After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 405 399. Miss Shimizu wants to meet her parents today.

Chapter 405 399. Miss Shimizu wants to meet her parents today.

Hearing Mogami Kazuto's voice, Sakura Ayane shook her shoulders slightly, stood silently on the spot, slowly turned her head, and looked indifferently at his annoyingly handsome face.


To be honest, even Kazuto Mogami didn't understand why he called her name suddenly.

Is it because she looks so haggard?
Do you want to stand in the position of a friend and ask her about her physical condition?

Mogami Kazuto suddenly recalled what Xiaonishi Saori said to him last night.

"With this kind of man who is gentle with all girls by his side, even the naive and weak girls will have to make changes."

No, the essence of tenderness is kindness and empathy for others.

Mogami Kazuto doesn't own that kind of thing.

The reason why Mogami Kazuto seems to be gentle and friendly to everyone just proves that for Mogami Kazuto, there is no special person deep in his heart.

Is it a bit inappropriate for someone who has a girlfriend to care about other female voice actors?

Even if the other party is Sakura Ayane.

Mogami Kazuto realized the uneasiness of sand in the clear water, and stood there hesitating, speechless.

Seeing that Kazuto Mogami did not speak for a long time, Ayane Sakura's eyes dimmed and her voice was cold, like lemonade filled with ice cubes in a glass.

"I will pay you back the taxi fare last time."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help being taken aback: "What?"

"I caused you trouble before, I will transfer the taxi fare to your agent, I still have a job, so excuse me.

Uchida-chan, let's go. "

"Huh? Okay... okay."

Ayane Sakura left with a bewildered Maaya Uchida, leaving Mogami Kazuto standing still.

How should I put it, it is indeed a wonderful feeling.

The stalking girl suddenly stopped stalking her. What Mogami Kazuto felt was not easy, but a violation of harmony. He even suspected that this woman had a fever and burned her head.

Perhaps only Sakura Ayane could make him feel such a wonderful emotion.

Shaking his head, Kazuto Mogami left here.

Standing in front of the sidewalk, waiting silently for the signal light to turn green, as long as ever.

On the bench next to the convenience store opposite, a young couple was sitting, feeding each other crepes as if no one else was around.

Why can it be asserted that they are lovers, not brothers or sisters? Presumably this is the first reaction of being a human being.

So, in the eyes of passers-by, did they look like a couple in love that day?

Probably not.



After spending an afternoon at the bookstore, Kazuto Mogami headed to the nearby station after receiving the news from Shimizu Yousha.

We met near Shibuya, both wearing masks, one in front of the other, walked into the tram together.

It was still afternoon at this time, and Mogami Kazuto was worried that reporters would follow the film if there was sand in the clear water, so he kept a considerable distance.

Sitting face to face in the car, chatting with each other on the line, all the way to Ueno Station, take the bus.

Until then, they held hands and sat together.

Qingshui Yousha sat by the window, like a primary school student on a spring outing, curiously looking at the passing streets.

In her opinion, this is a place full of childhood memories of Kazuto Mogami, but to Kazuto Mogami, this is just the filming location of the movie in his mind.

This is Mogami Kazuto's biggest secret, and he cannot tell anyone. As long as it remains a secret, he will never be able to be honest with anyone.

The bus arrived at the stop, and the two got off the bus. Qingshui Yousha's originally relaxed face gradually became tense.



"I am a little scared."

"We'll be at the door soon, don't you want to run away?"

"If I say "yes", what will Kazuto-san do? "

She looked at Kazuto Mogami with a hint of probing and anticipation.

Mogami Kazuto lowered his eyes slightly.

Why do you ask such a question?

I didn't want to see such clear water with sand, so I dated her.

I don't want her to cry, I want to respond to her efforts, to respond to her company, and then to give her the return she expects.

Is he doing something wrong?

"If Yousha is afraid, it doesn't matter if you go next time, I will listen to you."

After receiving the answer, Qingshuiyousha stared intently into Mogami Kazuto's eyes, and the hand he held in his palm involuntarily broke free quietly.

The next moment, she took off her mask and showed a sweet smile.

"It's okay! I'll try my best to make them like me, let's go, Heren-san."

Kazuto Mogami stared at her for a while.

It's it?

"Well, let's go then."

"it is good."



When Junpei Mogami came home with an empty bucket, his wife was busy in the kitchen, hesitating about what to say, when his wife said that she had bought some fish.

Mogami Junpei said a few words bluntly, the wind direction is not good today, and so on, next time he will definitely catch it, which caused his wife to look helplessly.

After resting in the living room for a while, Mogami Kazuto's voice came from the entrance, and Mogami Chiyo couldn't wait to go out to greet him.

His eyes were not on Kazuto Mogami immediately, but on the petite girl who was following him.

"Heren, you're back."

"Well, I'm back, this is Yousha."

"At the beginning... the first time we met each other, I was like clear water and sand."

Even though she is a professional voice actor, in such a situation, she couldn't help biting her tongue and blushing.

Mochiyo seemed to be calm, his brain was spinning fast, he greeted them kindly, and led the two into the living room.

Mogami Kazuto walked behind, and Mogami Chiyo pulled Mogami Kazuto's sleeve at this time, and asked quietly: "Why isn't it Ms. Sakura that I met last time? You changed again?"

"What do you mean by 'I changed again'?Sakura-san and I are just ordinary friends, not what you think. "

Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear that there would be sand in the clear water.

In fact, Mogami Kazuto's worries were unnecessary, Shimizu Yousa was stiff like a robot at this moment, and he couldn't hear his conversation with Mogami Chiyo at all.

Hearing what his son said, Mochiyo showed some suspicious eyes, but he didn't ask any more questions, walked to Shimizu Yousha, and kindly took her to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Where's Dad?"

"It's in the study, I'll call him."

"It's okay, I'll go."

Just sitting on the sofa, there was sand in the clear water, and I was impatient, my eyes were wide open, and my face was full of disbelief.

Just three seconds into the room, did he want to be alone with his mother?

What devil boyfriend are you? !

Mochiyo could see that Shimizu was nervous, and smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'll go, Kazuto, please entertain Miss Shimizu first, it's her first time visiting our house, so don't neglect."


After Mochiyo left, Shimizu Yousha finally breathed a sigh of relief and relieved the tension in his heart.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to be a very kind mother.

(End of this chapter)

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