Chapter 335 329. Confrontation.

In the lounge, Kazuto Mogami stood in the center with an indifferent face, and Shimizu Yousa and Ayane Sakura sat side by side on chairs.

The victim is silent and the perpetrator is smiling, unaware of his mistake.

That's why I said that if Ayane Sakura was a man, she would have been arrested long ago.

It is simply public enemy of women.

Even if Kazuto Mogami didn't ask, he knew what happened. It must be Ayane Sakura who wanted to have a relationship with Shimizu Yusa regardless of the severity, and Shimizu Yusa acted a little embarrassed.

During this process, Kazuto Mogami pushed the door open.

In short, with the intervention of Kazuto Mogami, this farce barely came to an end.

"Neru-san, why did you come to King Records today?"

"Oh, the agent is talking about cooperation. I don't have work today, so I'll come and take a look."

It is the same statement as when talking to Mogami Kazuto.

Clear water and sandy conditions today seem to be okay, not much different from usual.

It's just that Kazuto Mogami could tell that she was forcing herself.

Sakura Ayane, a very nervous guy, just didn't find anything abnormal.

After that, Qingshui Yousha said goodbye and left. She was not idle when she came to the company.

Although Kazuto Mogami finished today's recording work, he will go home to write later. There are currently three people present, only Sakura Ayane is idle.

"Hey, Mogami, do you want to go somewhere with me later?"

After Yusa Shimizu left, Ayane Sakura looked up at Kazuto Mogami.

"Don't go."

"I haven't said where I'm going yet!"

"I won't go anywhere you say."



Kazuto Mogami hesitated for a while, then pointed to his head: "Have you finally realized that you have a problem here?"

"Go to hell!"

Kazuto Mogami finally rejected Sakura Ayane's request.

He can accept the trouble of clear water and sand, but he can't avoid the trouble caused by Sakura Caiyin.

On the tram home, Kazuto Mogami received a call from Dai Qiuhui, telling him that he would start recording the broadcast next month.

The guests in the first three episodes were all Sakura Ayane.

Mogami and everyone were dumbfounded, and he realized what the visual broadcast that Ayane Sakura was talking about today.

Shaking his head helplessly, Mogami Kazuto couldn't say anything about this result.

He obeys the company's decision and will not make trouble. He has cooperated with Sakura Ayane not once or twice.

To be honest, I get along very well with Ayane Sakura at work. The broadcasts that the two have collaborated so far have been very effective and the response has been quite good.

Presumably the company also considered this point before choosing Ayane Sakura.

Broaden your horizons and learn to overlook events. This is what Kazuto Mogami has learned and mastered.



3 month 28 day.


Ever since she went to the station from Qingshuiyousha in person that night, she has never been to Mogami Kazuto's house again.

Apart from occasional encounters at King Records headquarters, the two never saw each other in any way.

Shimizu Yousha didn't deliberately avoid Mogami Kazuto, in the company's lounge, he would secretly hold his hand tightly when no one was there.

Mogami Kazuto could feel Shimizu Yusa's nostalgia for him, and likewise, felt the blow to her more deeply.

He saw the shadow of his former self in Qing Shui Yousha's body today.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't leave her alone.

Just like there was sand in the clear water at that time, it didn't leave him behind.

Take the train to Shinjuku.

Walking to the coffee shop on the first floor of a shopping mall, Kazuto Mogami ordered a cup of coffee, and sat there quietly reading a book.

He didn't have a job today and didn't need to show up at the company. He rushed to Shinjuku in broad daylight and drank a cup of coffee for more than 40 minutes.

Although the clerks thought he was strange, but the profile of the handsome guy was never tiresome, so they were very happy.

Until it was close to eleven o'clock, a woman walked into the coffee shop, stood at the front desk and looked around. After finding Kazuto Mogami's seat, she walked straight to him.

"Here it is."

"Well, here we come."

"Sit down and talk."


Kazuto Mogami waved to the clerk: "Sorry, please order."

"What to drink?"

"I can do it."

"Give me an Americano, please."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

"You still remember that I don't like sweet drinks."

"Coffee, it tastes the same anyway, I can't taste it."

Mogami Kazuto looked out the window with a calm tone.

Kazuto Mogami hadn't seen this woman for a long time, and when he met again, his heart was much calmer than before.

Not to mention feelings of hatred and the like, it's just that I don't want to have more entanglements with her.

Kazuto Mogami is very satisfied with his current life. After she left, both work and relationship have undergone earth-shaking changes. Kazuto Mogami already has what he didn't have at that time.

So treat the person in front of you, treat Xiaonishi Saori.

The grudge in my heart is not as deep as it used to be.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto couldn't like that pretentious smirk on her face no matter what.

Her acting skills have become lame.

"It's really rare, and people will take the initiative to call me and ask me out."

"Well, there is something a little bit."

Xiao Nishi Saori smiled softly, waited for the clerk to bring the coffee, and thanked him softly.

She has a flat expression, always with a kind smile, Mogami Kazuto doesn't know who she is smiling for, or whether there are really so many things around her that make her laugh.

In that case, it would be too sad to laugh.

Mogami Kazuto thinks.

"I heard from Yousha that you two dated."

She used the tone as if she was asking what she had for dinner last night, and the mood was calm, just like the most daily chat among friends.

Mogami Kazuto was in a daze for a moment, he didn't expect Shimizu Yousha to say such a thing to her.

In this way, Mogami Kazuto was even more convinced that the breakdown of their relationship was related to him.

