Chapter 283 277. Mogami's meal today.

After finishing the phone call with Ayane Sakura, Kazuto Mogami sat on the bed for 5 minutes, and then called Dai Qiuhui.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hi, Miss Dai, hello."

"Totsuka-san, what's wrong?"

"I want to ask, what is the radio program you arranged for me?"

"Broadcast? Oh... I don't think I told you, I'm sorry."

"No way."

"The program is Ms. Sakura Ayane's personal broadcast. The recording time is currently scheduled for the middle of this month. The specifics depend on Ms. Sakura's itinerary.

Mr. Totsuka should have heard that Ms. Sakura has a very busy work schedule, so it's hard to say when. "

After getting a clear answer from Dai Qiuhui, Mogami Kazuto suddenly didn't know what to say.

After hesitating for a long time, he asked, "Excuse me... why is it Ms. Sakura?"


"I mean, why did you arrange for me to participate in Ms. Sakura's personal program?"

"Hmm...does Mr. Totsuka think it's better to go to the sling?"

Of course Kazuto Mogami knew what a "slinging platform" was, and repeatedly denied Dai Qiuhui's statement.

"I thought it would be Miyano-senpai's broadcast, but Miss Sakura and I haven't had much contact with each other, so it's just a surprise."

"I thought Mr. Totsuka would be very happy. The outside world is saying Mr. Totsuka, you are Ms. Sakura's single pusher, and you didn't imitate Ms. Sakura's voice on the broadcast of Ms. Hidaka and Ms. Ogura before. what?
I think it should be a good gimmick. "

Thank you so much.

Kazuto Mogami didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at the moment. Even when he was writing novels, Kazuto Mogami never felt his lack of vocabulary like he did at this moment.

After much deliberation, Kazuto Mogami can only use "Life is really unpredictable" to describe his current state of mind.

"I will inform you separately when there is a specific recording time."

Kazuto Mogami opened his mouth, obviously unable to say "I don't want to be on her broadcast". Children can freely express their feelings, but Kazuto Mogami, an adult, cannot say such willful words of.

In the end, Kazuto Mogami could only say "thank you" politely, and ended the call with Dai Qiuhui.

Sitting blankly on the bed, Mogami Kazuto stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After an unknown amount of time, the phone beeped "Didi Didi", and I glanced numbly at it. It was the twelve o'clock alarm clock set last night.

Mogami Kazuto was completely sleepless at the moment, after turning off the alarm clock, he got out of bed, instead of going downstairs to wash up immediately, he turned on the computer.

After browsing Twitter, Kazuto Mogami saw the news that a mysterious guest would appear on the next broadcast on Sakura Ayane's official account.

Sakura Ayane herself doesn't use these social software, so someone from an office should deal with it.

It seems that he can't escape going to the broadcast of Ayane Sakura.

But after Kazuto Mogami calmed down, he felt that the matter wasn't too bad, and he couldn't say what kind of relationship he had with Ayane Sakura.

But there is no doubt that their relationship is much better than it was a few months ago.

Even so, Mogami Kazuto didn't feel like he was friends with her.

In short, since it is something that has already been decided, it is useless to think too much.

Moreover, it is better to go to the personal broadcast of Ayane Sakura than to go to the slingstone, there is a heavyweight there.

After figuring it out, Kazuto Mogami went downstairs to wash and eat.

In the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami checked the full text of the fourth volume of "Journey to Death" again, and revised many parts that he was not satisfied with. This state lasted until six o'clock in the evening.

After he confirmed that it was correct, he sent the completed draft to Natsuki Yuta's mailbox.


In the next few days, Kazuto Mogami never showed up at the company, and what he usually did most was to constantly modify some plot bugs proposed by Natsuki Yuta.

It is much more difficult to revise the text I have written than to create it from scratch, but it is an essential process for the completion of the work.

And when the manuscript of the fourth volume was fully finalized, it was already mid-January.

Coupled with a series of matters announced in the early stage, finally, the release date of the fourth volume of "Journey to Death" was set on February [-]th.

Coincidentally, it was the same day as Kazuto Mogami's upcoming single.

What's even more coincidental is that the voice actress of the radio drama "Journey to the Dead" is Ayane Sakura, so the dubbing of the latest volume's promotional pv also falls on Ayane Sakura.

Now, he, Totsuka and Sakura Ayane had single-handedly pushed the matter, and there was a lot of evidence.

Of course, with the name of Sakura Ayane, it is likely to be able to increase a lot of sales, so it cannot be said that it is completely a bad thing.

In short, Kazuto Mogami found that he had a lot more contact with Ayane Sakura at work.



1 month 21 day.

five o'clock at night.

Kazuto Mogami is cooking dinner at home, and today's dishes are particularly rich, one dish after another, being brought to the table by him non-stop.

Of course Kazuto Mogami couldn't eat so much by himself.

At this time, on the sofa in the living room of Moshang's house, a petite girl with a ball head was curled up on the sofa, eating potato chips and watching a variety show.

"There is sand, eat less snacks, it's time to eat in a while."


Mogami Kazuto's voice came from the cooking counter, Shimizu Arisha responded in a long voice, then folded the empty bag of potato chips forcefully and stuffed it into the trash can at his feet.

Stretch out her pink tongue, lick her fingertips back and forth twice, she jumped off the sofa with clear water and sand, the slippers made a "tap, tap" sound, and bounced to the kitchen.

"Heren-san, isn't dinner ready yet?"

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her, there were some potato chip crumbs on her lips, on Shimizu's small and fair face.

Reluctantly, he took out two tissues and handed them to her. Kazuto Mogami poked his lips with his finger, indicating that there was something on her lips.

Qing Shui You Sha was slightly stunned, and immediately took the tissue with a smile, and wiped his mouth.

"Heren-sang, points will be deducted for what you did just now."


"Normally speaking, shouldn't you pick it off with your hands and eat it yourself?"

"It sounds like a baby with a face full of rice, something a mother would do in desperation."

Facing the super straight ball with clear water and sand, Kazuto Mogami was able to resolve it without changing his face.

Mogami Kazuto's answer made Qingshui Yousha very dissatisfied, so he puffed up his cheeks angrily.

After Mogami Kazuto lifted the lid of the pot and the room was filled with the smell of stewed meat, she smiled again with bright eyes.

Mogami Kazuto silently took out two tissues and handed them to her.

"I've wiped the potato chips clean."

Mogami Kazuto glanced at Shimizu Yousha, looked at the crystal silk thread drooping from the corner of her mouth, and said helplessly:
"Drool is almost dripping down."

(End of this chapter)

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