After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 286. 280. "Sakura Ayane's Non-Lonely Broadcast"

Chapter 286 280. "Sakura Ayane's Non-Lonely Broadcast" (two in one)

Kazuto Mogami sat in the dressing room, letting the stylist behind him take care of his hair.

Although it is a broadcast that needs to show his face, Kazuto Mogami basically wears a mask on the scene, so there is no need to put anything on his face.

Taking advantage of this gap, Kazuto Mogami took the time to use his mobile phone to learn about the past broadcasts of Ayon Sakura.

The content of the almost one-hour broadcast is basically sitting in the recording room and chatting with other guests who participated in the broadcast. The guests are almost all voice actors.

Kazuto Mogami seems to be the first one who only develops in the field of singers. It seems that the company has really put a lot of effort into him.

Although Kazuto Mogami has negative thoughts, he will never neglect the work he has accepted.

Even if the partner is Ayane Sakura, Kazuto Mogami will not deliberately do something that does not cooperate. Kazuto Mogami is not a person who can't tell the difference.

With such a mood in mind, after getting the script, Kazuto Mogami silently studied it in the corner.

The door of the dressing room was pushed open at this moment, and Sakura Ayane walked in.

From the moment he heard the sound of the door, Kazuto Mogami glanced over. Seeing that it was Sakura Ayane, he silently turned his eyes back to the script.

Sakura Ayane looked around and saw that Kazuto Mogami was the only one, and the expression on her face gradually changed.

In the presence of other people, she always had a business smile on her face, so now she was able to relax her face.

"Hey, how's the script?"


"What is so-so, please don't make trouble for me."

"You've said enough."

"Why don't you reflect on your impression that all this is not enough?"

Kazuto Mogami was speechless by her, so she simply stopped talking to her, Sakura Ayane thought that Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to acquiesce, so she was in a good mood, and patted Kazuto Mogami on the shoulder.

"But in terms of our friendship, if you make a mistake, I will cover you up."

Mogami Kazuto squinted at her with a strange expression: "Our friendship?"

"Oh oh."

Kazuto Mogami doesn't remember that there was such a thing between them, but it's better to keep quiet here, lest she come to trouble again.

"How do you say that sentence, if you don't fight, you don't know each other?"

"Your Mandarin is really good, I admire you."

"It's so-so, hahaha!"

She seemed to really believe it.

Leaving aside the troubles she has caused so far, Mogami Kazuto does not reject Sakura Ayane's optimistic way of thinking.

But it's a pity that the troubles she caused can't be thrown away.

This is also the reason why Kazuto Mogami is unwilling to have too much interaction with her until today.

But private affairs are private affairs, and work is work. Mogami Kazuto wants to separate the two aspects as much as possible.

Ayane Sakura can get along with him as if nothing had happened, but Kazuto Mogami has not yet reached her level. From some aspects, she does have qualities that Kazuto Mogami envies.

If nerves are considered quality.



In the recording room, it is officially recorded.

"Sakura Ayane's Non-Lonely Radio~~

Hey duo... This program is hosted by Ayane Sakura alone.

From the true loners, to the true loners. A radio program hosted by Ayane Sakura, who is the president of the Lonely Party. "

Ayane Sakura, the queen of the harem, who is clearly surrounded by many female voice actors, is making a declaration of loneliness like Versailles, which seems to be a fixed part of this radio program.

In short, as a guest, Kazuto Mogami had to say something here.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Totsuka and... Des, the assistant to the president of the Ura Lonely Party."

"Oh? I'm the only one hosting the radio show. It seems that different people will appear every time."

"I'm a substitute. If Ms. Sakura suddenly encounters a situation where she can't speak, I will host the show with Ms. Sakura's voice instead. I was told by my manager to do so."

"Hey! Don't grab other people's jobs as soon as you come up!"

Kazuto Mogami, wearing a black mask, made a V sign to the camera.

By the way, these are all written in the script, but the eyes shown by Mogami Kazuto are too plain, which is extremely inconsistent with the playful gestures, giving people a sense of script.

"I always feel that Totsuka-san's current appearance will be made into a meme."

