Chapter 439 433. Mogami Kazuto loves to lie.

Seeing Xiaonishi's mother's surprise reaction, Mogami Kazuto and Xiaonishi Saorito were dumbfounded.

"When? How many months? Boy or girl?"

"No, not mom."


Xiaoxi's mother screamed in surprise again.

Xiao Xi Saori was on the verge of collapse and lost her usual poise: "Why don't you just say quadruplets!"


Xiaoxi's mother was stunned for a moment, then softly probed with expectant eyes: "But... can it be? Is it too extravagant?"


Kazuto Mogami couldn't bear to watch this mother-daughter sketch anymore, and sighed inwardly.

He understood Xiao Xi Saori's feelings, he had already experienced this kind of thing that would inevitably hurt his parents once he said it.

This is a shackle that binds the body and will become heavier and heavier as time goes by.

If you don't say it today, it will be harder to say it tomorrow, day after day.

The current little Nishi Saori can no longer remove the shackles alone.


Mogami Kazuto helped her.

Breathing lightly, maybe the air of his parents' house can bring him a sense of peace of mind. At this moment, Mogami Kazuto's heart is surprisingly peaceful.

It's like talking insignificant words, flat, dull.

"Actually, Saori and I have registered for divorce."

"If you have quadruplets, it will be a heavy burden for you and others. Choosing a name is also a problem. Mom, I prefer to choose a word for each of the four seasons..."

Originally, Xiaoxi's mother, who was happily dreaming of a full house of children and grandchildren, stopped her joyful voice abruptly.

Together with Xiaoxi's father and former father-in-law and mother-in-law, they are all unknown.

Saori Konishi glanced complicatedly at Kazuto Mogami beside him.

This was what she should have said. Kazuto Mogami had already communicated frankly with his parents, but he couldn't overcome this hurdle.

If it weren't for the incident of her parents going to Beijing this time, she might have kept it a secret for even longer.

It gave him a lot of trouble.

Gritting her silver teeth lightly, Xiao Nishi Saori clenched her hands under the table into fists.

He has done enough, the rest, let her say.

No longer avoiding her parents' eyes, no longer hiding behind him, even if the blankness and dullness in her parents' eyes can be seen at a glance, she must speak out in person.

"Dad, Mom, we divorced a year ago, I'm sorry, I have been hiding you from you until now."

Xiao Xi Saori stood up, walked aside, knelt down on her knees, and with a soft knocking sound, her forehead was pressed against the floor.

"My daughter didn't ask for your forgiveness, but... I proposed the divorce, please don't blame Kazuhiro, it's all...

My bad. "

The original joyful atmosphere in the living room stopped flowing at this moment and turned into silent silence.

Xiaoxi's parents looked at Tuxiazao's daughter and finally realized that something was wrong.

The daughter is so serious, no one will make fun of this kind of thing, which means that what they said is true.

Xiaoxi's mother couldn't accept it, and turned her eyes to Kazuto Mogami.

"Kazuto, what Saori said, is it true?"

The emotion in her eyes was so familiar.

He had seen this pair of eyes a year ago.

However, what Xiaonishi Saori said is different from the facts.

It was he who proposed the divorce, and Mogami Kazuhito knew that it was Xiao Xi Saori's stubbornness, and it was the only way for her to atone for her sins until now.

"Well, it's all true."

Kazuto Mogami couldn't refute her stubbornness.

The moment he nodded, Xiaoxi's mother suddenly seemed to have lost something, all her energy was drained, she sat on the chair, speechless.

See, some words are meant to hurt, so hard truths are often hard to come by.

But at the end of the concealment, the truth will eventually be presented in a more naked way.

Everyone understands this truth, and no one can easily do it.

And the source of all this began with Saori Xiaonishi's ridiculous proposal, Kazuto Mogami's decisive response, and Chen He's indecision.

A distorted relationship can only lead to a distorted ending.

Nothing but hurt and pain.

What happened next, as Kazuto Mogami had expected, Xiaoxi's parents were furious, and blurted out hurtful words one by one.

Xiao Nishi Saori accepted all this in silence, and had no choice but to lower her head even deeper.

"Saori, can you buy me some beer?"

The one who spoke was Mogami Kazuto.

Xiao Nishi Saori didn't dare to move, didn't dare to respond.

Instead of telling Xiaoxi Saori, it would be better to tell her parents.

Xiaoxi's mother was still angry and said nothing, while her father helped Xiaoxi Sazhi up and urged her to leave with a complicated expression.

Everyone present knew that Mogami Kazuto had something to say.

And, don't want her to hear it.

In the end, Saori Konishi stood up silently, glanced at Kazuto Mogami, and left.

When there were only the three of them left in the living room, Kazuto Mogami's gentle voice echoed in the room.

"Uncle, Auntie, is my craft still to your liking?"

"Saori taught me these things. Before I married her, I couldn't even fry an egg well."

He's telling the truth, but not all of it.

"Saori is a good girl. She has been hiding it for so long, but she just doesn't want to see you sad."

"I've never heard of someone who divorced for a year without even notifying her parents. I don't think she has us in her heart."

The more you lose your composure, the more you will say hurtful things inadvertently.

Kazuto Mogami understood this truth, and he didn't intend to defend Saori Nishi.

"What kind of girl Saori is, you must know better than me. She does have many shortcomings, but she is by no means an unfilial child."

Xiaoxi's mother wanted to say something, but her husband pulled her sleeves and stopped her with his eyes, so she gave up.

"Also, in fact, just now, Saori lied to you."

Kazuto Mogami is still the same, unwilling to see the misfortune of others.

Therefore, he will take all the responsibilities and do some insignificant things for her as much as he can.

And she doesn't need to know.

"It's me who actually filed for divorce."

Seeing the gradually blank eyes of Xiaoxi's parents, Kazuto Mogami decided to tell a lie, a lie that could not be verified by others.

Maybe this lie will be broken unbreakable after many years, but presumably by then, they will not care about it.

"Auntie, you should really want to hug your grandson. For a beautiful girl like Saori, the future children will definitely be cute."

"Of course, whose parents didn't look forward to having grandchildren earlier."

Mogami Kazuto put on a wry smile, he thought he was acting very well now.

"I know, I can understand, but what I want to say is that as long as Saori is with me, unless she cheats, you will never be able to wait until that time.

I'm sorry, but I'm also a man with self-respect, so you guys should be able to understand me at this level. "

Konishi's parents looked at Kazuto Mogami, speechless.

In order for the divorce to be justifiable, and for the relationship between them to not be torn apart, in this absurd story, someone has to make a sacrifice after all.

Then, it can only be yourself.

he thinks.

(End of this chapter)

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