After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 272 266. May I ask if you can accept voice actors with thick legs?

Chapter 272 266. May I ask if you can accept voice actors with thick legs?
If you turn back the time to a few months ago, go back to the time before Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi divorced.

He told Kazuto Mogami at the time that one day he would sit in a coffee shop like this with Ayane Sakura and chat for an entire afternoon.

Mogami Kazuto would never believe it.

However, when time passed logically and the sun gradually sank to the horizon, Kazukazu Mogami noticed how absurd his current behavior was.

He actually sat with Ayane Sakura in the coffee shop all afternoon because of a phone call from her.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't figure out what was going on in his head.

Throughout the afternoon, the topics they talked about were basically work-related.

Kazuto Mogami's current job is actually quite difficult to separate from the voice actors. After all, most of the artists under his King Records are both voice actors and singers.

It's actually quite rare to be a pure singer like him.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help wondering if he signed with the wrong record company, and wondered if it was too late to switch to Sony Music.

Of course, this is obviously impossible.

And Ayane Sakura seemed to be working at night, and Kazuto Mogami did nothing except drink a cup of coffee and two pieces of cake.

Before Sakura Ayane left, she also said that in order to thank him, she would invite him to dinner next time.

Kazuto Mogami replied, if you really want to thank me, delete my number.

Sakura Ayane was naturally angry, she gave a vicious look, and left without looking back.

Before leaving, she didn't forget to settle the bill, but she kept her word.

After Ayane Sakura left the cafe, Kazuto Mogami was still sitting on the chair, opened the panel and took a look.

Good guy.

Mogami Kazuto's mentality completely collapsed.

If he remembers correctly, Ayane Sakura's previous intimacy should be around -1500, and Kazuto Mogami can't remember the exact number.

A full 1400 increase, it shouldn't be so fast by rocket.

However, he didn't feel that Sakura Ayane's attitude towards him was any different from before.

This puzzled him.

In the end, he didn't bother to think about the problems he couldn't figure out.

After all, that woman's head has more or less problems, and it's not incomprehensible.

The only thing that shocked Kazuto Mogami was that Aimi Terajima signed a contract with a voice actor agency and was about to debut as a voice actor.

Mogami Kazuto wouldn't feel repulsive towards Aimi Terashima just because of this kind of thing, but he really didn't expect such an operation.

He first debuted as a singer, then went to a voice actor school, and finally became an amphibious artist who became a voice actor singer.

Kazuto Mogami was a little afraid of repeating this process on himself.

In short, you have to be on guard first.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, Mogami Kazuto didn’t have a decisive reason to reject being a voice actor, he just felt that he would get into a lot of trouble in that circle.

In line with the mentality that more things are worse than less things.

However, the reality is that even if he didn't become a seiyuu, he still had a lot of troubles around him. It's really a very sad story.

After returning home by car from Shinjuku and arriving at Tsukishima Station, Kazuto Mogami first went to the supermarket for shopping.

Perhaps because of becoming a voice actor, when Kazuto Mogami was shopping in the supermarket, Maaya Uchida was almost invisible.

Well, although Maaya Uchida couldn't be seen, Kazuto Mogami seems to have seen another person surnamed Uchida.

When he wanted to pretend he didn't know him and turn around, it was too late, the boy had already come up to him.

"Ah... Mister Mogami?"

Now that he had been discovered by the other party, Mogami Kazuto naturally couldn't be more rude, so he immediately smiled and walked over.

"Hello, Happy New Year, Mr. Uchida."

The person who came was Uchida Maaya's younger brother, Uchida Yuma.

It is difficult for Uchida Yuma to judge his age by his appearance. Maybe it is not polite to say so, but in terms of height, he is indeed a little immature.

And he always has a big and sunny smile, which makes him look younger.

Kazuto Mogami thinks he should be 19-20 years old.

"Happy New Year. What a coincidence, Mr. Mogami is also here to buy things?"

Mogami Kazuto smiled faintly: "Yes."

Then he looked around.

Uchida Yuma noticed Kazuto Mogami's eyes and said with a smile, "My sister is still in the office, so she didn't come with me."

Mogami Kazuto felt a little embarrassed, wanted to explain, but didn't know how to say it.

But Uchida Yuma doesn't seem to be a person who cares about such things, that sunny smile is very contagious.

At least he is more comfortable than women.

After all, men love to play with men.


Kazuto Mogami was going to pay the bill, and Yuma Uchida seemed to be doing the same, so the two naturally walked together.

While waiting in line for the checkout, Uchida Yuma kept chattering about various things about his sister, and Mogami Kazuto had no room to interrupt, and could only keep smiling.

"Mr. Uchida, you should have a good relationship with your sister."

"Just call me Yuma."

"Uh... isn't it very good."

"Hey, what's the matter, Mogami-san is older than me, it's normal."

Uchida Yuma smiled and patted Mogami Kazuto on the shoulder. Mogami Kazuto was not very good at dealing with familiar people here, so he could only nod with a wry smile.

"That... Yuma-kun, are you still in school?"

"No, I'm still studying at the institute."

"Cultivation center?"

"Well, I'm trying to become a voice actor."

Come on, another one.

Mogami Kazuto felt that he should not have asked this question.

The main reason is that he really can't chat, so he can only ask about such unnutritive topics as where to go to school.

But Kazuto Mogami now sees it away. Anyway, among the people he knows, voice actors have already been flooded.

On the bright side, at least Uchida Yuma is a man, a rare species.

After getting along with Ayane Sakura for a long time, Kazuto Mogami also began to learn to think with positive and optimistic thoughts.

I don't know if this is a good thing.

"Speaking of which, Mogami-san."

"what happened?"

"What does Mogami-san do?"

Was it so blatant when you first came up?

Mogami Kazuto was a little at a loss, but after thinking for a while, he answered truthfully: "Writing novels."

"Huh? That's amazing!"

"Nothing like that." Mogami Kazuto smiled modestly.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Uchida Yuma asked.

"Uh...not yet."

"What type do you like? Can you accept small thick legs? It's not particularly thick, a little bit thick, about this thick."

Uchida Yumat put down the shopping box deliberately, and gestured with both hands.


Seeing Kazuto Mogami looked a little frightened, Yuma Uchida coughed and looked around first, as if he was afraid of meeting someone he knew.

So, he quietly approached.

Because of his height, Uchida Yuma couldn't reach Mogami Kazuto's ear, so he could only whisper in front of Mogami Kazuto:

"Mogami-san, what do you think of my sister?"


(End of this chapter)

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