After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 399 393. Miss Hidaka can do it, but Miss Sakura can't.

Chapter 399 393. Miss Hidaka can do it, but Miss Sakura can't.

photo studio.

The second episode of "Totsuka Cafeteria" is currently being filmed.

Kazuto Mogami was wearing a dark blue T-shirt, a turban on his head, and a pure white apron around his waist, standing in front of the cooking counter.

The fill lights in all directions dazzled him to some extent. In today's shooting scene, there is an extra camera mounted on the ceiling, in order to be able to shoot the dishes in the pot from top to bottom.

Mogami Kazuto silently folded the napkins on the cooking table, immersing himself in his own world. It wasn't until the surrounding staff gestured to him that he noticed that the camera had turned on a red light.

"Ah... sorry, I was distracted."

"Welcome to Totsuka Cafeteria, I'm Kazuto Totsuka, hello everyone!"

Mogami Kazuto raised his head, looked at the opportunity of the ceiling, and made a gesture of opening his hands.

The first time is raw and the second time is familiar, Mogami Kazuto has been able to control the atmosphere of the shooting scene with ease.

"Recently, the store has been renovated, and the second floor has been expanded. I hope that new customers will continue to come in in the future."

"This is a cooking program where I am the owner and entertain the guests who come to the store. Please give me your advice."

Kazuto Mogami looked at the teleprompter outside the venue and read out sentence by sentence, and the collective applause of the staff rang out at this moment.

"Although it was a bit sudden, please allow me to directly introduce the guests this time, but I didn't expect to invite that adult this time.

The guest of this issue is this one..."

Accompanied by the applause, the short stature of Hidaka Rina trotted from outside the studio and came in waving his arms all the way. The large slippers that didn't fit his feet were flapping, which was very cute.

The smile is sweet and the appearance is moving.

"Hi everyone, I'm Sakura Ayane's substitute, Hidaka Lina desu ~ Please give me your advice."

The two greeted each other, Hidaka Licai walked into the cooking counter very naturally, and looked up at the camera on the ceiling.

"Hi everyone on the second floor~~"

Probably to show her cuteness, Mogami Kazuto leaned quietly, kept a distance from her, and made the same movement in agreement.

When he put his hands down, the back of his hands unintentionally hit the handle of the frying pan in front of him, making a loud trembling noise.

Hidaka Lina was taken aback, hesitating whether he should reach out to help, and all the staff outside the venue laughed knowingly.

As always, a reassuring broadcast accident.

"Be careful, it's very dangerous."

"Almost ruined the guy who was eating." Mogami Kazuto sighed.

A double entendre, exquisite.

Hidaka Rina smiled and sat down at the table, turning sideways to look at Kazuto Mogami.

Those beautiful talking eyes are even more charming under the surrounding fill light.

"Totsuka-san, what are you going to do for me today?"

"Hmm... omelet rice."

"Eh? It's omelet rice again, the last issue was also omelet rice."

"'s a little different, last time it was Totsuka's omelet rice."

"What about this time?"

"I want to improve it a little bit and make Hidaka flow omelet rice."

Hidaka Licai was amused and laughed.

Kazuto Mogami deliberately slowed down the speed of chopping vegetables. If he was at home, he could finish it in about 15 minutes, but in order to match the duration of the program, he could only chop onions slowly.

As a result, I cut and cut, and couldn't help but shed tears.

"Totsuka-san's expression looks so painful."

"It doesn't matter, tears are the seasoning of feelings."

"Although this sentence sounds cool, please don't drip into the onion, I have a clean freak."

This woman will say some hurtful things inadvertently.

"However, I'm really skilled at chopping onions. It can be seen that I have been cooking all the time."

"Isn't that what I said?"

After processing the ingredients, Mogami Kazuto snapped his fingers handsomely and murmured: "Forno Accendere."

Then he bent down and turned the valve of the stove.

Hidaka Rina covered her mouth with her hands and kept laughing.

"Speaking of which, it's not the first time I've collaborated with Totsuka-san on a program. But it far I haven't had the opportunity to watch Totsuka-san from the side like this."

"Hmm." Mogami Kazuto responded casually.

"There's a great vibe to it, a nice manly vibe."

"Good man?"


Hidakari was still laughing non-stop, Kazuto Mogami could only see the onions and chicken in the pot, thinking that he would sprinkle salt in [-] seconds, but his expression was somewhat subtle.

Hidaka Lina seemed completely unaware that she had said something strange, her eyes were full of smiles.

Kazuto Mogami took advantage of the space between the pots and took a glance at Hidakari. Her eyes were really beautiful, so pure and bright that they seemed to have magical powers that people couldn't look away from.

The chicken and salad oil blend together, making a wonderful sound of "sizzling".

"Just hearing this voice made me hungry. I didn't eat this morning because of this meal."

"Then please look forward to it."

She kept looking towards Kazuto Mogami: "From my angle, I can't see anything clearly."

"Then you want to come and see?"

"Huh? I want to see, I want to see."

With the sound of "slapping" slippers, Hidaka Rina happily walked into the cooking table, and Mogami Kazuto moved half a step calmly, lifting the pan, so that the camera on the ceiling could shoot more clearly.

"Please be careful, it will be bad if it is knocked over."

"That's right."

Kazuto Mogami poured the rice and tomato sauce into the pot and kept stir-frying it, and the Hidakari dishes watched with relish.

"How should I put it, it feels so fresh to let others cook for me."

"Miss Hidaka usually cooks by herself."

"Well, except for going to the cafeteria at school, I cook for myself in my spare time."

"Then I'll give Miss Rigao a task, can you break the eggs over there?"

"Okay, it's a small matter, I have enough time."

Even though she was wearing short sleeves, she stroked her slender arms vigorously.

Kazuto Mogami handed to Hidaka Licai the apron sold as a peripheral, with the logo of the show printed on it, and Kazuto Mogami's Q-version standing drawing.

After she put it on, she said, "It's very beautiful, it suits you very well."

"Can it be done with one hand?"

"One-handed? I think you can try it, but is it really okay to let guests into the kitchen?"

"Miss Hidaka is fine, but if it's Miss Sakura."

"Huh? Why?"

"That person doesn't look like the type who can cook."

To be honest, this is Mogami Kazuto's prejudice.

"No way, I remember that Ms. Sakura cooks delicious food."


Mogami Kazuto's hand shaking the pot couldn't help shaking.


"Machi Machi."

This is really unexpected.

Thinking about waiting for the broadcast of this episode, Ayane Sakura hears the conversation just now, and doesn't know what she will do.

Mogami Kazuto has already started to regret it, thinking that he will have to ask the supervisor to cut this paragraph later.

(End of this chapter)

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