Chapter 338 332. Already, it's spring.

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback, and looked at Ayane Sakura in surprise, her handsome face full of heroism showed a rare softness.

Kazuto Mogami, as always, couldn't understand girls' minds, especially Sakura Ayane's.

Presumably, among the large group of girls, Sakura Ayane should be the most difficult type to serve.

Even so, she will show this expression because of other people's sadness.

Mogami Kazuto was not surprised by this.

He was surprised that Ayane Sakura would show this expression because of him.

Mogami Kazuhito thought that this was the patent of the girls she liked.

For example, Xiaoxi Sazhi, like clear water with sand, and like the "plant sauce" in her mouth.

Even though he knew that she had good intentions in his heart, Mogami Kazuto was not ready to respond to her with the same attitude, so he could only say lightly:

"Mom is sick, and I have to go back tomorrow."

When Sakura Ayane heard the words, the stubbornness and rebelliousness that remained at first disappeared from her face without a trace.

"It's time to go back and have a look."


Sakura Ayane propped her chin on her elbows, staring straight out of the window.

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what she was looking at.

"As for me, I have always lived with my parents. Although my father often travels overseas, he sees Zhishin every day.

Ah... that's my mother. "

"Well, you did."

"I and my mother are very similar, not referring to the character, but the appearance, it can be said that they are exactly the same."

"The nose too?"

Sakura Ayane gave Mogami Kazuto a white look: "Can you talk?"

"Feel sorry."

She snorted softly with her nose, and continued to say to herself: "However, in terms of personality, it can be said that it is almost the complete opposite, gentle and virtuous, like Yamato Nadeshiko in a costume drama.

I am the character of this boy. "

"Boys are not as troublesome as you."

"This is sexism, and... the only thing I don't want to be said by you, Mr. Despicable."

Kazuto Mogami shrugged his shoulders as a tacit consent.

"It's because I'm with her every day, saying 'I'm out' when I go out in the morning, and 'I'm back' when I come home at night.

Although since I came home late every night after work, I seldom see her at night.

But I understand that we live in the same home and any changes that happen to her, I can notice.

But I thought that if one day, I moved out of the house and didn't see her for a long time, I suddenly learned that she had caught a cold and was sick, lying on the bed, whispering my name.

I must blame myself for not being there for her. "

Unexpectedly, Kazuto Mogami could understand this feeling.

Every word she said, every sentence, Mogami could understand.

Kazuto Mogami knew very early on that Ayane Sakura was a kind idiot, but she only showed her "idiot" side to Kazuto Mogami.

Today's Sakura Ayane looks exceptionally like a gentle girl.

"The reason why Mr. Xianren looks so uncomfortable is because, like me, people who are worried about being with him day and night suddenly become vulnerable.

That kind of thing, just imagining it, I can't stand it. "

Kazuto Mogami stared at her for a long time, and said, "You bastard, what's going on, you make it sound like your mother is the one who is sick."

"Bah! Don't talk nonsense, I'll beat you up!"

Mogami Kazuto shook his head helplessly.

"I just want to tell you, cherish the current mood, you will feel uncomfortable because of this, Mr. Desperate, because you are an ordinary person, an ordinary person with precious things.

I am also an ordinary person. "

Mogami Kazuto never imagined that he would be comforted by Sakura Ayane one day.

Oh no, it seems that a similar thing happened a long time ago.

Life is really incredible.

Mogami Kazuto raised the corner of his mouth silently.

"What are you laughing at? It's disgusting." Sakura Ayane said disgustedly.

"No, I was just thinking, Sakura, you are surprisingly a good daughter."

Kazuto Mogami's words did not contain any falsehood. Although he is a handsome guy in Tokyo who loves to lie, the compliment this time is sincere.

"What is an "accident"!You bastard! "

"It's obviously a compliment to you."

"You don't need your sarcastic compliment at all."

Mogami Kazuto laughed, it was a smile from his heart, and he was in a particularly relaxed mood at the moment.

It seems that since the decision to make a change, other things around me will also change.

Even if there was a breakup between Shimizu Yousha and Xiaonishi Saori, Mogami Kazuto still thought that his change was a good thing.

If he was still the past self, maybe he would not be able to feel the desire to help them.

Even if he was in that mood, there was a high probability that he would not take any action, but just watched them quietly like a bystander.

Likewise, he couldn't feel the comfort from Ayane Sakura.

He is not the only one who is changing.

Mogami Kazuto felt relieved from the bottom of his heart.

"I told you not to laugh so badly..."

Sakura Ayane froze in the middle of her sentence.

As if on the way home from the rain, complaining that the rain is so annoying, the next second the rain stopped and a brilliant rainbow flashed across the sky.

The hair that was wet by the rain, water droplets fell one by one, dripped into the collarbone, and made the white shirt dizzy.

It has never been noticed so far that this gray sky can produce such things that people can't take their eyes off.

"Thanks, Sakura."

"Hmm...don't just leave out the honorific title as if nothing had happened, I'm a senior!"

Being thanked so frankly by Mogami Kazuto, she was a little at a loss.

"Yes, Sakura-san."

"Why do you feel that you are coaxing the children?"

Ayane Sakura could not be relieved.

"Then what should I say? Is it Caiyinjiang?"

Sakura Ayane was furious, and her fair cheeks flushed red with anger: "You bastard! Who told you to call my name!"

Kazuto Mogami laughed, stood up from his seat, waved his hand and said, "It's almost time for me to go record, see you, Sakura."

Sakura Ayane silently watched his leaving back, pursed her lips and whispered.

"It's said that you are honored, you bastard scumbag."

Sitting alone for a while, Sakura Ayane was about to rush to the next set, and when she went to the front desk to pay the bill, she was told that the bill had already been bought.

Even though it was only a cup of coffee at 780 yen, she couldn't help showing a charming smile as if she had been invited to a luxurious meal at a high price.

Walk out the door, feel the gentle wind, and kiss her cheek wantonly.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

In the distance, the petals of the cherry blossoms that fell to the ground once again were lifted up by the wind and danced happily in the air.

Already, it's spring.

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(End of this chapter)

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