After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 302 296. Lover chapter, birthday, coffee.

Chapter 302 296. Valentine's Day, Birthday, Coffee.

Kazuto Mogami only recognized two of the three female voice actors walking towards him.

One is Konishi Saori, and the other is Murakami Rie.

Mogami Kazuto didn't recognize the remaining one.

After all, Kazuto Mogami wasn't sure if that person was a voice actor, but he couldn't be wrong.

When Konishi Saori saw Kazuto Mogami, he didn't show an overly surprised expression on his face. On the contrary, Rie Murakami greeted him while being surprised.

"Mogami-san? Why are you here?"

Now that the other party read out his name, he couldn't pretend to ignore it.

Mogami Kazuto could only nod slightly.


"Hello, Totsuka-san, what a coincidence."

Xiao Nishi Saori responded with a smile.

Only then did Murakami Rie realize that she seemed to have said Mogami Kazuto's real name, and smiled awkwardly at Mogami Kazuto.

As for Xiao Nishi Saori's attitude, she can understand it very well. Since she did not choose to disclose her husband's name, there must be their considerations.

It is not uncommon to pretend to be ordinary friends in the workplace. .

"Totsuka-san, are you here to record a song today?"

Murakami Rika changed her address again.

"Hmm... let's talk about the work on the new song."

"That's it."

Mogami Kazuto responded with a polite and distant smile, whether facing Rie Murakami or Saori Konishi, they looked very calm.

At this time, Murakami Rie suddenly tugged at the sleeve of the female voice actor beside her, saying that she was going to buy water from a vending machine, and opened her voice for the dubbing work for a while.

Even if the man said that he had one, Murakami Rie still stubbornly took him away, whispering something in her ear quietly.

Then, with a shocked expression on his face, the man looked back and forth between Mogami Kazuto and Konishi Saori.

The two who were once a couple could only smile bitterly in their hearts.

Today is Valentine's Day, but the two are still working, and Murakami Rie just wants to provide some private time for the two of them.

They can understand.

After the two left, only Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi were left standing face to face.

The staff in the office area are all busy with their work and have no time to pay attention to them. They are also far away from each other and cannot hear the conversation here.

"Work in the super city?"

"Well, the second OP has been decided."


"Thank you."

"And... happy birthday, Kazuto."

"Well, thank you."

Mogami Kazuto didn't change his face, and he wouldn't be shaken by her words at the moment.

"I still have something to do next, so I won't disturb your work any more. Goodbye, Miss Xiaoxi."

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Totsuka."

Passed by each other, no one looked at anyone.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and the last thing that got into the gap was her chuckle when talking with other people.

As the elevator doors closed completely, the laughter stopped abruptly, leaving only the hum of the elevator running.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly thought of a certain sentence in a novel he had read recently.

"She came like a shower and disappeared, leaving only memories."

It's just that in this memory, the section belonging to "him" is pitifully small.



After leaving the building, Kazuto Mogami headed to the station a little tiredly, preparing to take the tram home.

When passing by a certain dessert shop, the sign at the door said "Valentine's Day Limited Chocolate Parfait is on sale" and other words.

Today is February 2.

It's Valentine's Day.

It's Kazuto Mogami's birthday.

"Buy a cake and go home."

He muttered under his breath.

Kazuto Mogami walked into the store. As expected of Valentine's Day, the diners inside were almost all young men and women in pairs.

A handsome guy like Kazuto Mogami appears alone, which is very eye-catching.

He could feel the ambiguous eyes from the women and the hostility from the men.

"Please give me this."

"Do you have an appointment?"


"Then we need to wait for four or ten minutes here, is that all right?"

Mogami Kazuto glanced at the time, it was still early.


"Okay, you can rest here or come back later."

Kazuto Mogami glanced around, and there were still countless eyes looking at him.

"I'll pick it up later."

After leaving the store, Mogami Kazuto searched where he was sitting and went to a nearby coffee shop.


The coffee shop is not big, and there are few seats. There is only one young woman at the bar making coffee.

After finding a seat at random and sitting down, the waitress who was cleaning the table in the distance trotted over with the menu in her arms.

There are obviously no customers in the store, it doesn't look busy at all, and it's okay to walk over.

Kazuto Mogami thought so.

"My guest, would you like a drink..."

Her words cut off suddenly.

"Mogami... San?"

Kazuto Mogami looked at her in surprise, only to realize that this waitress was an acquaintance of his.

Kazuto Mogami was stunned for two seconds.

"Are you...?"

"work to earn a living."

Come to think of it, it's really a nonsense question.

He just wanted to find a place to kill time, but he didn't expect to meet a female voice actor.

It's just that it's very close to IM's office, and it's very difficult for new voice actors to get jobs, so it's quite normal to have part-time jobs.

"Good afternoon, Miss Uchida."

"Well, good afternoon, Mogami-san."

"I didn't expect to see you here."

"Me too."

Uchida Maaya subconsciously looked towards the door of the store, and immediately asked, "Mogami-san, did you come alone?"


She immediately burst into a charming smile.

On this day, she would come to the coffee shop alone to drink coffee, and she would naturally judge that Kazuto Mogami had no lover.

Very reasonable and correct.

"Mogami-san, what would you like to drink?"

"I've never been here before, please recommend it to me, Miss Uchida."

"Mogami-san, do you like something bitter?"

"I like it, but I want to drink some with milk today."

"I see, please wait a moment."

Uchida Maaya left excitedly, Mogami Kazuto opened the panel, and her intimacy was displayed at 75.

After experiencing what happened last time, it has dropped slightly.

Mogami Kazuto didn't care, took out the unfinished novel from his coat pocket, and read it quietly.

After a while, Uchida Maaya brought over the brewed coffee. Kazuto Mogami had noticed before that it was made by Uchida Maaya himself.

I was a little surprised in my heart, and I didn't know if I could get two salaries as a waiter and a barista.

Seeing the lovely latte art slowly floating in the cup, Kazuto Mogami didn't drink it immediately.

And Uchida Maaya stood beside her without moving.

"Anything else?"

"Well...Actually, today is the first time I've been allowed to make coffee for a guest. I was just practicing before, so I want to ask Mogami-san how he feels."

So, it seems that she should only get one salary.

(End of this chapter)

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