After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 312 306. Totsuka Cafeteria—Heal your night with cooking and singing.

Chapter 312 306. Totsuka Cafeteria—Heal your night with cooking and singing.

After returning to the company from the recording studio, Kazuto Mogami was called into the conference room by Dai Qiuhui.



"Regarding the signing event that Totsuka-san mentioned a few days ago, the company's top management has communicated with Denki Bunko, and the permission has been issued here."

"Thank you."

"Totsuka-san, it seems that you have been busy with work. It must be very hard to complete both tasks at the same time."

"If I'm not working, I'll be fidgeting, which is fine."

"The former Totsuka-san was not like this."

Mogami Kazuto smiled: "Maybe."

"Although work is very important, giving the body enough rest and managing one's health is also one of the jobs of an artist."

"I know."

"Having said that, the music department has finished the song written for Totsuka-san this time, and Totsuka-san can go and have a look later."

"So fast?"

"The company also has company considerations. Totsuka-san has joined the company for almost half a year. The company's policy is to hold a concert within a year."

"So you need to release a lot of songs...?"

"That's about it."

"I know, I will actively cooperate."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"There is also a visual broadcast that will start recording next month, and the program name has already been decided."

"What is it?"

""Totsuka Shokudo", the subtitle is "heal your night with cooking and singing." "

"It feels a little ashamed."

"Hahaha! It seems so, but for the current Totsuka-san, it should be more than enough."

"Thanks to Miss Dai for arranging so many broadcast jobs for me."

"Oh? Are you complaining about work?"

"That's not the case. I'm very grateful to Miss Dai."

Dai Qiuhui smiled slightly, and after working with Mogami Kazuto for so long, she has almost been able to grasp the thoughts of Mogami Kazuto.

In the initial stage, the whole person gave off a feeling of fog, making it impossible to see through his thoughts. As time went by, the fog gradually condensed into a solid body.

In today's Mogami Kazuto, she can already see the same aura as other people, no matter who they are, they are working extremely hard, hanging their lives, struggling in this industry.

Dai Qiuhui also worried about whether her decision was correct.

Pulling him into this industry and giving him a completely new path that is completely different from the past, will it go against his will?

At least for now, Mogami and Kazuto are doing well.



"To be a good singer."


It's not the first time Mogami Kazuto has experienced being expected like this, and having many wishes imposed on him without authorization. This is one of the things he hates the most.

But now, it doesn't matter if you tell him to perform poorly, and it doesn't matter if he can't sing a good song, but Mogami Kazuto will feel disgusted instead.

Now that you have done it, let's see where your limit is.

Even a passive guy like Mogami Kazuto can occasionally feel competitive.




3 month 14 day.

Broadcast recording.

"The above is our suggestion to "Swordfish"-san, thank you for your letter, what do you think of Totsuka-san? "

"It's true, this kind of love topic gives people a youthful feeling, I think it's very good."

"Then let me ask a slightly more personal question, what type of girls does Totsuka-san like?"

"Huh? Me?"


Although I wondered what this person was thinking in my heart, but it is still being recorded on the radio, Mogami Kazuto can't tell the truth, so I can only ask "Totsuka Kazuto" to make an appropriate performance.

"Hmm... In my case, I probably like older sister-type girls."

"Oh? Do you mean the big sister who likes the older sister?"

"It doesn't refer to age, but I feel that as a man, I am not mature enough in all aspects. Should I say that I am not confident in myself or what.

If there is a girl like an older sister who is willing to take care of me, I think there will be very few men who will not be tempted. "

"I see."

"Also, I think girls with long hair have the temperament of a big sister."

"Hmm, is my length okay?"

"Mizase-sanna is simply a ball head! Who can tell!"

"Hahahaha! That's exactly what you said!"

The existence of Kazuto Totsuka is quite convenient, and Mogami Kazuto can use this identity to say things that he could not say originally, and can perfectly avoid the problem of Shimizu and sand mixed with personal affairs.

"Totsuka-san is obviously a junior, but he speaks very calmly, with a feeling of tightness."

Kazuto Mogami was thinking, maybe she was trying to use the excuse of work to attack herself on the show.

"Ah! I didn't mean to criticize Totsuka-san. I respect you very much as a singer."

"Don't dare to be, dare not be, I am the one, and I am just a newcomer. There are many things to learn from the seniors."

"Well... Totsuka-san always gives people a very humble feeling on the show, a little distanced, and it's not easy to communicate."

"Miss Sakura seems to have said something similar."

Hearing this name from Mogami Kazuko again, Shimizu was stunned for two seconds.

"I heard that Totsuka-san and Neru-san have a good relationship."

"Huh? There's nothing like that, but that person is very capable at work, and it's easy to cooperate with."

"what about me?"

"Hmm... If Minase-senpai doesn't tease me on the show, he is indeed a very easy-going senior."

"I don't understand, "Mizase-san" in Totsuka-san's mind, thinking about how Totsuka-san thinks of me. "

Here comes another unanswerable question. Fortunately, this program is not a visual broadcast, otherwise Mogami Kazuto's current stupidity will be seen by Minase Inori fans all over the world.


"Hey~~" What is it, Totsuka-san! "

Faced with Mogami Kazuto's pretending to be stupid, Shimizu Yousha mercilessly vomited.


As the program progressed, it gradually reached the end stage.

Kazuto Mogami performed the ending of today's program. Perhaps because it was about to end, Kazuto Mogami was a little slack. He bit his tongue three times with just two sentences, and Shimizu Yousha laughed.

"Hahaha, Totsuka-san's ending skills are so clumsy that it's hopeless."

"That's why I said don't let me host the show!"

"It's very Totsuka-san's style, I think it's very good."


"How should I put it, this is a taste."


"Unique taste."



The supervisor's voice came from the back of the ear, and the recording of this broadcast was successfully concluded.

After greeting the staff, the two entered the lounge one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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