wrong and how to correct it.

He is too lazy to do such a thing.

"Tianjiang asked me to tell you that I have caused you trouble."

"It's not her who caused me trouble, but you, so she doesn't need to feel guilty." Mogami Kazuto said bluntly.

But Kazuto Mogami knew very well that this was what Ayane Sakura wanted to hear.

And Kazuto Mogami really thought so.

Sakura was silent for a while.

"Hey, the best."


"Did you already think of this at the time?"

It is unacceptable for any seiyuu to let other people imitate their own voice and play this kind of thing on their behalf.

Sakura Ayane is also a voice actor herself, but she didn't expect this.

"Well... that's right."

"That's why you refused my request?"

"Not all, more because I am afraid of trouble."

"You are quite honest."

"I've always been honest."

Sakura Ayane on the other end of the phone chuckled, Mogami Kazuto had never heard her talk to him in such a kind voice, and was not used to it.

But it is undeniable that the voices of the voice actors are very nice.

"upper most."


"Although you are a scumbag, but... thank you, I almost hurt my friend."

"You're welcome, Caiyin-chan."

"This name is still very annoying, I don't like it."

"I know, that's why I said that."

"You are really bad."

"I've said it many times, it's not as bad as you."

Mogami Kazuto thought that Sakura Ayane would bicker with him again like before, but this time, Sakura Ayane surprisingly didn't do that.

"Well, it was my fault."

Today is very frank.

"Actually, it's really an obvious problem. If I were myself, if I knew that someone would imitate my voice and play the role I played, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to bear it."

"According to your temperament, I'm afraid you will still go crazy."

Kazuto Mogami couldn't see her expression, he just felt that her face must be very exciting now, and he was very happy to see Ayane Sakura's deflated appearance.

"Maybe it's like what you said. If you just take over my role, it's fine. If you can imitate the exact same voice as mine, I might collapse."

"I wish you'd realized that then."


Maybe it's because she has experienced many things. Although the current Sakura Ayane is as arrogant as ever, she can no longer see the unruliness of the past.

People do grow up.

I just hope that before she does everything in the future, she can recall this regret today, that will definitely be beneficial to her.

Moreover, it can effectively reduce the troubles she brings to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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