Chapter 446 440. In August, swimsuit back. (seeking a monthly ticket)
Shimizu Yousha confessed, with the help of Jiu Jin, whether it was the matter of dating Mogami Katoren, or the matter of breaking up with him.

Xiao Nishi Saori was originally an insider, and he didn't show any reaction except to bow his head and drink.

As for Sakura Ayane, she stared blankly at the clear water with sand, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

There is sand in the clear water, so I had to repeat it silently.

"Heren-san and I have already broken up."

Sakura Ayone was stupefied, and asked falteringly, "Why...why?"

Shimizu Yousha suddenly stopped talking, and Sakura Ayane, who came back to her senses, suddenly realized that she seemed to have asked something she shouldn't have asked.

"I'm sorry, Qi Zhizhu."

Qingshui Yousha smiled and shook his head, with a somewhat helpless expression.

"That person...Karen Santa has always used loneliness as a cage, shutting himself inside, no matter who knocks on the door, he just observes everything outside through the narrow peeping window.

I guess I should... not be the one to get him to open the door. "

Qingshui Yousha spoke in a flat tone, but for some reason, he glanced at Xiaoxi Saori.

Saori Nishi, who was listening quietly, remained silent. She had already seen where Mogami Kazuto's loneliness came from.

She knew that it was an unacceptable reason for the world.

But it was precisely because of something similar in her that she became the only one who could understand his loneliness.

It would be great if I could know earlier, before Qing Shui You Sha fell in love with him.

Hold that person's arm, live a happy marriage, and feel the most sincere blessings from a close friend.

If such a world really would be great.

And compared to Xiaonishi Saori's inner entanglement, what is Sakura Ayane thinking in her heart at this time.

At first it was anger at that scumbag, but seeing Qing Shui Yousha's sad expression, she knew that she must not have initiated the breakup.

Such a cute and kind girl, but because of that excessive guy, she was depressed.

Same with her.

What an idiot, Qi Zhizhu such an excellent girl doesn't know how to cherish at all.

But the thoughts that followed made her feel flustered and frightened.

Now that they have broken up, it means that she has not completely lost. Such a terrifying thought, like an endless wildfire, devours and burns her thoughts.

Under the Tokyo night sky in August, three female voice actors are embracing their own worries and fantasies.

Sakura Ayane asked for a glass of beer, which was rare, but she only dared to take a small sip, for fear that no one would carry her home when she was drunk.

Suddenly, Ms. Sakura opened her mouth lightly: "Tomorrow, let's go to the beach to relax together."

The two people beside them were stunned at the same time.

"Stop worrying about that kind of guy. Instead of that kind of scumbag, let's go to the beach and see cute swimsuit girls."

"That's just your interest, Caiyin."

"Isn't it possible?"

"I don't even say no."

Xiao Nishi Saori was somewhat hesitant, she was not a girl who could appear in front of others in a swimsuit openly.

She couldn't help but think of the scene where Mogami Kazuto made her turn over last night, and blushed and drank the beer in the glass.

As a result, his face blushed even more.

"I want to go."

"Huh? Is there sand?"

Qingshuiyousha is slightly smoky now, but his eyes are extraordinarily bright, and he said loudly: "I don't have work tomorrow."

Ms. Sakura raised a nice smile: "Then it's decided, let's ask other people in the group."

"Huh? What about my opinion?" Saori Xiaoxi pointed at herself blankly.

"Of course you went with us."

"So you don't listen to my opinion at all?"

Sakura Ayane and Shimizu Aisa laughed together, they were unwilling to think deeply about the future, otherwise they would not be able to laugh out loud like they are now.



It was late at night, and Mogami was sitting on the bed with someone, lost in thought.

If you don’t think about it during the day, then think about it at night. If you don’t think about it at night, wait until you wake up and think about it the next day.

Human beings always like to think about things for which there is no answer, and repeat the things they have experienced in their minds.

Kazuto Mogami thought about the future, and played the absurdity of last night repeatedly.

In her mind, under the faint moonlight, her fair and greasy back was full of scars.

The body that was supposed to be as smooth as jade and as soft as silk contained her unknown secrets.

He couldn't help it.

And I can't find a reason to convince myself to care.

Thinking before, thinking after, insomnia again.

Let's revise the rhetoric.

Things that I didn't think about during the day, I think about them at night, and if I don't finish them at night, I think about dawn.

Kazuto Mogami was physically exhausted last night, and mentally exhausted tonight.

When the light came out of the window, Mogami Kazuto got up and went downstairs, looking at his own thick dark circles in the mirror.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help showing a wry smile.

he knows.

He is very ill.



After taking the train to the company, Mogami Kazuto first went to the dressing room and asked the company's makeup artist to help him cover his dark circles.

He also has to go out on location today to shoot the new single mv that is being produced.

Sitting in the company's business car, Mogami Kazuto put down the seat and fell asleep in a daze.

When Dai Qiuhui next to him woke him up, it was already a few hours later.

Kazuto Mogami got out of the car, and because he just woke up, the scorching sun made him unable to keep his eyes open.

The continuous sound of waves came from a distance, and the surrounding people were full of voices. Seeing the dense crowd, Mogami Kazuren was somewhat troubled.

First, I checked in at the hotel I booked in advance, and then I had lunch with the staff.

Because of the seaside scene at night in the MV, they have to stay here today.

After the shooting is completed, I will return to the capital tomorrow.

The staff first went to the beach to check in, and after the sun went down, they could start shooting.

Mogami Kazuto has nothing to do for the time being, and he doesn't want to sleep in the hotel, he doesn't have the habit of taking an afternoon nap.

As for writing, he wasn't in that mood right now.

Finally, Mogami Kazu changed into a T-shirt and shorts, put on a sun hat and sunglasses, and walked to the beach.

The sea breeze blew on his face, bringing with it a trace of damp heat, and his skin felt a little uncomfortable.

It's summer vacation, and high school students can be seen enjoying their youth everywhere.

Shouting "Ocean" to the waves, burying his partner in the sand, leaving only one head, and taking his best friend's girlfriend to the reef, secretly doing some things to hide.

Kazuto Mogami has no companions, although before departure, Dai Qiuhui asked him if he wanted to accompany him, saying that he had brought a beautiful swimsuit.

Kazuto Mogami dared to agree, shook his head and ran away.

Later, I received a message from Dai Qiuhui, saying that she was joking, she didn't bring a swimsuit at all, and couldn't stop laughing at Mogami Kazuto's reaction.

Apart from a wry smile, Mogami Kazuto couldn't express any other expressions.

 Stay up late to code words!
  Double monthly pass at the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass.

  Although I looked very embarrassed begging for tickets.

  But I'm really pretty when I'm off.

  Only 800 votes left to 2000 votes.

  The last three days, please!
(End of this chapter)

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