After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 409 403. "Journey to Death" animation audition meeting.

Chapter 409 403. "Journey to Death" animation audition meeting.


The scorching sun scorched the earth, and the scorching sun was like fire.

Office workers wearing ties and black suits reluctantly filled the cramped and stuffy tram compartment.

Some people are for dreams, some people are just for life.

Shinjuku, in the coffee shop downstairs of Denki Library.

"I have received the manuscript, thank you Mr. Totsuka, the completion of this volume is quite high."

"Thank you."

"I will proofread the typesetting as soon as possible, and then contact the printing house."

"Thank you, Mr. Xia Mu."

"As a matter of duty, it should be, by the way, the sales of the first volume of the manga are also very good, Kotobukisha, which invested in animation, has already sent the hand-figure samples to be released next month to the editorial department.

At that time, Mr. Totsuka will be reserved. "

Figurines, Kazuto Mogami is actually not very interested in this kind of otaku's toys, but after all, they are characters in his own writing, and Kazuto Mogami must have special feelings, so I gladly accept them and thank you.

"Speaking of business, the audition time for the animation has been decided, and many well-known voice actors have been notified, and Mr. Totsuka is required to attend on that day."

Kazuto Mogami is the original author, and has considerable decision-making power over the voice actors.

Many light novel writers and cartoonists will name voice actors when they are animated. If there is no problem with the schedule of the voice actors, they can almost make a decision directly.

There are even some seiyuuchu cartoonists and writers who have already decided on the seiyuu in their minds at the beginning of their creation, and try to portray the character design that echoes the field that the seiyuu is good at.

For example, the setting of Tsundere, Twin Ponytails, Poor Breasts, and Lolita, many people will invariably think of a senior who is in the same company as Ms. Sakura.

In this case, the supervisor will respect the original author's opinion and directly adopt the original author's candidate recommendation.

"The time is set on the seventh of this month. I will post the specific address to your line later."

"Okay, trouble."



Coming out of the coffee shop, Kazuto Mogami looked at the bright sun above his head. Yesterday it was still rainy, but today the temperature in Tokyo is really frighteningly high, cloudy or sunny, very much like that one.

In the evening, after returning to Tsukishima's home, Mogami Kazuto received the news that Shimizu Yusha was calling.

She said that the firm had selected her to participate in the audition for the animation of "Journey to the Dead". While she was happy, she also ran on Kazuto Mogami by saying that she was not officially appointed.

Mogami Kazuto knew she was joking and wasn't really angry.

There are not many main characters in "Journey". In addition to the male and female protagonists, there are also a series of partners and enemies encountered during the journey.

Because it is a commercial light novel, Kazuto Mogami still describes many lovable female characters, and there must be many female voice actors to participate in the audition.

During this period of time, Kazuto Mogami's life has not changed much, and rumors about him are still circulating in places that Kazuto Mogami doesn't know.

For example, there are rumors that Mogami Kazuto actually has a bad relationship with Sakura Ayane, or that he and Hidaka Rina seem to have a CP relationship.

Mogami Kazuto basically doesn't search for his own name on the Internet. Self-searching is something to do with it, and watching too much will only spoil his mood.

What's more, no matter what others say, Mogami Kazuto can't come forward to explain it. Even if there are some strange and vigorous female staff members who come to inquire during the recording, he will only say that he and Ms. Sakura have a normal working relationship.

It is also strange to say that among this group of female voice actors, there is obviously someone who once had a special relationship with him, but it is inconceivable that such rumors have never spread.

So, on July [-]th, Kazuto Mogami went to the recording studio.

In front of the recording building, I met Nobunaga Shimada, who I hadn’t seen for a long time, and I must have come to the audition for "Journey".

Shimada Nobunaga greeted Mogami Kazuto friendly, and Mogami Kazuto saw the other two men standing beside him.

One wears glasses, smiles kindly, and exudes an inexplicably gentle and friendly aura.

Another young man with a solid build and a calm appearance nodded politely to Kazuto Mogami.

"Totsuka-san, this is Hanae-san, this is Ishikawa-san."

Kazuto Mogami made a simple self-introduction and exchanged business cards one after another. Although Kazuto Mogami is not a voice actor, rumors about him are circulating everywhere in the voice actor circle. These two male voice actors obviously know Kazuto Mogami.

I am ashamed to say that Mogami Kazuto is not very familiar with them, but I do have an impression of Hana Natsuki, who is the voice actor of the male lead in the "Traveling" radio drama.

As for Ishikawa Sueto, Mogami Kazuto really didn't know each other, but this didn't affect their conversation.

Kazuto Mogami came today as the original author, so whether it is Natsuki Hanae or Sueto Ishikawa, they all refer to Kazuto Mogami as "teacher".

A group of four took the elevator to the recording studio.

There were more voice actors who came to participate in the audition than Kazuto Mogami had imagined. It was the first time that Kazuto Mogami knew that there was such a huge group of voice actors.

More than 90.00% of the voice actors present are people who cannot be named by Mogami Kazuto, and many of them are newcomers to the voice actor industry.

As for the other small group of people who he can name, they are the group of female voice actors who have a lot of contact with him.

Needless to say, Shimizu has sand, Ayane Sakura, Saori Konishi, Rina Hidaka, Maaya Uchida, and the younger senior who belongs to the same record company, Yui Ogura.

All acquaintances.

According to the rules, this group of people came to say hello to him. Almost everyone in this industry knows that "Journey to Death" is the work of Totsuka Kazu as an artist, and his face is his signature.

If it was the group of light novel writers in the group, if the supervisor didn't introduce them, there would be a high probability that they would only be regarded as on-site staff.

In the eyes of Shimada Nobunaga and others, Sakura Ayane should be the one who is most familiar with Mogami Kazuto among these female voice actors, but she is the only one who did not come to take care of Mogami Kazuto, and sat on the chair without moving Read the desk book.

Mogami Kazuto didn't care, and after exchanging pleasantries with everyone, he went to the studio.

Director Ishii, whom I met at an animation conference, is a man with mid-length hair and round-frame glasses who walks the streets of Akihabara and is 100% regarded as an otaku.

It is this ordinary-looking man who has participated in the production of many outstanding works such as "Cosmic Brothers", "Four Lies", and "86".

Supervisor Ishii was the first to say hello to Kazuto Mogami, and Kazuto Mogami distributed the condolences to everyone present.

Although Kazuto Mogami has recorded many programs, it is the first time for him to sit in the studio and evaluate others. As a layman, Kazuto Mogami adheres to the first principle of talking less.

When the time was almost up, Director Ishii took Mogami Kazuto into the recording studio and greeted many voice actors who came to participate in the audition.

(End of this chapter)

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