"Don't do that, I'll be very troubled."

"Speaking of which, Totsuka-san always wears a mask when he attends."

"Isn't it said that a man full of mystery will be fascinating?"

"What are you talking about? You put it on in a hurry just a second before it was officially recorded. The sense of mystery has long since disappeared."

"At least in the eyes of the audience, I still have a sense of mystery."


"What's your expression like?"

"No, I'm just thinking that Totsuka-san's job is to be a singer, so do you have to wear a mask like this when holding a live?"

"You can turn off all the stage lights and lock the audience in a dark secret room to listen to the song."

"Wow... I always feel that the moment the lights come on, a murder will happen off the stage."

"If there are elementary school students wearing glasses and suits under the stage, they will be able to solve the case smoothly."

"Please don't seriously think about a murder case happening on your live!"

"I'm joking."

"Of course, it's not a joke, but it will be creepy."

"Miss Sakura is more complaining than I thought."

"Is it?"

"How should I put it, Ms. Sakura has always given people the impression of being very mature, a bit unapproachable."

Obviously, this is a lie.

"That's true. I don't think I have had much communication with Totsuka-san. It is the first time to chat on the radio like this."

This woman, who can lie easily on the radio, is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

But it's really professional.

"However, recently, I can often hear rumors that Totsuka-san is my fan. I am a little bit happy, which means that I am still recognized in my career."

She suddenly started a topic that wasn't in the script, but the supervisor didn't stop, and Kazuto Mogami could only continue talking along her words.

"Eh? Sorry, I didn't hear clearly, what did you just say?"


As expected, the crew's laughter filled the studio.



"Does Totsuka-san have the habit of listening to the radio?"

"Well... Occasionally, I will listen to the broadcast in which I appear."

"What is that?"

"Self-examination, I often worry that my performance on the radio is not good enough. If it affects other seniors, I will be very sorry. I am just a newcomer."

"I see, Totsuka-san is a rigorous person."


"Then Totsuka-san must have been listening when our broadcast aired this time?"

"Huh? Well... probably."

"Then, please, Totsuka-san, please send a word to me who is listening to the radio at this moment."

Kazuto Mogami scratched the part of his face covered by the mask, and said slowly, "It's getting late, go to bed early."

"Don't do that! Isn't this like saying that this show is a late-night show!"

Sakura Ayane's complaints once again aroused bursts of laughter from the other staff members.

"The writer teacher laughs so loudly!"

Like this, she will use complaints to relieve the scene and create a relaxed atmosphere. It is also one of the skills necessary for a broadcast host. Sakura Ayane is worthy of a broadcast veteran.


"Then start reading today's first audience letter.

From "Sakura Kuma Lianmeng" Sang, the president of ayaneru, and special air guests Murakami Rie-san, Meow Pass~

Hello!Don't show memes of other works in unrelated broadcasts! "

Mogami Kazuto didn't quite understand the stalk she was talking about, but judging from the laughter of the on-site staff, it should be a well-known stalk.

Murakami Rie used to be a guest at Kazuto Mogami's home, so he had a chance to meet him once, and he also spoke out for Kazuto Mogami on the Internet in the case of Qi Minase living with her boyfriend a long time ago.

Kazuto Mogami recalled Murakami Rie's voice in his mind, paused for half a beat, and said to the camera:
"Meowpas ~ Rika Murakami."

The atmosphere at the scene froze for about half a second, and immediately there were countless exclamations.

"Totsuka-san, you are too strong! I really thought that Rikamokuma had appeared here just now."

Judging from Sakura Ayane's expression, she should be sincerely admiring her.

"you flatter me."

Sakura Ayane faced the camera, pointed at Mogami Kazuto's face, and said, "Everyone, although I can't see Totsuka-san's face under the mask, he must be smiling!"

"Hey! Don't make up my character design!"

"It was the same on other broadcasts before. Is there really a voice that Totsuka-san can't imitate?"

"Who does Ms. Sakura think of me? Of course it's impossible to imitate anyone's voice."

"Then I am a little curious whose voice cannot be imitated."


