After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 437 431. "Do you like me?" "Well, I like you."

Chapter 437 431. "Do you like me?" "Well, I like you."

Before leaving, Xiaoxi's father patted Kazuto Mogami on the shoulder, and secretly handed him something.

Kazuto Mogami didn't have time to take a closer look, so Xiaoxi's father forcefully stuffed it into Kazuto Mogami's trouser pocket, leaving him with a mysterious smile.

After my parents left, I was worried that I would leave Mogami's house now, and if it happened, it would become unclear.

Xiao Nishi Saori had no choice but to postpone her departure for an hour, try to take the final train to leave, and avoid the risk of chance encounters as much as possible, Mogami Kazuto agreed.

"Kazuto, I have caused you trouble again today." Xiao Xi Sazhi apologized.

Sitting on the sofa, Mogami and others quietly drank the hot tea in the cup.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

"I'm sorry, my parents are very happy today, because I couldn't celebrate my birthday with me last year, so..." Xiaoxi Saori wanted to explain something.

"I can understand."

Today is Xiaoxi Saori's birthday. On such a day, if I don't care about anything, I will directly confess the matter between them.

For some reason, Mogami Kazuto didn't want to do this.

Just like on his father's birthday last year, if on that day, he desperately said in front of his parents that he would divorce Xiao Xi Saori.

Mogami Kazuto will definitely regret it.

Even if he felt that there was nothing wrong with confessing the matter itself.



"Tomorrow, let's go and clarify with your parents."


Saori Konishi looked blankly at Kazuto Mogami.

He nodded silently, his expression unchanged, and he couldn't tell what was going on in his heart.

"One can be scared, I know that feeling."

After Xiaoxi Saori was silent, she gave a soft "hmm".

She knew that this was already the biggest concession of Moshang and Ren, and she knew in her heart that this was his last thoughtfulness, but she still couldn't help but feel a little bit lost.

Suddenly, Mogami Kazuto's deep voice sounded.

"Yousha... is she okay?"

She looked at Kazuto Mogami, his eyes were filled with endless sadness, and she wanted to say a few words of comfort, but she couldn't.

The words came to his lips, but turned into other words.

"If you care about her so much, why don't you ask her in person? I think... Yousha must be waiting for you."

Kazuto Mogami smiled wryly, what right did he have to appear in front of her after hurting her like that.

"The day I found her, she was crying and blaming herself.

She took all the reasons on herself, thinking that she imprisoned you and tied you by her side forcibly, that's why she was hated by you. "

"I don't hate her."

"Do you think girls won't get hurt as long as you don't say you hate them?"


"Your silence, your refusal, and your perfunctory agreement are more poignant than the word "hate". "

Kazuto Mogami was speechless and slowly closed his eyes.

Xiao Nishi Saori never felt that she was a good woman. She had hurt close friends and the man in front of her.

Since I can't witness their happiness, does it mean that this man will return to me after all?

the answer is negative.

Perhaps there were a few nights when she was also confused, wondering if she should really be Xiaoxi Saori.

But when she saw Mogami Kazuto's sluggish state, she suddenly realized that Qingshui Yousha held a much heavier weight in this man's heart than her nominal ex-wife.

So, she tried to relieve herself, trying to reconcile with her real self.

Xiao Xi Saori sighed softly, her gaze gradually became firm.

"Heren, you were wrong, and I was wrong too. Yousha hasn't changed at all, she has always been that clear water with sand.

Innocent, brave, unwavering.

She just loves you more than we imagined. "


Mogami Kazuto had never doubted Shimizu Yusa's feelings for him, and being able to be liked by such an outstanding girl was obviously something that he dreamed of in his previous life.

What are you dissatisfied with?

Kazuto Mogami opened his eyes and looked at his ex-wife sitting in front of him.

"Saori, take this opportunity, I hope we can sit down and have a good chat. The current atmosphere is very suitable for talking about things, don't you think?"

"Whatever you want to talk about, I will talk with you."

Kazuto Mogami took a deep look at her, and he felt the change in Saori Nishi.

At least compared to Nishi Saori a year ago, Mogami Kazuto felt sincerity from her.

Kazuto Mogami was tired of beating around the bush, so...

"you like me?"

He stared at Xiao Nishi Saori, and Xiao Nishi Saori didn't show any panic at all, calmly and indifferently tucking her drooping hair back behind her ears.

Eyelids drooped slightly, thin lips parted slightly.

"Well, I like you."

Xiaonishi Saori's answer was unexpectedly straightforward. As for her answer, Mogami Kazuto was not surprised.

Even without the value displayed on the panel, Kazuto Mogami had realized the answer just by her proactive kiss that night.

He looked directly into her bright eyes without saying a word.

"You have changed a lot, I no longer want to lie to you, to myself, to Yousha.

I'm really sorry that I said a lot of things that hurt you when you were a child.

I am sorry.

But to this day, my thoughts have not changed. I like you because I like Kazuto Mogami now.

That's all. "

"Is that why you married me?"


Kazuto Mogami frowned slightly.

"Kazuto, you once said that you are not Mogami Kazuto, although I can't understand why you would say that.

But presumably you have reasons why you can't say it, I won't ask, because I am the same.

You insist that you are not the same person as Mogami Kazuto when you were a child, and I don't think my original decision came from my heart.

Would you agree with such an ambiguous answer? "

Mogami Kazuto looked at her for a long time before responding softly:

"I can."

She looked surprised: "Kazuto, are you the kind of person who believes in the theory of gods and ghosts?"

"I didn't believe it before, and I don't believe it now. I just feel that you will not lie to me now."

She smiled and said, "Thank you for your trust in me."

"You're welcome."

Seeing Mogami Kazuto's hesitant expression, Konishi Saori smiled lightly, without any unnaturalness.

"Don't worry, I will meet a better man than you one day and start a relationship that really belongs to me."

"I hope the other party doesn't dislike you for being divorced."

Xiao Xisha gave him a blank look: "You will hurt others, but don't forget, you are also a divorced man, so it's hard to say which of us will be popular."

Kazuto Mogami laughed.

"If it were now, I might be able to become friends with you."

"Of course, we are friends who have submitted a marriage application, and ordinary close friends are not at our level."

"Tomorrow, let this all come to an end."


Xiao Xi Saori looked at the time, and she didn't want to stand up any longer. She was worried that she would miss the finish line, and that the voice in her heart would make her do something that would destroy their relationship again.

"It's getting late, I should leave."

"I'll send it to you."

She waved her hand with a smile, put the spare key on the coffee table, and walked all the way to the entrance: "It's okay, there is only a little way."

" careful on the road."

"Well, good night, and people."

"Good night, Saori."

After Xiaonishi Saori left, Mogami Kazuto stood quietly at the entrance, and quietly opened the panel.

Finally, the third name.

Also gray.

(End of this chapter)

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