Chapter 407 401. He thought.


Most Shangjia.

Put the chopsticks aside neatly with clear water and sand, and put your palms together.

"I'm full and it's delicious."

Mochiyo looked at her: "Is this enough? It doesn't matter if you have another one."

"No need, I have a relatively small appetite, so I can't eat too much."

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her sideways, it's a shame she said such a thing.

Sure enough, beautiful women are good at lying, and Master Jin Yong does not deceive me.

"Is that so? Really! Kazuto, didn't you ask mom to cook more?" Mogami Chiyo looked at Mogami Kazuto with some complaints.


Shimizu Yousha turned his head stiffly, looked at Mogami Kazuto beside him with disbelief, and Mogami Kazuto silently ate the rice without daring to make a sound.

Kazuto Mogami didn't look at Shimizu Yousha, fearing that he would be killed by her eyes.

"He... Kazuto-san is really good, I can't eat a lot of girls with my body type, aha... ahahaha."

Mochiyo burst out laughing: "Indeed, Miss Shimizu is not only cute, she is also an interesting child."

"Hey hey~~~"

Being praised by Mochiyo made her feel a little elated.

After the meal, Mochiyo specially handed Shimizu Yousa pudding, Shimizu Yousha's eyes were straightened, he swallowed, and turned reserved: "Thank you, auntie, but I really can't eat anymore."

"What's the matter? A girl's second stomach is for snacks, isn't it?"

Hearing what she said, Qingshuiyousha finally stopped pretending, thanked her with a simple smile, and ate happily.

Mochiyo went to prepare tea, and when she came to Qingshuiyousha again, she was stunned for three seconds when she saw the empty pudding box on the coffee table.

Qing Shui felt bad, he was careless, and his stuff was revealed.

She gave Mogami Kazuto a begging look.

Kazuto Mogami wanted to turn a blind eye, but he couldn't hold back the helplessness and weakness in her eyes.

Really, who told you to pretend to be a bird stomach.

"Mom, is there any pudding left? I still want to eat it." Mogami Kazuto said at this time.

"Huh? Is this what you ate?"

"Because of a sudden craving for something sweet."

Mogami Chiyo immediately blamed: "You are a real kid. I prepared it for Miss Shimizu. If you want to eat it, you can't get it in the refrigerator yourself. Why eat someone else's."


"It doesn't matter, Auntie, I also have a small bite, and I really like watching He Rensang eat."

Mokamiyo's eyes gradually softened: "What a considerate and good boy."

"Hey hey~~"

"Heren, you are not allowed to bully others, otherwise mother will not spare you."

"How could I do that."

Qing Shui glanced at him with some satisfaction, without any trace of sand.

Mogami Chiyo went to the refrigerator to get pudding again, and told Mogami Kazuto not to steal it.

What else can Kazuto Mogami say, this family seems to have no place for him anymore.

Mogami Junpei came out of the study at this time, sat on the sofa, and Mogami Kazuto leaned over, trying to find a sense of belonging in this home.

"and people."

"Huh? What's the matter, Dad."

"Sit over, I'll talk to Miss Shimizu."


Oh, it's not too bad.

Kazuto Mogami got up to pour water. At this time, Shimizu Yousha had completely lost the cowardice when he first entered the house. His strong social skills and that innocent face that was harmless to humans and animals had already dominated this space called "Mogami House" .

"Miss Shimizu, you said you were Saori's good friend?" Mogami Junpei asked.

"Yes, we have a very good relationship and are very good girlfriends."

" statement may be a little rude, Saori, does she know about your affairs?"

"His dad, how can you ask such a thing, they will take care of the children's affairs themselves." Mokamichiyo couldn't help but blamed.

"Well, I know." Qing Shui Yousha looked calm.

"I had a good chat with Saori, she understands us very well, and we had dinner together at Tsukishima's home yesterday."

"That's it, then I'm at ease, Kazuto, a child, has many things in his heart, and I'm worried that he will do something to hurt you.

Although these words are somewhat inappropriate for me as a father, Kazuto has been very popular with girls since he was a child, and it is our parents' negligence to become like this now.

So when he said that he would bring his girlfriend home, he felt a little worried while being happy. "

Qing Shui You Sha probably recognized it, and smiled knowingly: "I like Heren Sang very much, and I'm seriously dating him, maybe I don't know him well enough, but this is the only thing I can say.

I will definitely make Kazuto-san happy. "

The lines, which are obviously male, were spoken by this girl with firm eyes, unexpectedly, without any sense of disobedience.

Both Mogami Junpei and Mogami Chiyo were a little taken aback, looking at this petite and lovely girl in surprise.

He obviously looks so weak, but whether it's his eyes or the temperament exuding from his body, he is firm.

No wonder.

Only such a girl can correct his son's distorted temperament. Mogami Junpei somewhat understands why Mogami Kazuto associates with her.

At eight o'clock in the evening, I bid farewell to my parents, and Mogami Kazuto sent Shimizu Yousha to the station.

He was going to live in Ueno tonight, but Shimizu Yousa was just his girlfriend after all, not his wife.

The first time I went to the door, I slept directly at my parents' house, and the clear water and sand were not so careless.

Walking down the streets of residential areas, they held hands.

"He Rensang's parents are good people, I feel at ease."

"Are you still afraid?"

"Hey hey~~ I won't do it at all."

"That's good."

"Compared with this, my dad is more difficult to deal with. He Rensang has a bright future."

Mogami Kazuto smiled wryly, it seemed to be true.

"Or, I'll visit your parents in the near future."


Shimizu Yousha blinked blankly, looking up at Kazuto Mogami.

"Heren-san, are you considering my mood?"

"Is that what it looks like?"


Qingshuiyousha nodded slightly.

"I haven't explained it to my parents yet. If I confess directly, my dad will definitely be furious."

"That's it."

Listening to Mogami's compromising tone, she hid her sincerity well and showed a smile.

"It's okay. I will work hard with my dad. It doesn't matter if I talk about it in the future. I'm already very happy if He Rensang is willing to bring me to meet your parents."

Kazuto Mogami stopped suddenly, and the sticky and hot evening wind in June kept plucking a certain string in his heart.

"You don't want to do what Yousha told you to do, but to do what she said "it doesn't matter."

The man's words kept echoing in his ears.

She has already left her own life, but inexplicably, she will be affected by her words.

Is this an incentive?Or a lesson?

Probably more of the latter.

"Heren-sang? Why don't you leave?" Qingshui Yousha turned to look at him.

"There is sand."


He slowly squeezed her soft and petite hand.

"I still... want to visit your parents and convey the things between us.

It's not about caring, I think. "

(End of this chapter)

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