Kazuto Mogami can roughly guess what Shimizu has sand in his mind, but he can't understand Saori Konishi's mind.

From the first day I saw her until today.

Kazuto Mogami never knew that the woman in front of him was once his wife.

"Yes, we are dating."

Kazuto Mogami didn't hide anything, and answered Saori Konishi head-on.


"Thank you."

"Yousha is a good girl."

"Ok, I know."

Xiao Xi Saori smiled, this was the most genuine smile she showed after entering the door today.

She was sincerely delighted by the relationship between the two of them.

"Ask me out today, shouldn't it be to show your affection?"

She deliberately used a teasing tone, but Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh at all.

"You should know why I called you out."

Of course Xiaonishi Saori knew, how could she not know, from the moment she received Mogami Kazuto's call, Xiaonishi Saori knew what Mogami Kazuto wanted to say.

"Why, are you arguing?"

"Arguing...? Yousha told you so."

In her opinion, such a thing can no longer be explained clearly by the word "quarrel".

"In the end what happened?"

"Didn't you hear from Yousha?"

"She won't say anything."

Xiao Nishi Saori showed an expression of "as expected", and immediately put away the smile that had been hanging on her face, and slowly transformed into the real her.

"That child is restless. He doesn't feel safe in Heren, and gradually loses confidence in himself."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't refute, so why didn't he know this.

"You Sha her, don't look at her who is usually careless, in fact she is not that strong, as a boyfriend, you have to discover her fragility more and protect her."

"Today we are talking about the matter between you and Yousha, not about me and her."

Kazuto Mogami didn't give her a chance to change the subject secretly.

"Heren wants to know what I said to her that day?"

"What is said is said, and it cannot be taken back. People must be responsible for their words and actions, and that is what is said.

I came out to you today, and I only have one question I want to ask you. "

"What is it?"

"Do you really want to go on like this?
Yousha... is your best friend. "

Xiao Nishi Saori fell silent.

"When people get along with each other, conflicts are inevitable. Just because we are close friends, when we hurt each other, we will understand each other's pain.

But this kind of thing doesn't make any sense.

Get along with quarrels, hurt each other, and end up covered in bruises.

Is it really good to go on like this? "

Xiao Xi Saori was silent for a long time, then slightly raised the corners of her mouth, lowered her head slightly, stared at the ripples in the coffee cup, and whispered softly.

"Heren, you have changed."


"You used to be unable to say such things."

"Perhaps so."

"However, the most fundamental part is still the same as "you from last year", I don't hate it. "


She smiled lightly: "Sure enough, people will assimilate because of the people around them."

"What do you mean?"

"Having stayed with Yousha for a long time, your way of speaking has also been influenced by her, and by the way, your personality too.

It was me who was by your side before, that's why you have an unhappy expression every day.

Because, so am I.

Now there is sand around you, that's why you are so vivid, so dazzling. "

"I've always been just me." Mogami Kazuto said silently.

"That's just wishful thinking of Heren, in fact, it is precisely because of the existence of Sha that Heren made the changes you are making now.

You are also very hardworking at work, and you can often hear your name on the set, all of which are thanks to Yousha.

Is not it? "

Indeed, that's right.

Kazuto Mogami knew very well in his heart that a large part of everything he had now was brought by clear water and sand.

With her liveliness and gentleness, she healed Kazuto Mogami and brought him to the new world.

Obviously a better life is just around the corner, and immediately... I can embark on a new journey with her.

However, an accident happened.

It's Saori Konishi.

It was Saori Nishi again.

"Kazuto, what are you thinking? About me and Yusa."

"Don't answer my question with questions, I'm asking what you think now, do you really want to go on like this?
Yousha cried, crying very sadly, she still regards you as the most important friend in her heart, what about you?

What are your thoughts? "

my thoughts?

What if you know what I think?

I can do nothing but be a puppet.

I couldn't do anything but cry silently in my room alone.

"Come with me and explain things clearly in front of Yousha."

Xiao Nishi Saori shook her head silently.


"Up to now, I can no longer face Yousha anymore, and I said very excessive things to her."

"What's the matter with you two? You Sha said that she said too much, and you also said that you said too much.

Since you are so considerate of each other, don't quarrel with me!
Two idiots! "

Saori Konishi looked at him blankly, it was the first time she saw such a violent Mogami Kazuto.

If we say that people will gradually become like the people around them.

So Kazuto Mogami at this time, the most likely to remind her is that troublesome female voice actor.

"Heren, do you want me to reconcile with Yousha?"

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about, otherwise why would I ask you out and tell you this?"

"So... that's how it is, Puchi!"

"Hey, what are you laughing at?"

"No, I just suddenly remembered that Yousha from last year was also desperately trying to restore my relationship with Kazuto."


"Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, we have been divorced for more than half a year."

Kazuto Mogami thought about it, and there was indeed such a period of time.

At that time, there was sand in the clear water, and in order to restore the relationship between Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi, he ran around desperately.

At that time, she must have never imagined that she would become Mogami Kazuto's lover.

"Well, you don't look like you've changed at all."

"You have changed a lot, Mr. Totsuka." "

"I said, stop trying to change the subject."

"Oh, exposed?"

"I said, since you both think so much about each other, why can't you sit down and have a good chat?"

"No way."


"The relationship between Yousha and I can no longer go back to the way it was in the past. Kazuto, you should be vaguely aware of it."

Xiao Nishi Saori stared at Mogami Kazuto, his expression gradually turned serious, and his voice was a little tired.

"Heren, as long as you are here, the relationship between Yousha and me will never be restored."


(End of this chapter)

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