Chapter 304 298. Zero sheets and one hundred sheets.

In the end, Kazuto Mogami paid the money stubbornly and left the cafe first.

Returning to the previous dessert shop, Kazuto Mogami took the cake and boarded the tram back to Tsukishima.

It coincided with the evening rush hour, so Kazuto Mogami could only carry the cake and stand in the corner of the carriage to avoid the cake being squeezed by the crowd.

After returning home, Kazuto Mogami put the cake in the refrigerator and went upstairs by himself.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't explain why he bought a cake specially, but since he had already bought it, Kazuto Mogami didn't want to think too much about it.

In the evening, he received a call from his parents. As he thought, they were here to send him birthday wishes.

Up to now, the sense of guilt in Kazuto Mogami's heart has been reduced a lot.

No matter how unforgettable feelings, as time goes by, there will always be fading.

He didn't know when he started to face the negative emotions that had deeply troubled him.

Can this kind of him be regarded as walking out of the shadow of the original owner?

Such things only God knows.

Moreover, Kazuto Mogami doesn't care much about such things anymore.

It's useless to think too much, he's had enough of this self-pity feeling bound by the cage of the past. .

What he thinks in his heart now is that he doesn't want to stop moving forward, that's all.

While making dinner, the phone rang busy.


"Bastard liar!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Your birthday is not that day at all!"

"I like that day better."

"I like your size! How dare you lie to me! The lowest! The lowest!"

"Only the pronunciation of "人" is correct. "

On the other end of the phone, Ms. Sakura was in a panic, Mogami Kazuto calmly turned his voice to the outside, picked up the kitchen knife, and casually processed the ingredients in his hand.

"Damn it! This is the first time I have suffered such humiliation when I grow up. If I hadn't searched your name on the Internet today, I would have been kept in the dark by you!
You big liar!

The one who said happy birthday to you that day was simply a huge idiot! "

Kazuto Mogami listened quietly, suddenly thought of something, and spoke calmly.

"By the way, according to Sakura-san's standards, what score do I have now?"


"That's the score you've been talking about, what's it now?"

"Minus [-]! You scum! You still ask such a stupid question at this time! You are really a scumbag among scumbags!"

Mogami Kazuto opened the panel smoothly.

The intimacy of Sakura Ayane precisely stayed at "-10000".

Kazuto Mogami was in awe.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sakura, I have always regarded you as a trouble, but I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Huh? What are you talking stupid about?"

"Anyway, if possible, I would be very grateful to Miss Sakura for maintaining this frankness."

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds.

"Go to hell!"

The phone is hung up.

Mogami Kazuto looked at the panel, Sakura Ayane's intimacy had dropped by another thousand points, and he showed a rare satisfied smile.

Although it was rude to Ms. Sakura, this was undoubtedly the best way to prevent the intimacy from growing, and Mogami Kazuto was very satisfied with the result.

Perhaps Sakura Ayane will no longer communicate with him because of this, but this is the best ending for both of them.

However, the phone rang again with a call from Miss Sakura.

Kazuto Mogami thought she hadn't scolded enough, so he had no choice but to get through.

Sakura-san's cold voice came from the receiver.

"Happy birthday! Liar and scumbag!"

So, she couldn't help but hang up the phone unilaterally.

The intimacy that was originally "-11000" is slowly rising at a rate of +1 per second.

According to this trend, it can become 0 in more than three hours.

Thanks to this, Kazuto Mogami had no idea what Ayane Sakura was thinking.



At dinner time, Mogami sat alone at the table with Ren, eating dinner quietly.

The TV series of the current season was played silently. The hero and heroine seemed to be confessing to each other affectionately, but there was no sound from the TV, so there was no emotion at all.

In fact, Kazuto Mogami doesn't really want to watch TV dramas, but just wants to turn on the TV as a sign of connection with reality.

This is also from the book.

The doorbell rang, and Kazuto Mogami put down his chopsticks and went to open the door.

"Good evening, Kazuto-san."

Kazuto Mogami couldn't think of anyone else who would be visiting at this time, except for this petite girl with a ball head and a smile on her face.

"You don't have a share today."

Kazuto Mogami said so, and made way for clear water and sand.

"What does Heren-sang think of me?"

"Aren't you here for dinner?"

"That's true, but my goal is to get a lifetime meal, so please don't think that I'm just here to get a meal, all this is a strategy to get a lifetime meal ticket."

She dared to say it.

However, although Shimizu Yousa's words were very high-sounding, Kazuto Mogami still cooked for her specially.

After the dinner time was over, Shimizu Yousa took out a gift box from his bag and handed it to Kazuto Mogami.

"This is?"

"Happy birthday, Kazuto-san, it's a birthday present."


"Take it apart and see."

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

After unpacking, there is a fully packaged CD inside.

It's Qingshui Yousha's new album, which he has never bought and listened to.

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Is there too much Amway content?"

"Heren-sang has seen all my faces in private. This time, I want Heren-sang to see me at work, so that Heren-sang can understand me better."

She looked serious and said things she took for granted.

There is no doubt that Shimizu Yusa is serious about presenting the girl named "Shimizu Yusa" for Kazuto Mogami.

Without reservation.

Kazuto Mogami strongly felt the enthusiasm from Shimizu Yousha more than once.

Being able to do this kind of thing again and again, without being confused, and following her heart, she is really a very powerful girl.

"Kazuto-san, please look at me carefully, look at the clear water and sand, look at Minase Qi, look at the girl who likes you, how did you win all the way and get happiness on the road of love."


Mogami Kazuto suddenly stood up and went upstairs. Not long after, he came down with something and handed it to Qingshui Yousha.

"This is?"

"Miss Dai gave me a few of my debut CDs and said they could be given away."

Qingshui Yousha blinked his beautiful eyes, opened his ten lovely fingers, and smiled like a flower.

"I already bought it today, one hundred."

(End of this chapter)

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