After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 318 312. She will go to Xintiandi one day, and he will retreat to his own quagmire.

Chapter 318 312. One day she will rush to Xintiandi, and he will retreat to his own quagmire.

Mogami Kazuto thinks.

Qingshui Yousha will say the name of that person at this time and ask such questions.

There must be uneasiness in my heart.

Anxiety, guilt, and even mixed with a trace of hope that Kazuto Mogami said too much to her.

If Kazuto Mogami could reprimand her for her actions here, call her mean, and call her a bad woman.

There may be sand in the clear water, and I can change back to the rational self I used to be.

However, Kazuto Mogami did not.

"She is her, Yousha is Yousha, I never liked Xiaoxi Saori, but... Yousha is my girlfriend now.

So, you are different. "

Shimizu Yousha pillowed on Mogami Kazuto's lap, raised his hand and poked Mogami Kazuto's cheek.

"Heren-sang, you've become able to talk about love."

"Does this count?"

"For the boring Kazuren-san, this is already a great love story."

"That's it..."

"Will you keep telling me?"

"As long as you don't dislike it."

"Hey hey~~"

Shimizu Yousha smiled, slowly closed his eyes, and Mogami Kazuto quietly looked at her beautiful face.

Worried that she would fall asleep and catch a cold, I wanted to go get her a blanket, but the clear water and sand seemed like a disobedient child, so I refused to let her go.

Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to give up this idea.

Clear water with sand is very good, she is the best girl Mogami Kazuto has met so far.

Gentle, kind, understanding, no trouble.

He thought countless times that it would be a pity to match her with a man like himself who is difficult to produce "love".

But to be an excellent girl, take off all the masks, put yourself on the lighter end of the scale without authorization, and try to use humbleness as a bargaining chip for her "excellence".

Kazuto Mogami has never felt so sad before.

He can accept without saying a word that a woman hurts him and troubles him.

At that level, just stay away.

Anyway, he doesn't care what others think of him.

But only this kind of practice is unacceptable to Mogami Kazuto, and he hates it.

Hate your own indifference, hate your inaction.

Why, I can't have pure love for girls like other men.

He had never felt that emotion before, what was missing?

In other words, I have love, but I haven't discovered it.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't come up with an answer.

He just didn't want to look at the clear water with sand, and the girl who was by his side, turning into a stranger.

That must be wrong.

And his current behavior must... be wrong.

But if because of this decision, Qingshui Yousha can understand that he is not the perfect lover she expected in her heart, maybe there will be an opportunity to change in the future.

One day she will rush to the new world, and he will retreat to his own quagmire.

"There is sand."


"Yousha, what do you like about me?"



"Do you think this answer is a bit cunning?"

"It's basically like saying nothing."


Shimizu's sandy eyes flashed a gentle light, looked at Kazuto Mogami, and touched his lips with his fingers.

"Kiss me and I'll tell you."


Qing Shui You Sha maintained a smile, slowly closed his eyes, his slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, like a graceful butterfly flapping its wings.

Kazuto Mogami carefully brushed away the strands of hair sticking to the corner of her mouth with his hands, her hot body temperature came from her fingertips, and even Kazuto Mogami's fingers gradually became tainted with her fiery temperature.

He lowered his head slowly.

The girl's lips were softer than he imagined, like a freshly baked creme brulee.

Sweet, soft and bouncy.

With a hint of bitterness, it is the embellishment of her tears.



"How I felt about my first kiss with my girlfriend."

"Didn't you already do it that night, this is the second time."

"Oh, it turns out that the truth has been revealed."

Her slightly surprised expression was as cute as ever.

"Why are you crying?"

"I didn't cry."

She quietly wiped away the tears on her cheeks and smiled.

"It's not tears."

"What's that?" Kazuto Mogami asked.

There was a sly look in her eyes.

"Try it again with Rensang, maybe you will know."

Mogami Kazuto smiled, but did not follow suit.

"Did you fall in love with me? Becoming my boyfriend, I didn't expect such benefits."

"I really didn't expect it."

"In order not to make you regret the decision you made, I will let you see the other side of clear water with more sand in the future."

"It sounds a bit inappropriate for children, please give me more encouragement and guidance."

Shimizu Yousha smiled.

"What I like is your kind of place."

She raised her arm, touched Kazuto Mogami's black hair, pressed his head down with a slight force of her palm.

Ah~~ Sure enough, it smells like tears.

Mogami Kazuto thinks.



The next day.

Mogami Kazuto still woke up early, got dressed, went downstairs, silently glanced at the women's boots on the shoe cabinet, and went out for a morning run.

He cut back the kilometers today and got home early.

Unlike when a person is at home, he can't help being lazy and has to cook breakfast for two.

As soon as he entered the house, he wiped his sweat with the towel hanging around his neck, when Mogami Kazuto heard a noise coming from the direction of the kitchen and walked over.

"Ah, Kazuto-san, you're back."

"Yousha, what are you doing?"

Qingshui Yousha held a scorched wooden spatula in his hand, and said, "Well, let's make breakfast."

Mogami Kazuto silently glanced at the two scorched black objects piled up on Bai Jie's plate.

It's completely hopeless.

Mogami Kazuto rolled up his sleeves helplessly: "Leave me alone."

"Hey~~ It's rare that I want to cook."

"Please! Let me do it."

Seeing Kazuto Mogami's tough attitude, Shimizu Yousha had no choice but to walk out of the kitchen puffing his cheeks, and immediately opened his hands to Kazuto Mogami, his eyes filled with anticipation like a bear in spring.

Mogami Kazuto looked at the apron on her body and untied it for her.

Clear water and sand still maintain the posture of opening his hands.

"what happened?"

Qingshui Yousha didn't answer, and hugged him without any explanation.

"Girlfriend Pava, inject~~"

"...I'm covered in sweat."

"Hey, I don't hate it."

Qingshui Yousha raised his head, smiled sweetly and said, "Have you cheered up yet?"


"That's good."

She let go of her hands, bouncing back to the bedroom on the first floor, and went to change clothes.

Shimizu Yousha stayed at Mogami's house last night, of course in the guest room.

After the two of them finished their breakfast, Kazuto Mogami was washing the dishes at home, and he went out before the clean water had sand.

The two people's working hours can be staggered, which is also a proposal for clear water and sand.

Even if one of them goes to the record company and the other goes to the seiyuu firm.

(End of this chapter)

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