After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 433 427.8.August, the male seiyuu's reception.

Chapter 433 427. In August, the reception of the male voice actors.

Taneda Risa received a call from her agent, conveying the results of the sound audition for the animation "Travelling".

She successfully won the job of the heroine Shessel.

This is the first dubbing job she has received since her comeback as a voice actor, and her joy is naturally beyond words.

After hanging up the phone with the manager, Naneda Lisa thought for a long time, and slowly calmed down.

After careful consideration, I sent a message to my agent and asked who the protagonist's voice actor is, but the agent said that he didn't know yet, at least not the male voice actor of our company.

Zhongtian Lisha nodded and had to give up.

On the way home, Tanada Lisa was quite relaxed. She thought that she would lose the election this time like the other times, but she succeeded.

If it wasn't for the throat problem, she would like to ask Sakura Ayane to have a drink right now.

Walking along the street and river bank at dusk, Zhongtian Lisha shouted excitedly towards the empty lake, her peerless side face rippling with laughter.



After buying today's ingredients at the supermarket, Kazuto Mogami returned home and made a simple dinner.

Looking at Nuo Da's living room, it was a little empty.

After taking a shower, I stayed in my room to write until late at night before I turned off my computer and went to bed.

It seems to be back to the days before.

Close your eyes, memories flooding.

The next afternoon, Kazuto Mogami went to record Hidaka Rina's personal broadcast.

Ms. Hidaka knows how to grasp the social distance, so Mogami Kazuto did not show rejection, and spent a relaxing afternoon, which is not exactly happy.

Since the second episode of Totsuka Shokudo was broadcast, I have received many letters from viewers, saying that the cooperation between Kazuto Mogami and Hidaka Licai is very interesting, and I hope to see more cooperation in the future.

The staff at the scene also agreed that they looked like long-standing friends.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami's troubled look, Rina Hidaka took the initiative to stand up and explain, saying that Totsuka-san is a person he respects very much, and hopes to get along well as a working partner in the future.

Then he secretly apologized to Kazuto Mogami, saying that he hoped he did not cause trouble to Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami was not an unreasonable person, he waved his hands and said that she was being serious.

After the recording ended, I don't know where the news came from. Ms. Hidaka sneaked up to Kazuto Mogami and asked him if he was planning to debut as a voice actor.

Mogami Kazuto put some distance away from her uncomfortably, and asked her where she heard about it.

Hidaka Rina smiled: "What Totsuka-san means sounds like acquiescing to Anthracene."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

However, Hidaka Rina has already received the dubbing job of "Traveling", even if she is not the female lead, she will have a rivalry with Mogami Kazuto in the future, so it's okay to tell her here.


"Hey~~ Where's the office? Sure enough, it's I'm."

Hearing her question, Mogami Kazuto was a little curious: "Why do you say that?"

"Intuitively, Totsuka-san always gives people a feeling that he is very close to the voice actor of I'm."

She was talking about Sakura Ayane, I really thank her for using such a tactful remark.

"Ozawa where I live is not bad." She said with a smile.

Kazuto Mogami vaguely remembered that Taneda Risa was also Osawa's office, and shook his head with a smile: "The details haven't been decided yet, maybe we won't join the office or not, it depends on the arrangement of the agent."

"That's it."

Ms. Hidaka showed an appearance of asking casually and not caring. After exchanging a few pleasantries, she said goodbye to Kazuto Mogami and left the recording studio.

After that, Kazuto Mogami went to a nearby coffee shop and searched for some well-known firms on the Internet.

In this era when the seiyuu industry is becoming increasingly introverted, Kazuto Mogami doesn't want to join a firm that is too fancy, but only becomes a seiyuu in the purest way.

The best option is to go to an agency that doesn't have female voice actors he knows.

Kazuto Mogami received a line from Saori Konishi while browsing the relevant webpage of the voice actor firm.

There is only one sentence above:

"My parents are coming to Tokyo next month."

Kazuto Mogami frowned slightly, originally he didn't want to talk to her, but he was worried that Saori Nishi would make things more complicated.

This is a dangerous woman who hasn't confessed to her family for a whole year after the divorce. If she doesn't care, it's hard for Mogami Kazuto to believe that she will continue to hide it.

"what's your plan?"

"Stuff some cotton in your clothes before you go pick them up, confess straight up, and get spanked."


She was still in the mood to joke, Mogami Kazuto didn't know what to say.

After a long time, Saori Xiaoxi sent another message.

"I'll try to tell them alone first, Kazuren, you have already cooperated with me enough, I really can't bother you anymore."

Mogami Kazuto sighed.

"I see, if something happens, you can tell me again."

"Well, thank you."

Mogami Kazuto took a sip of the slightly bitter coffee, looked at the scenery outside the window, and wandered back and forth between the past and the present.

After all, he embarked on the road of being called a seiyuu.

Although it is dubbing for his own work, if he has the opportunity to contribute his voice to other works in the future, and experience the various lives of the characters in various stories, Mogami Kazuto thinks that he has no confidence to refuse.

There was still the last sip of coffee in the coffee cup, lying quietly at the bottom of the cup, Mogami Kazuto got up and left.

Singing different songs every day, recording different programs, and going back and forth on the same road.

I can't say whether it's a good or a bad state of mind, just staying in this city normally, living an insignificant life.

On days like this, July slips away quietly.



Early August.

Kazuto Mogami finished the recording of the third issue of "Totsuka Shokudo", and Ayane Sakura still did not come to participate. It is said that it is due to a certain music project and is preparing for a concert.

And it was Ogura Yui who replaced her to participate in the third recording session. Both Mogami Kazuto and Ogura Yui tried their best to keep a distance from each other.

Although Ogura Yui almost always took the initiative to find topics because of the script, but Kazuto Mogami felt that she might not like talking to him.

In line with professionalism, the two completed the entire program without any mistakes.

Only during the tasting session, Yui Ogura looked at Kazuto Mogami in disbelief, amazed at his craftsmanship.

Just today, the official Twitter of the animation team of "Journey to the Dead" updated the lineup of voice actors.

Including Taneda Risa, Ayane Sakura, Saori Konishi, Rina Hidaka, Mamoru Miyano, Nobunaga Shimazaki, and Sueto Ishikawa all got their respective roles.

Because of the relationship between Ayane Sakura and Saori Konishi, Maaya Uchida, who also belongs to the I'm office, also received a supporting role with a name.

Among them, the most interesting one is Kazuto Totsuka, who is a singer, who is the voice actor for the first time.

Many voice actor chefs who don't know the original work, seeing this unknown newcomer voice actor, who debuted as the main character, began to use their own imaginations.

The non-existent thing of being put into business by a rich woman can be discussed at once, and people always like this kind of topic.

Until he finally found out that the new voice actor was actually the author himself, after being misfired, he was unwilling to reconcile, scolded a few words, and then disappeared on the Internet.

Mogami Kazuto didn't pay attention to this kind of thing. He was invited to a certain men's drinking party today.

When I came to an izakaya in Shinjuku, Kazuto Mogami glanced at the signboard and wondered if the voice actors only knew to come to this izakaya for parties.

Walking into the store, the male voice actor who had been waiting for a long time was already waving to him.

 8000 words completed.

(End of this chapter)

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