After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 435 429. After Zhang's family, he said "Your chapter is here" after a long ab

Chapter 435 429. After returning home, "You are back" after a long absence.

After returning home at noon, Kazuto Mogami took a simple shower and changed into clean clothes. In the afternoon, he had to record a new song from October Fan.

Just as Kazuto Mogami was about to go out, Saori Konishi called.

Kazuto Mogami hesitated a bit before connecting.

"Hello? Heren."

"It's me, what's wrong?"


Konishi Saori hesitated, Mogami Kazuto suddenly had a premonition of something.

"Are your parents coming to Tokyo?"


That's right, it's already early August, and it's time to come.

Mogami Kazuto sighed silently.

"Did they say anything?"

"It's just... I asked why you didn't come, and I said you went to work."

"Just make it up and make it up."

Mogami Kazuto raised his forehead silently, and he knew that Xiao Nishi Saori would not be so easy to confess.

"I, I, I... I don't want to, but you don't know about my mother's temperament. She doesn't listen to me at all and talks to herself."

"what about now?"

"I just put them in the hotel."


"Now she is clamoring to come to your house and cook dinner for us."


"I said I forgot to bring the key, and I was scolded again. Why don't I call you now?"

Mogami Kazuto rubbed his brows with a headache and thought for a long time.

"I'm going to record a song later, the key is under the potted plant at the door, take it yourself."


Saori Konishi made an unbelievable sound.

"Don't think too much, I just don't trust you very much, and I'm afraid you'll give me a scene where I cheated on a female seiyuu and negotiated a divorce."

"It's too much to say that to a girl."

Mogami Kazuto let out a dry laugh, which gradually stopped laughing and turned into a heavy sigh.

Xiao Nishi Saori was silent for a long time.

"Sorry, Kazuto, I still have to cause you trouble in the end."

"It's this time, it's useless to say these things, let's put this matter to an end."

"Well, that's what I said."

Listening to Saori Konishi's voice on the phone, Mogami Kazuto was upset for no reason.

"Hey... and people."


"If, if I say, I now..."


At this moment, Mogami Kazuto suddenly remembered that night when he took the initiative to talk to her.

Her shattered false face, broken tears, and the temperature of her lips.

After seeing the truth hidden under her mask, does he still have the courage to show his determination?

"No, it's still nothing, thank you very much, Kazuto."


After hanging up the phone, Kazuto Mogami found the key left by clear water and sand from the bedroom.

The original owner of this key was Saori Mogami.

Going around in circles, but it seems to be returning to Xiao Xi Saori's hands again.

Life is really not as simple as I imagined.

After staring at the key in his hand for a while, feeling very melancholy, Mogami Kazuto left the house with a soft sigh.

When we came to the recording studio, Kazuto Mogami turned on all his firepower and went through the test without finding any faults.

Finishing the work quickly, Kazuto Mogami was thinking about whether he should go home at night, what to say when he got home, and whether he should call the police if Xiao Nishi Saori's parents beat him.

In short, cranky.

Without drawing any conclusions, Mogami Kazuto, who could only take one step at a time, strolled through the streets of Shinjuku at dusk at a much slower pace than before.

Suddenly, I received a call from Saori Xiaonishi.


"Hello? Heren? Are you off work? When will you go home for dinner?"

It wasn't Xiao Nishi Saori's voice that came from the other end of the phone.

Kazuto Mogami hesitated for a while: "Eh...I may have to work overtime today."

"Hey~~~No way~~~"

A middle-aged woman in her 40s said "Hey~~~" in a drawn-out voice on the other end of the phone, and the corners of Kazuto Mogami's mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.

"Sorry, I really have a temporary task, and I can't get away from it."

"Mom, I managed to cook a big meal that I love with you, it hurts too much."

Mogami was ashamed, Xiao Nishi Saori's mother was still as out of tune as he remembered, he probably understood why Xiao Nishi Saori couldn't confess.

To put it bluntly, Kazuto Mogami finally conveyed that he would be going home very late today, ordered a set meal at a nearby family restaurant, and sat until eight o'clock in the evening.

Kazuya Mogami took the train home.

And when Kazuto Mogami came home, he stood in front of the house and saw the brightly lit living room, he hesitated a bit in his steps.

Gritting his teeth, Mogami Kazuto pushed the door open and entered.

"Heren? You're back."

Xiao Nishi Saori, who was in the kitchen, heard the movement and looked towards the entrance.

Kazuto Mogami nodded slowly, walked into the living room, Kazuto Mogami looked around.

"Where are your parents?"

"Already back to the hotel."

Mogami Kazuto gradually breathed a sigh of relief, he really hasn't thought about how to deal with the old man (front).

Collapsing on the sofa, Mogami Kazuto asked, "Then why are you still here?"

"I'm worried that you haven't eaten, I guess you may be back soon, and I'll give you some hot food."

"I ate out."

"That's it."

Xiao Nishi Saori poured Mogami Kazuto a glass of water, took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the sofa, looking like she had something to say, but she was still unable to speak.

The atmosphere of silence permeated silently.



"That evening……"

Xiao Nishi Saori shook her right hand holding the cup to drink water, almost spilling the water in the cup, hurriedly went to the kitchen to get a rag, and wiped the floor vigorously.

"Hold, sorry, what did you want to say just now?"

Her acting skills really got worse.

Mogami Kazuto thinks.

If it were Xiao Xi Saori from before, she wouldn't be so shaken at all, but if this wavering is also an acting skill, then the woman in front of her is too scary.

Kazuto Mogami didn't want to think in such a bad way.

"It's nothing."

Xiao Nishi Saori smiled slightly: "I heard that you are going to debut as a voice actor."



"There's nothing to congratulate, it's just a way to drive ducks to the shelves."

"How could it be? The first dubbing by a layman is the lead role. This is the treatment of a national-level actor."

"Unfortunately, I know a lot of things, and I really don't know how to film."

Konishi Saori stared blankly at Kazuto Mogami, and couldn't help laughing.

"Is it that funny?"

"Pfft hahaha, because Kazuto, you have never said such things before, it's really against harmony."'s only natural to think so.

He can write, sing, play the piano, cook, and dub. He has been recognized by professionals in any field. Now he pretends to be modest, and even Kazuto Mogami himself feels a little fake.

"I went to take a shower."

Kazuto Mogami stood up, ready to go back to the bedroom to get his clothes.

"I'll go to the bathroom to fill you with water..."

As soon as Xiaoxi Shazhi said the words, she realized that something was wrong. She was no longer this man's wife.

This kind of words is no longer something she can say.

(End of this chapter)

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