After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 451 445. Those who love more cry first.

Chapter 451 445. Those who love more cry first. (seeking a monthly ticket)
"Ayaneru, you're back."


Back in the hotel suite, Sakura Ayane walked into the room dejectedly. Although she didn't want others to see her current expression, she still squeezed out a smile to deal with it.

She had expected this result a long time ago.

He who loves more will shed tears first.

So she won't cry.

Will not admit defeat.

Half of the reason for Sakura Ayane's behavior today is due to her instinct.

The other half is because there is sand in the clear water.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't and can't choose to show her heart at this time after they broke up.

Whether it is success or failure, there will be girls who will be hurt by it.

But she said it anyway.

Sakura Ayane is different from any girl, she is a troublesome and willful girl.

Many people's impression of this girl, Ayane Sakura, is arrogant, vicious, hard-spoken, and duplicity.

However, as an ordinary girl, Ms. Sakura's biggest feature is the one that makes her shine the most.

It is the power of action.

Unambiguous action.

This point can be known by recalling all her actions so far.

Constantly wandering between Qingshui Yousha and Mogami Kazuto, no matter what kind of emotion it is, it is difficult to give up.

But she is very clear that if she looks at Qing Shui Yousha's sadness day after day, one day, she will also be swallowed by Qing Shui Yousha's lovable expression.

Even if one day, the right time came, she would no longer be able to tell the man the truth.

So, it will be tonight.

And the ending is not much different from what I imagined.

In terms of Sakura Ayane's arrogant personality, those harsh, oblique remarks were already her best efforts.

She couldn't blurt out the word "like" like Qingshuiyousha, and could only express her inner feelings in her own way.

And Kazuto Mogami did not embarrass her, and expressed his rejection euphemistically with the words "I don't want to rely on others".

No one said "like" and "hate", as if what they were talking about was really only a philosophical topic about life.

Everyone is decent.

At least on the surface.

"Ah? Ayaneru, isn't Kinosuke with you?" Hidaka Rina, who was wearing a bathrobe, asked suspiciously.

"Qiansuke? I didn't see her."

"It's so strange, I thought you were going out together."

Sakura Ayane was silent when she heard the words, she smiled and said, "Maybe I lost my way."

"It does sound very possible. I'll go and give her a call."

After Hidaka Rina left, Sakura Ayane returned to the bedroom.

There are two bedrooms in the suite, Ai Kakuma, Ridaka Hidaka, and Shimizu Yousha.

A room between Konishi Saori and Sakura Ayane.

The main reason is that Hidakari and Shimizu Yousa are relatively small, and three people can squeeze into one bed.

And if Kakuma Ai is replaced by Sakura Ayane, the other two female voice actors will feel uneasy, for fear of what this post star will do to them at night.

Sakura Ayane did have that plan in the first place, but after meeting Kazuto Mogami, she has lost this idea now.

She just wants to take a quick shower now, then go to her dream and beat that hateful guy to pieces.

When Ayane Sakura took a bath, Shimizu Yusa had already returned. She seemed to be really lost, and was lectured by Ai Kakuma for a long time.

At the hotel girl's meeting in the evening, as the only married woman in the group, Saori Konishi was bombarded by Ai Kakuma and Rina Hidaka in turn.

Because of Murakami Rie's relationship, Kakuma Ai knows Mogami Kazuto, while Hidaka Rina knows nothing about Konishi Saori's husband.

I only heard that it was not him and someone in this circle, but an ordinary man working in an ordinary company.

Because it is impolite to inquire about the identity of the other party's husband, Hidaka Rina has always avoided touching on this topic, asking about things like life after marriage.

As for Shimizu Yousha and Sakura Ayane, they didn't want to mix this topic at all, they kept drinking water silently, and no one said a word.

Xiao Xi Sazhi felt somewhat embarrassed, waved his hands and said, "Don't just talk about me."

"Hey, Saori, it seems like we've been married for over a year now."


Konishi Saori glanced at Sakura Ayane and Shimizu Yousha beside her, and nodded guiltily.

Immediately, Ai Kakuma's next words directly overwhelmed Xiao Nishi Saori.

"Aren't you ready to have a baby yet?"


Konishi Saori shook her hand, the cup in her hand almost fell to the ground, her expression was shaken, Ai Kakuma and Rina Hidaka thought she was shy.

As for Sakura Ayane and Shimizu Yousa, they subconsciously thought she was panicking, worried that the divorce would be exposed, and they kept silent.

Only Xiao Xi Saori knew that she was guilty and worried.

The intimacy that night was too sudden, and it was obviously impossible for her and Mogami Kazuto to take safety measures, but that day was a safe period, so she didn't worry too much.

However, there are always various accidents in life. Before Ai Kakuma asked this question, she hadn't thought about it at all.

"For the time being... I don't have that plan yet."

With the mask completely shattered, she could only force a smile and pretend to be calm.

Hearing what Konishi Saori said, Ai Kakuma didn't continue to ask, and everyone quickly moved on to the next topic.

They are all seiyuu, and the most discussed work is naturally the most eye-catching news in the seiyuu circle recently.

Of course that's all there is to it.

"Totsuka-san, I didn't expect to become a voice actor." Ai Kakuma sighed.

Well, around and around, and around him again.

Hidaka Rina seemed to be very happy to talk about this topic, and echoed: "Totsuka-san, it gives people the feeling that they can do everything. That person seems to be omnipotent."

Qingshui Yousha looked up, and felt that this sentence sounded familiar, as she had said similar words before.

Sakura Ayane wrinkled her nose slightly, and snorted: "Rinamaru, don't be fooled by that kind of man, it will be bad luck if you get close."

The evidence is that Miss Ben, and the other two wronged seiyuu present.

"Huh? Why?"

Rina Hidaka was puzzled. In her impression, Kazuto Mogami should have a good relationship with Ayane Sakura.

Although the parties themselves don't seem to think so.

However, there have been rumors recently that the relationship between the two of them has deteriorated, which may be true.

Seeing this, Saori Xiaoxi hurried out to smooth things over.

"Cayin... she's not very good at dealing with men, is she? Caiyin."

Saori Konishi winked at Ayane Sakura, and Ayane Sakura said "Yes" and said no more.

Ai Kakuma shook her head slightly, showing the appearance of a preaching mother: "Ayane, it's not good to say such things in front of Saori."

Hidaka Lina frowned slightly upon hearing the words, and asked puzzledly, "Are Xiao Nishi-san and Totsuka-san very familiar?"

 Number one now!

  There are still double monthly tickets in early May!
  Ask for a monthly ticket! !
(End of this chapter)

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