This question is really difficult for Mogami Kazuto to answer.

If he were to be honest, he would say on the radio that as long as he could imitate the voices he had heard, he would definitely be labeled as arrogant after the broadcast.

"It can only imitate the voices of people who are more familiar."

"Hey~~Speaking of which, Rikako and I took Totsuka-san's cooking class before, with Inanosuke."

Sakura Ayane began to lie as if nothing had happened.

Kazuto Mogami knew very well that Ayane Sakura was doing this to make the lies she once said on the Internet more true.

But the more lies you tell, the easier it will be for people to find flaws, so Kazuto Mogami could only silently say "hmm".

"But I really didn't expect that Totsuka-san would debut as a singer. I never knew that Totsuka-san had such ability before, and he even sang the theme song of the TV animation that I participated in."

"That's right, life is really incredible."

Sakura Ayane was obviously taken aback when she heard this sentence, and immediately seemed to recall something, holding back her laughter.

Kazuto Mogami probably guessed what she was thinking, and was worried that she would tell what happened at that time, so he could only remind him from the side: "Miss Sakura, it's almost time to read the next letter from the audience."

"Yes, the next one is from "The Lonely King" Sang, um... between the king and the president, which one is more powerful? "

"Generally speaking, it is the king."



"Hmm... I don't really understand, but forget it.

ayaneru good evening, good evening, I have a question I would like to ask.

Why does ayaneru always make funny faces in pictures that are posted in other people's twitter?
I feel that after the event, there is a high probability that I can see ayaneru with big nostrils in other seiyuu's twitter... Hahahahaha. "

Not only the staff present, but Sakura Ayane herself had the loudest laugh.

Even Mogami Kazuto, who was sitting across from Ayane Sakura, gradually raised the corners of his mouth covered by the mask, and subconsciously looked at Ayane Sakura's distinctive high nose bridge.

"Why do I feel that Totsuka-san is looking at my face maliciously?"

"I just want to confirm whether Ms. Sakura, who is in a normal state, also has enlarged nostrils."

"Too much! For a lady, this answer is too much!"

Ayane Sakura wasn't really angry, and Kazuto Mogami, who had seen her get angry countless times, could tell this intuitively.

"Ah... I'm not very good at taking pictures, and the rules of my family are generally not like scissors when taking pictures.

But if you have a serious face, or a serious face, it will appear to be out of group, so I thought I could only make faces. "

"It's a really new way of coping."

"Where's Totsuka-san? Are you the type who is good at taking pictures?"

"I'm not good at what I have to say."

"That's my kind, but in Totsuka-san's case, he always wears a mask anyway, so it doesn't matter if he makes an expression or not.

For example, when riding a roller coaster, the high-speed camera can capture everyone's terrified expressions. Only Totsuka-san will be photographed with a strange picture of the mask being blown to the eye position by the wind. "

"What kind of variety show is that for you? It seems that I am the only criminal whose eyes have been mosaiced."

Ayane Sakura laughed.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't understand Sakura Ayane's jokes. Sure enough, the gap between men and women is like the Caspian Sea and the Pacific Ocean, with an insurmountable gap.



In the following link, Kazuto Mogami inserted the advertisement for his upcoming first single very bluntly according to the script, and Ayane Sakura also made crazy complaints according to the script.

Kazuto Mogami was surprised to find that the first broadcast cooperation with Ayane Sakura turned out to be smooth beyond imagination.

Maybe it's because Ayane Sakura is a veteran broadcaster. At many moments when Kazuto Mogami was unable to answer the conversation, she was able to subtly pick up the topic again, throwing out stalks that would make it easy for him to answer.

Miyano Mamoru often finds opportunities to tease him on the radio. Although Miyano Mamoru enjoys it, Mogami Kazuto feels a little tired in his heart.

And in the broadcast of Hidaka Rina and Ogura Yui, because one person has to deal with two female voice actors alone, he also feels powerless.

On the contrary, Ayane Sakura, who usually quarrels with each other, made him think that it would not be very difficult to appear on the radio.

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(End of this chapter)

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