After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 348 342. For the friend in her mouth, she is determined to resist fate.

Chapter 348 342. For the friend in her mouth, she is determined to resist fate.

"Thank you for your letter from Pork Chop Rice.

Good evening, Ms. Minase and Mr. Totsuka.

good evening.

Recently, I had a quarrel with a friend who was very close, and I said quite excessive words, which developed into a state of breaking up.

Afterwards, I felt very regretful in my heart, but every time I faced her, I couldn't express my feelings smoothly.

I would like to ask Minase-san and Mr. Totsuka, if you encounter such a situation, how would you deal with it? "

As soon as Kazuto Mogami finished speaking, the staff in the audience showed doubts.

Every letter sent to them has been confirmed by them.

Although Mogami Kazuto and Shimizu Yousa didn't know the contents of the letter before they opened it, they knew it very well.

Even the supervisor sitting in the middle was puzzled at this moment.

But at this time, the live broadcast was in progress, and even the program supervisor couldn't intervene, and could only wait for the two people on stage to adapt.

Kazuto Mogami noticed the strange expressions of the staff members in the audience, but she couldn't pay attention to the clear water and sand. She just thought it was an ordinary letter from the audience.

Although she was also very curious, why did she choose such a discussion letter in the live broadcast.

Although such letters are very common in radio programs, they are not suitable for such occasions as live broadcasts.

Not to mention that the main purpose of today is to promote their work as singers.

Shimizu Yousa pondered and made a hesitant voice of "Hmm...", Kazuto Mogami answered one step ahead of her.

"Interpersonal relationship, it's really a complicated topic. After all, it's not so easy for people to understand each other."

"That's right." Qingshui Yousha echoed.

"I feel that when you are feeling troubled and regretful because of this matter.

The restless heart, the tears shed, these are all evidences of cherishing each other.

If this can be considered a breakup, there is no one in the world who can be called a friend.

When you wrote this letter, didn't you already get the answer in your heart?

Friends, how precious they are. "

Kazuto Mogami surprised many by being uncharacteristically talkative on the show.

Some people may like this kind of chat, but more people come to watch the whole work for fun.


"As expected of a light novel writer"

"He actually talked about the truth in the live broadcast www"

"Isn't this a broadcast accident?"

"Totsuka-san was unexpectedly able to talk today."

He ignored the staff's eyes and bullet screens, looked at Shimizu Yousha who was smiling silently and facing the camera, and said slowly, "Miss Minase, don't you think so?"

Qingshui Yousha is worthy of being a veteran of sports, even in this state, he can still put on an innocent expression of ignorance and laughter.

After hearing Mogami Kazuto's question, he nodded slightly, his face gradually became serious, and he pretended to be thinking hard.

"If it were me, I think I would be the type of person who doesn't have the guts to apologize.

Once some words are spoken, they will form a wound, and there is no way to heal this wound just by avoiding it.

I will be afraid to face the things I fear, so I will stay where I am. "

Kazuto Mogami remained silent, and the atmosphere at the scene had been silent for two seconds.

The supervisor's voice came from the earbuds worn by Qingshui Yousha, signaling to the two of them to quickly end this topic.

She didn't look at Kazuto Mogami, she had already seen his expression clearly on the LCD TV in front of her.

She finally realized it.

Can't go wrong.

This is Mogami Kazuto's arrangement.

From just now, the staff looked uneasy, if all this was arranged by Kazuto Mogami, then it would make sense.

He actually read a fictitious letter that the staff didn't know about in the live broadcast. Does he really know what it means?

In case of a serious broadcast accident, he may be excluded by the industry, and no one dares to invite him to be on the show since then.

Can he really understand the meaning of it?

Qingshui Yousha glanced slightly at his eyes, and saw Mogami Kazuto's firm and indifferent expression.

Can't help but smile in my heart.

He must have understood.

Before he fully understands what he will suffer from doing such a thing.

Even so, he did it.

As for the reason, she didn't have to ask at all.

She understands.

If, if that person is watching the live broadcast at this time, he will definitely understand.

What a...excessive and tough person.

What was it that turned him into what he is now?

Obviously, he never cared about such nosy things before.

The previous him was more decadent, full of inexplicable sadness.

Never take the initiative to work hard for anyone, just stay in place lonely, waiting for someone to redeem.

Now, he's become demanding and nosy.

Only the tenderness hidden in his bones is still the same as before.

It made her seem to be falling into the sea, losing all light and oxygen. At the end of closing her eyes, she saw the shining pearl hidden in the deep sea.

In this way, I will become more and more inseparable from him.

Obviously because of your existence, I lost my mind and distorted the relationship with Saori.

But on such an occasion, you show a tenderness that only she and I can understand.

The more you are like this, the more afraid I am.

I am afraid that one day, my relationship with her will become a real hostile relationship.

When that time comes, will you be on my side?

Or... what about her?
That's all, that's all...

Qingshui Yousha has never had the slightest bit of resentment towards Saori Xiaoxi, and the cause of the incident was her lack of self-confidence.

Because he was worried that Kazuto Mogami would go with her, he became not like himself, and while hurting Saori Konishi, he also hurt this relationship.

But now, Kazuto Mogami is doing his best to provide her with a platform, and he knows that she cannot face Xiaonishi Saori directly.

There is sand in the clear water, and I don't want to disappoint his kindness.

At the same time, she is unwilling to continue distorting this friendship, which she regards as a treasure.

If Saori is willing to forgive me...


Shimizu Yousha lowered his eyes slightly, revealing the same energetic smile that belonged to Minase Inori.

"However, a friend is a friend. If my friend unilaterally announces that he has broken up with me, even if I stalk me, I will not give up easily.

So, please don't hesitate and hesitate, and speak your mind out loud.

If you don't have courage, please try to gain courage.

To apologize, to make amends.

Then, take the courage to tell her:
We are best friend forever. "



"We are best friend forever."

In the lonely lounge, the staff came to inform her that the recording studio was going to close for get off work, but she didn't hear it.

One after another, transparent drops of water came from nowhere and dripped onto the screen of the mobile phone, appearing colorful pixels, blurring her vision.

Gently closing her eyes, she murmured with difficulty.

"Me too, I want to be good friends with you forever."

 I went for scraping today, and the pain was so painful that I was stupid, it was Ling Chi at all.

  The state is not good, I will make up later, I have to sleep first.

  good night everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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