After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 415 409. There is a distance of hundreds of millions of light years between "like"

Chapter 415 409. There is a distance of hundreds of millions of light years between "like" and "don't hate".

The surrounding voices were noisy, and Uchida Maaya and Uchida Yuma were watching the fireworks blooming in the night sky side by side.

Xiao Nishi Saori stood in place, and the ice cola in Sakura Ayane's hand, one after another, slowly slid down the bottle and landed on the white insteps wearing clogs.

Somewhat cold.

I couldn't help but recall the swollen ankle and the feeling of being iced.


Ayane Sakura raised her head to look at Saori Nishi, her cheeks were slightly bitter, and Ayane Sakura rarely saw such an expression on her face, so she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

"Caiyin, do you like dating people?"


Without any lexical modification, it was just the most straightforward inquiry, causing Ayane Sakura to freeze in place, and the Coke in her hand almost fell.

"Huh? What are you talking about? How can I like that kind of person? Impossible, impossible, even if he is the only man left on the earth, I don't like him."

She is such an easy-to-understand woman, she wrote all her thoughts on her face, completely different from herself.

"Then... do you hate it?"

The options that appeared in front of her had already disappeared, so she didn't need to ask this question, but she still couldn't help asking.

Sakura Ayane slowly clenched her palm.

Ah...hate it.

I hate that guy the most.

There is no more loathsome, more hateful person in the world than that guy.

How could she not hate such a guy who approached her gently without authorization, and then left gracefully without authorization.


Sakura Ayane gradually pursed her lips, turned her head slightly, and her voice was soft.

"It's not... I hate it, Saori, you are the one, don't think that there are only two feelings: hate and love.

I just have nothing to do with him, which means we can do whatever we want, and I don't care anyway. "

Xiao Nishi Saori took a deep look at her: "There is a distance of hundreds of millions of light years between "like" and "don't hate". "




After the festival was over, the Uchida siblings walked home, while Sakura Ayane took off her yukata, changed into casual clothes, and drove away.

Because of motion sickness, Konishi Saori refused the invitation of Sakura Ayane and chose the simplest tram.

Sakura Ayane didn't say anything, but Xiao Nishi Saori's words lingered in her ears all the time.

Is my mood really that obvious?

It was so obvious that Saori Konishi would notice it.

Since Xiaoxi Saori can notice it, then there is sand in the clear water, isn't it... also noticed it.

Sakura Ayane didn't want to think about it. She had always been reluctant to think about such a problem as a train.

She cherishes the friendship with Inanosuke very much, although there are some thoughts that she likes to stick to it, but after all, Ms. Sakura is just an ordinary girl.

An ordinary girl who likes men.

The only thing that is different is the person she likes.

A friend's ex-husband, a friend's boyfriend.

But there are also things to be thankful for, aren't there?
Fortunately, I discovered his true face early before conveying my heart.Fortunately, I was still able to escape, and once again turned back into the sticker star who controlled the female seiyuu's harem.

The optimistic and positive Ms. Sakura sat alone in the car, smiling and comforting herself.


The river wind at night is filled with the pungent smell of fireworks, and the road is full of couples who come out to watch the fireworks with their companions, as well as staff cleaning up the wreckage of the fireworks.

Because she was wearing a yukata, she walked a little slower than before.

But it doesn't matter, there is still a long time before the final call, and she is not in a hurry.

She has walked this street countless times, and turning left in front is the shopping street, where she often buys ingredients for hamburger meat.

Kazuto liked to eat it when he was a child, but he didn't like it when he grew up.

At the end of the street is a department store. When they first moved to Yuedao, they went shopping together for furniture, including the two single beds.

If I bought a double bed back then, would it be different from what it is now?

She has the answer in her heart.

The gentle evening wind penetrated into the back of her neck, and Xiao Xisha knit the bathrobe tightly around her body.

In fact, she didn't like wearing a bathrobe, it was easy to be seen on the back of her neck, and those scars couldn't be removed no matter what.

She's a girl, and no girl doesn't care about this.

Xiao Nishi Saori very much hopes that she can make a decisive choice every time, so that there will be no need to add new scars.

But every time she encountered options related to him, she would become extremely hesitant.

Even if these hesitation times will only bring her pain, she still has no way to make a decision immediately.

I thought that as long as there is no intersection with him and fewer options come, maybe one day, all the scars on my back will be healed.

As for the scars in your heart, just let it go.

Anyway, it's already broken.



The fireworks are over.

Kazuto Mogami drank hot coffee quietly, and put the empty cans into the empty can basket next to the beverage vending machine, which was already full of cans, so they had to be carefully stacked on top.

I glanced at the time, it was almost 09:30, and before I knew it, I watched the whole fireworks by myself.

What a gloomy and lonely guy.

Mogami Kazuto laughed at himself.

Turn on the phone, on the screen is a selfie of Shimizu and Yousha wearing a bathrobe, and above the background, there are gorgeous fireworks, which are much more beautiful than those of Tsukishima.

After sending a sentence of "very beautiful", it didn't take long before I received a reply of "Are you talking about fireworks or me".

as expected.

Like other couples in love, after saying "both are beautiful", Shimizu has an emoticon pack of laughing from the sofa.

He stopped replying, pressed the lock screen button of the phone with a tired expression, and stuffed it back into his pocket.

Facing the evening wind, I took a deep breath of the air mixed with the smell of fireworks, and silently set foot on the way home.



Along the river bank, I walked silently with my head down, and unknowingly, I came here.

Looking at the familiar scene around her, she was momentarily stunned.

On the low wall of the house next to him, on the hanging form, the word "Mogami" is printed.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he murmured to himself: "What am I thinking... This is no longer my home."

Today I was invited by Maaya Uchida together with Ayane Sakura, and they readily agreed. When Saori Konishi learned that Maaya Uchida lived in Tsukishima, she did feel a little bit of resistance.

It was only because she couldn't refuse the expectation in the eyes of the younger generation that she agreed.

Because of the previous conversation with Ayane Sakura and the familiar streets around her, she came here unknowingly.

If Yousha knew that he ran to the door of the boyfriend he was dating so late, he would be very sad.

She turned around without a trace of hesitation and walked towards the station.

However, fate always loves to play tricks on her.

Not far away, a thin and lonely pitch-black figure approached her. Under the illumination of the street lamp, she could clearly see half of the face beyond the shadow.

The beating of the chest was silent, missing half a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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