After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 431 425. Don't underestimate the awareness of professional voice actors.

Chapter 431 425. Don't underestimate the awareness of professional voice actors.

The second audition for "Journey" officially opened on this day.

Kazuto Mogami was still called over, and greeted a group of unknown voice actors in the rest area as usual.

This time they were all new faces, none of whom Mogami Kazuto could name.

"I'm Nao Tokai from "IMTETION Agency"..."

"I'm Saori Saori from "I'm core office"..."

"I'm Xue Gongtian from "Music Ray"..."



Sitting in the production room, watching different voice actors come in and out, matching the characters he created one by one.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but gradually become numb.

After listening to hundreds of people chanting the exact same lines, in the end, Kazuto Mogami himself could barely tell what kind of voice this character should have.

He couldn't help but glanced at Ming Tianchuan, who was the audio supervisor, secretly admiring him.

After the audition session was over, Mr. Ming Tianchuan was sorting out the list in his hand, sitting there quietly thinking.

The characters that will appear in the first season of the animation, the voice actors have basically been finalized, the only one that has not yet been decided.

It is the two protagonists.

In the casting of the protagonist, the two had already made up their minds to use Mogami Kazuto.

As for the most important thing about the kanban girl, they couldn't make up their minds for a while.

Without the addition of animation, in less than a year, the sales volume of the original "Journey" has exceeded the million mark.

Although it cannot be said to be worthy of top production, it will never be low enough to become an assembly line work.

The animation team has received sufficient funds, so it is necessary to present this highly anticipated work to the audience in the most perfect way possible.

For this reason, the voice acting of the heroine must not be sloppy.

If Naneda Risa had no record of throat disease, whether it was Ishii or Ming Tianchuan, they would all have the same opinion as Kazuto Mogami.

So far, no female voice actor has been able to show her voice that perfectly fits the role.

It was like a real aphasia who suddenly learned to speak.

Stumbling, staggering, with a fragility on the verge of fragmentation, but beautiful and beautiful.

But it was such a girl who was almost deprived of the ability to speak, and might not be completely cured in her lifetime, and would never be able to return to her former peak state.

All I can say is, it's a pity.

"Totsuka-sensei, only Shessel's voice actor has not been finalized yet, would you...give me some advice?"

Kazuto Mogami raised his eyelids: "I've already said my opinion, and the voice actor for Terry hasn't been decided yet."

Ming Tianchuan rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Terri is naturally in charge of Mr. Totsuka himself."

"I haven't agreed yet."

"Ah this..."

The two looked at each other, not knowing how to persuade Kazuto Mogami for a while.

They don't know what Mogami Kazuto is thinking, and naturally they don't know that Mogami Kazuto has actually made up his mind.

"Totsuka-sensei, if you are worried that you are not a professional voice actor, don't worry, we guarantee that with Totsuka-sensei's ability, he can definitely take on this role."

Kazuto Mogami's expression remained the same, neither humble nor overbearing: "I know."


He was not at all humble.

Ming Tianchuan always felt that Mogami Kazuto gave people a little changed today. Before, he was always modest and polite, but now he became inexplicably stronger.

In fact, Mogami Kazuto didn't want to, he just used his decision to dub as a bargaining chip in the negotiation.

There is no doubt that Kazuto Mogami cares deeply about his work.

That's why he strongly insisted that Gengtian Lisa be the heroine.

"Mr. Ishii, Mr. Akitagawa, to be honest, I have a little problem with dubbing.

It is far from the quality of a professional voice actor. I still think it is more appropriate to invite a professional voice actor to dub the protagonist. "

"Small problems?"

"Actually... my dubbing skills are really mediocre. I haven't taken classes in a voice actor school. It's just that my talent is a little bit better than others."

Ishii and Ming Tianchuan secretly talk nonsense.

Having been in the animation industry for many years, I have seen countless seiyuu, the skills Kazuto Mogami showed that day, definitely cannot be fooled by saying "the talent is better than others".

Mogami Kazuto didn't even need to say it explicitly, they had already seen what Mogami Kazuto wanted to say.

After all, they have been in this industry for so many years. With their eyesight, how can they not see what Kazuto Mogami is thinking.

Kazuto Mogami smiled slightly: "A large part of the reason why I was able to interpret the voice of the protagonist that day was because I heard Ms. Taneda's acting skills, and her timbre allowed me to better substitute into the scene of the story.

As I said just now, I'm not a professional voice actor, and I can't get into the show as I like. Please forgive me for this. "

If it weren't for Mogami Kazuto's outstanding dubbing ability and the fact that he was the original author of the work, they would have been a little bit eager to drive him away.

Mogami Kazuto's excuse can be said to be quite perfunctory, Ishii and Aketagawa know it well, and Mogami Kazuto himself certainly knows it better.

But he didn't panic at all.

"Totsuka-sensei means that if the voice actress of the heroine is Ms. Taneda, let her record the rival scene with you, and Totsuka-sensei will be able to restore 100% of the dubbing skills of that day. Is that what you mean?"

Mogami Kazuto nodded: "It's possible."

Ming Tianchuan twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at Supervisor Ishii helplessly.

Supervisor Ishii said slowly, "Ms. Totsuka, I admit that Miss Taneda's voice is indeed the most suitable candidate for Shessel, but you should also consider Miss Taneda's physical condition.

Mr. Totsuka, you have dubbing skills. You should know that the more speechless a character like Shessel is, the more difficult the skills are.

I heard that Ms. Gengtian has just been discharged from the hospital, is the burden too heavy for her? "

Mogami Kazuto frowned slightly, he didn't feel comfortable listening to such words.

"Mr. Ishii, Mr. Aketagawa.

Miss Taneda is sincerely working hard for this job, so she keeps participating in auditions.

Knowing that your chances of getting a job are slim.

After experiencing such an encounter, would a normal person continue to become a seiyuu at the risk of secondary injury?
she will.

Please don't underestimate the awareness of professional voice actors.

You also said that Miss Tanada is the most suitable person for Shessel.

The reason why the work requires voice actors to audition is to find the person who is most suitable for the voice of the character.

Now, this person appeared.

Shouldn't we catch her? "

Kazuto Mogami was talking endlessly, and the two in front of him didn't interrupt.

"Of course, I can also understand my feelings, and I don't deny that the situation you mentioned may happen.

If Miss Taneda suddenly loses her voice, a temporary replacement of the voice actor will cause a lot of trouble.

As the original author of the work, I naturally don't want to see that kind of ending.

So... In case Miss Kinda really has an accident during the dubbing process, I can temporarily replace Shessel's voice. "

Immediately afterwards, Kazuto Mogami coughed lightly, and when he spoke again, it was already the voice of Naneda Risa.

"It's ashamed to say that I have a lot of experience in imitating voices."

The two people in front of them petrified directly in place, looking left and right, but did not see the figure of Zhongtian Lisha.

In other words, it was indeed from the mouth of Kazuto Mogami.

Mogami Kazuto stood up, walked over and patted Director Ishii on the shoulder, smiling like a spring breeze:
"I forgot to say, if Miss Taneda can take over the role of Shessel.

I can also, voice the main character. "

(End of this chapter)

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