After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 345 339. Forget it, another voice actor, he thought.

Chapter 345 339. Forget it, another voice actor, he thought.

"Honestly, seeing your acting skills just now, I thought you would be a voice actor."

Naneda Lisa held the written note in front of her body, and Kazuto Mogami couldn't help showing a weird look after reading it.

"Seiyuu means people who dub anime, movies and games, right?"

"Don't you know voice actors?"

"Well, I don't understand."

"That's really a pity, I think you are quite suitable to be a voice actor."

"I take it as a compliment."

"Of course it's a compliment. I've never seen a person with such a rich voice like you. We just met yesterday. You can imitate my voice perfectly."

"It's just a little specialty."

"If this is just a small specialty, then professional voice actors should cry."

Kazuto Mogami did not deny that she was right, after all, this is the ability brought by the panel, and he knows how bad it is.

"If you become a seiyuu, I can be your number one fan."

Mogami Kazuto said lightly: "Sorry, I don't have that idea."

"what a pity."

He smiled slightly.

"I said, do you still imitate the voices of other voice actors? Can you show me, such as the famous Ms. Hanazawa and Mr. Kamiya."

Kazuto Mogami was very surprised by what she said, but he didn't think deeply about it. He just felt that this girl seemed very interested in voice actors and kept talking about this topic.

"I don't know much about voice actors, so I don't know the voices of those voice actors you mentioned."


This time, Taneda Risa did not answer in writing, but made a meaningful voice.

"You're from Tokyo, right?"

"Indeed, why do you ask?"

"Just ask, don't take it to heart."

What she wrote like this made Kazuto Mogami a little concerned.

If he guessed correctly, the woman in front of him should be suffering from throat problems, so she has been silent.

In addition, she knows so well about seiyuu, Mogami and others speculate that she should be a person who works with voice, maybe she is also a seiyuu.

However, in Mogami Kazuto's impression, there is no well-known voice actor whose surname is Risa.

After all, Kazuto Mogami didn't know much about seiyuu, and there were very few names that he could say. Maybe he was ignorant.

"Miss Lisa, is she a voice actress?"

When Gengtian Lisha heard this, she winked playfully at him.

"you guess."

Her answer was ambiguous, and Mogami Kazuto couldn't judge.

After that, she wrote down the last post-it note of the day.

"Let's go outside the map and have a look."



"Ah~~ The air outside is really sweet, and the inpatient department always smells of disinfectant, it's really unbearable."

When she came outside the inpatient building, she raised her arms high and stretched her body to her heart's content, her voice was clear and sweet.

"Hey! Villager A, walk with me, the patient."

Taneda Risa specifically emphasized that she was a patient, which made Kazuto Mogami helpless to follow her.

Walking in the garden where they chatted last night, she was not the only one wearing a sick suit.

An old woman in a wheelchair is basking in the sun leisurely, with a nurse standing behind her.

A child playing with a young mother telling him not to fall.

There are many patients resting in the garden like this.

Farming pear yarn is just one of them.

"Everyone here is struggling with something, whether it is a child or an old man, everyone is struggling with their lives in order not to make the people around them sad.

So I often tell myself, "Don't lose! Come on! Lisha!""

As she spoke, she laughed out loud.

After laughing enough, a lonely expression covered her pale and weak cheeks again.

"As for me, when I first got sick, I always thought, why does it have to be me?

Why is it the sound of the disease.

Even if there is a problem with my heart, I probably won't be more uncomfortable than I am now. "

Mogami Kazuto who was following beside him couldn't answer the conversation, and had a vague guess in his heart.

"But it's not like that, it's not just me, everyone here thinks this way.

There is always someone happier than yourself, and there is always someone less fortunate than yourself.

I can't be happy when someone is less fortunate than me, but I am happy because someone is luckier than me...

and envy. "

Mogami Kazuto can understand her thoughts, and so can he.

Gengtian Lisha took a deep breath, said with a smile, "You guessed it just now, it's right."


"I, used to be a voice actor."


it is as expected.

he thinks.

"But now, it's just a villager in an RPG game."

Like a firefly girl, she is desperately releasing the last light in her life.

Faint, swaying.

The spring breeze that made others feel comfortable, blowing on her, seemed to be extinguished in the next moment, leaving only dry wreckage.

Kazuto Mogami felt the sadness filling her body.

"Some people can't laugh. People who rely on their voices for food have broken the most important voice."

She said this with a relaxed smile on her face.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't imagine what kind of mood she used to say this sentence.

If it were Mogami Kazuto himself, who made him suffer from a disease that could no longer write, he didn't have the confidence to smile like her.

"Miss Lisha is very strong."

"Do I look strong?"

"Well, at least much stronger than me."

In the past, Mogami Kazuto was always weak and self-closing, but whenever he encountered something, his first thought was to run away.

This mood stems from his distrust of the world.

Because of fear and loneliness, I cannot have courage and confidence.

That is no longer the case.

He sometimes misses himself at that time, but he does not regret the changes he made, and he believes that his future will be better.

"No... that's the case, if I'm really strong enough, I won't give up on myself."

"Sometimes, it takes more courage to give up than to continue."

Taneda Risa stared at Kazuto Mogami for a long time, then burst out laughing.

"You're pretty good at talking, a mere villager A."

She poked Mogami Kazuto's arm with her elbow, smiling broadly.

"I finally understand why she said that at the time."


Taneda Lisha waved her hand: "Don't worry about it, it's just me talking to myself."

Mogami Kazuto hesitated for a while, thinking that she used to be a voice actor, so it is not surprising that she has heard his name, so she couldn't help asking:

"Do you know me?"

"What are you talking about? Didn't we meet yesterday?"

That's right.

The soft sunlight shone on her side face, Kazuto Mogami could see his own shadow on her face.

She squinted her eyes, opened her five fingers to the sky, followed the gap between her fingers, and looked at the blue sky.

"By the way, I'm also from Tokyo."

she said so.

 First update today, it's getting late, it's almost dawn, good night everyone.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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