After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 417 411. Because, I am not Mogami Kazuto.

Chapter 417 411. Because, I am not Mogami Kazuto.

Mogami Kazuto was silent and speechless.

In the past, Kazuto Mogami believed that Shimizu Yusa would never be that kind of girl.

But now the changes reflected in Qing Shui Yousha's body have reached a point that cannot be ignored.

In doing so, she hurt important friends, more than once.

That innocent girl turned into someone she didn't recognize.

Kazuto Mogami didn't blame her, and he couldn't blame her. The clear water and sandy tears were proof of her extreme pain.

Seeing her like that, what right do I have to blame her?

He is the one to be blamed.

Kazuto Mogami realized it the day Terashima Aimi's name turned gray from the panel.

In fact, they have already realized it.

He just didn't want to think in that direction.

And tonight, when Xiaoxi Saori said again, "As long as you are here, Yusa and I will not be able to return to the previous relationship."

He remained silent, and quietly opened the panel.

It has been a whole year since the two divorced, but Xiao Xi Saori's intimacy is still at that dazzling number.

Whether it's Shimizu Yousha, Terajima Aimi, Uchida Maaya, or even Sakura Ayane who can no longer see the exact number.

Their intimacy changes all the time.

Only the woman in front of me remained unchanged.

It seems that time has been fixed and thoughts have been imprisoned, leaving only eternal coldness.

As long as this number jumps once, Mogami Kazuto will not be so entangled at the moment.

The panel brought him many things and confirmed many things.

If all women who reach the number 80 will fall in love with him.

Then this woman in front of me, who once hurt herself and the original owner, what kind of feelings does she have towards her.

Kazuto Mogami still clearly remembers that when he first came to this world, Saori Nishi's intimacy was only 64.

It is a number that cannot go up or down.

With more than a month of getting along, she slowly rose, but her attitude towards herself remained unchanged.


If the intimacy displayed on the panel is accurate.

Why, she would do that kind of thing.

He thought that he could be calm and calm, but after thinking about it deeply, he found that there were too many secrets and mysteries in her.

A sudden marriage.

Growing intimacy.

Set him up with other women.

Accept the divorce frankly.

And... the scars all over her body.

Saori Konishi kept looking at Kazuto Mogami quietly, wondering what she was thinking.

"Saori, can I... ask you a question?"


"At that time, why..."

Mogami Kazuto's deep voice was heard next to her ear, she lightly squeezed her palm tightly, she had already guessed what Mogami Kazuto would ask.

"Why, do you want to marry me?"

Yes, Kazuto Mogami never asked that question.

The original owner didn't, and neither did he.

For the original owner, all he pursued was the result, no matter how ridiculous the reason was, he would gladly accept it.

For Mogami Kazuto after taking over the body, no matter what the reason is, it has nothing to do with him.

This reason belongs to the original owner, not to him.

But today, Mogami Kazuto has completely assumed this identity, and he has no way to let go of everything related to this body.

Xiao Xi Saori, who is married to him, is the core of all this.

Without that period of time, Mogami Kazuto who traveled through time might have lived a happier and more cheerful life.

This is no longer a problem that he can stay out of.

Xiaonishi Saori didn't speak, she couldn't answer Mogami Kazuto's question.

Even if he told the truth, he wouldn't believe it.

It's better to be a silent, or a lying bad woman than to speak the truth that would be seen as teasing him.

"Can't... answer me?"

Kazuto Mogami's voice was full of disappointment.

Seeing Mogami Kazuto like this, Nishi Saori squeezed her hands tighter and her nails sank slightly into her palms.

Compared with being whipped, it seems that it is more painful now.

With a forced smile, he tilted his head and said in a relaxed tone, "There is no reason, I just want to find someone to marry."

"That's hardly an answer at all."

Xiao Nishi Saori kept silent, raised her head silently, and met Kazuto Mogami's eyes.

There was a false smile on that face.

"Then what should I do? Tell me that I actually liked you since I was a child, but I didn't want to do that kind of thing with you, so I specially asked Yousha to deceive you. Do you believe that?"

"I believe."


The value of intimacy that never jumps has already explained everything.

"If, as you said, the relationship between you and Yousha cannot be restored because of me.

So what I want to say is, what kind of role do you play between us?


Emotionless ex-wife?


Xiaonishi Saori didn't choose to let Mogami Kazuto continue, and interrupted what he was about to say.

"Heren, I've said it countless times since I was a child, I don't like you at all."

"I believed in you when I was a child. I can't believe in you now."

Xiao Xi Saori clenched her palms tightly, then let them go slumpedly, the mask on her face was facing an unstoppable disintegration.

"After you know, what can you do?
What if it is a reason that will shake you?
If it is a reason to make you pity me, what should you do?
You let Yousha... what should I do? "

The former wife, every word, every sentence, every sentence punishes her heart.


He obviously already has a girlfriend, so what if he knows the truth.

Mogami Kazuto is well aware of such things.

If it wasn't for the change in his relationship with Qing Shui Yousha, he might never want to figure out the reason for the rest of his life.

However, clarify the facts and clarify the starting point of the incident.

Otherwise, what's the point of the full stop he drew with his own hands a year ago.

The false mask he had put on during this time had made him too tired.

I was so tired that I didn't want to think anymore, and I was so tired that I wanted to be like my past self, so I chose to escape.

But this time, Kazuto Mogami did not escape.

"Even so, I still want to find out the reason, even if you say you like me at this moment, I will not be shaken in the slightest.

As I said a year ago, the supreme and person who regarded you as the whole world has disappeared.

Now, my thoughts remain the same. "

Xiao Xi Saori's shoulders trembled slightly. Sure enough, she still felt a little uncomfortable after being said this in person.

"Kazuto, you really, have become Mogami Kazuto I don't know."

Hearing her dull voice, Mogami Kazuto smiled.

He smiled awkwardly, but was full of perseverance that had never appeared in him before.

Slowly closing his eyes, he took off the mask on his face, and let out a breath of relief.

"Because... I'm not Mogami Kazuto."

 All night, keep going!
(End of this chapter)

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