Chapter 320 314. Nothing special.

Kazuto Mogami did not accidentally appear in the lounge as the No.2 voice actor, and the name of the guest was written on the script.

"Oh, Miss Uchida, good afternoon."

Sakura Ayane smiled and waved to her.

Kazuto Mogami who was sitting in the corner also nodded slightly to Maaya Uchida.

"Hello, Miss Uchida."

Uchida Maaya hesitated for a while, then walked in the direction of Sakura Ayane.

"Sakura-san, it's about time we went to make up."

"Yeah, it's already at this point."

The two female voice actors walked towards the door, and suddenly, Sakura Ayane turned her head.

"Speaking of which, Totsuka-san."


Kazuto Mogami looked at her suspiciously.

"Totsuka-san, you have shown your face and lifted the ban now..."

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

"Then it's better to put on makeup."

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback, what are you doing?Is this woman saying that her face is very haggard?

"I see, then I'll go too."

Kazuto Mogami closed the script very honestly, and he didn't want to slack off in terms of work.



In the recording studio, the collection officially started.

"Hi everyone, Sakura Ayone Desi."

"Hi everyone, Maaya Uchida."

"Hi everyone, I'm Totsuka Kazu, please give me your advice."

"For some reason, only Totsuka-san's greeting is inexplicably long. He is really a serious person."

As soon as the show started, Ayane Sakura began to pick on Kazuto Mogami.

Maybe she just wanted to have a dialogue with Kazuto Mogami, but in the eyes of Kazuto Mogami, such words were the most difficult to accept.

"In front of the two, this is the only way I can find a sense of presence."

"Totsuka-san is as humble as ever today, I hope there will be no accidents."

"I'll do my best."

"As you can see, this week's guests are these two, and I, Ayane Sakura, will still be the host. This program is sponsored by the following sponsors."

"Last week it was Mr. Shimada and Ms. Minase. I watched that issue."

"This is the first time Uchida-san and I have appeared on a radio program outside of the company."

"Yes, it's the first time other than "Sakurada". "

"Don't say the name of the show!"

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Uchida Maaya is still just a newcomer, and she is also an incredible beauty. If she causes an accident, she will basically be regarded as cute, and it is not a big deal, so Xiaoxiao will pass.

Because Kazuto Mogami is the singer of the animation theme song, he was able to participate in the recording of this broadcast. Maaya Uchida is purely related to Ayane Sakura.

With her appearance, it's no wonder that the firm wanted to give her resources, and it would be a pity not to make good use of them.

Listening to the conversation between them, the two of them seem to have a cooperative in-house broadcast, but Kazuto Mogami doesn't usually pay attention to their information, so it's not very clear.

"I understand. It's because Totsuka-san was there, and the body of the accident was transferred."

"My pot?"

"It's a gentleman's way to admit humbly here."

Kazuto Mogami doesn't remember having such a setting.



"The special promotional program of "Super City: Area 53" is being broadcast, and the following is a letter from "Black Currant Orange Juice 100 Cups" Sang, thank you very much. "

"It's really drinkable."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but mutter a sentence.

"Sakura-san, Totsuka-san, Uchida-san, hello, hello.

When I heard for the first time that these three people were going to be on the same show, I was very surprised, and I was very curious about this lineup.

Did Sakura-san have any special experience with these two, if so, please tell me. "

"Hmm... Uchida-san can be considered my junior."

"Yes, it's a senior from the same firm."

"Finally, the day when I was called a senior by a cute girl, when I held a welcome party in the office, I thought that I must show the majesty of a senior in front of a junior.

But on that occasion, the only way to show a majestic state is to drink in a pretentious way, just like a mature woman, half-closed her eyes and shakes the glass. "

"Yes, I remember very clearly that Sakura-san was swirling the glass from the beginning to the end, but didn't take a sip."

Uchida Maaya's very straightforward answer caused the staff to burst into laughter like thunder.

"If I drink it, wouldn't the younger generation see me drunk immediately, so I don't want it."

"After returning home, Sakura-san sent me an invitation to go shopping together next time. Thank you very much."

Kazuto Mogami thought to himself, this woman probably just wants to hang out with pretty girls.

If she was a man, Kazuto Mogami guaranteed that she would be banned immediately.

"What about Totsuka-san? I heard that the two of you have a good relationship. Do you have any special experiences?"

Maaya Uchida asked innocently, Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura did not look at each other.

Sakura Ayane was looking at the script, and said casually:

"Nothing special."

Kazuto Mogami listened silently, and glanced at Ayane Sakura, who was turning up her mouth slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

But Mogami Kazuto was quite satisfied with Sakura Ayane's answer, not afraid that she would not say something, but afraid that she would say something.

"The next letter is from "Spicy Curry 100%" San..."



There was a break in halftime, and it took a total of two hours to record the whole scene.

Through post-editing, some overly serious broadcast accidents and some relatively monotonous links are removed, and finally it will be edited into a one-hour official broadcast version.

Kazuto Mogami has already recorded broadcasting experience many times, and his performance is quite ordinary, not to mention Ayane Sakura as a master of broadcasting.

Although Uchida Maaya is still a rookie voice actor, relying on her broadcasting experience in the agency, she is barely qualified.

That's all for this special collection.

To be honest, the broadcast with Ayane Sakura is very relaxing every time.

Although Mogami Kazuto thinks she is not very likable, but the professional level is really good. If she can show her state of work in private, Mogami Kazuto may be able to get along with her.

But everyone has a state in private and at work, like wearing different masks to cope with different occasions.

At least that's the case with Mogami Kazuto.

As for Ayane Sakura, Mogami Kazuto has not understood her to such a deep level.

Although she doesn't get along with her in private, as a work partner, Kazuto Mogami should be willing to work with her.

"Mr. Xiaoren, do you have any plans after this?"

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, just thinking that I've invited you to dinner so many times, it's almost time for you to treat me once."

Mogami Kazuto looked at her in bewilderment.

Ayane Sakura could not change her face at first, but Kazuto Mogami stared at her silently for five or six seconds, and her expression gradually became unnatural.

Kazuto Mogami sighed, thinking that if he didn't promise her here, he might come out like this every time in the future.

"I don't care."

"Huh? Is it really possible? I'm scared to death! You don't want to show your generosity and hope to trigger some flag, right?
Sorry, I'm not ready yet, I'll talk about that kind of thing after a while, sorry! "


(End of this chapter)

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