After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 459 453. See you on the set, Villager A.

Chapter 459 453. See you on the set, Villager A.

Yui Ogura felt a little uncomfortable.

It was the first time she met Kazuto Mogami at the same audition meeting today. Although the two are related to the same record company, she naturally would not take the initiative to talk to Kazuto Mogami.

Although Mogami Kazuto has never done anything out of line so far, Yui Ogura, who has been in this circle since she was a child, is especially wary of such gentle men.

Especially after Kazuto Mogami made a dangerous statement, he was included in the ranks of those who will not be judged without authorization.

After the sound audition, she received an invitation from fellow voice actor Sakura-san to a girl's club, but not long after he arrived, he noticed a trio of male voice actors in the corner of the izakaya.

The not-so-smart little brain turned rapidly, making inexplicable conjectures, imagining Mogami Kazuto as a super idiot who waited for the female voice actor to get drunk and took her home with a sly smile.

Fortunately, she is not yet 20 years old and is not allowed to drink alcohol.

Mogami Kazuto, who was sipping wine in the distance, naturally wouldn't know that he was now considered a dangerous person.

Kazuto Mogami didn't dare to drink too much. Apart from worrying that all three of them would drink up and sleep on the street, the main reason was the female voice actors in the distance.

Drinking is easy to cause bad things, he has already experienced it once, and he must never do it again.

Shimada Nobunaga and Ishikawa Sueto were aware of his drinking capacity, so they didn't urge him to drink, and let him sip.

Both of them acquiesced that Kazuto Mogami would be responsible for taking them home today, so they were particularly generous when they drank.

At this time, a well-dressed long-haired woman walked in from the entrance of the izakaya. After looking around, she seemed not to notice Kazuto Mogami, smiled, and walked straight to the table of the female voice actor.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Woooooooo~~ Zhongjiang, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Sakura Ayane was still the same, she couldn't walk when she saw a beautiful woman, and she burrowed into Taneda Risa's arms intentionally or unintentionally.After all, she is a terrible guy who can spend an entire afternoon looking at pictures of beautiful girls on the Internet in her free time.

Everyone was already used to Sakura Ayane's behavior. Except for Taneda Risa who smiled helplessly, everyone else pretended not to see it.

During this period of time, Taneda Risa still hasn't received any dubbing work for animation, which somewhat makes her feel regretful.

But on the contrary, the firm arranged a radio program for her, so it can't be said that there is no gain at all, at least it is much better than when she first came back.

"Caiyin, how about today's audition?"

"Hmph, it's easy for Miss Ben to go out."

Sakura Ayane raised a smug smile, not thinking that she had lost to Taneda Risa in the audition for "Traveling".

When female voice actors gather together, the things they talk about will naturally be related to voice actors. As a newcomer among these people, Maaya Uchida does not talk too much, but she will insert a few words from time to time.

Especially when talking about today's audition meeting, she said Kazuto Mogami's name very naturally. She had never heard his live dubbing, but she had no doubts about his strength.

The female voice actors sitting in front of this wine table at this time are Ayane Sakura, Yusa Shimizu, Maaya Uchida, Yui Ogura, and Risa Taneda who just arrived.

It is more subtle to say that these five people, except Ogura Yui, are all on the panel list of Mogami Kazuto.

Ayane Sakura has the highest intimacy, and Yusa Shimizu, whose intimacy has dropped back to 73, is on par with Maaya Uchida, and Risa Teneda is the lowest at less than 70.

It is worth mentioning that after experiencing the previous beach confession incident, Qingshuiyousha's name has returned to normal, and the proficiency limit for dubbing skills has also been lifted.

"Totsuka-san? Did he go to the audition too?" Taneda Risa was slightly surprised.

"Yeah, I got the role successfully, and I'm playing opposite Cai Yin-chan."

"Hey~~~" Taneda Risa subconsciously glanced at Sakura Ayane.

"Hmph! I hope he won't hold me back!"

Ms. Sakura's tone was still full of arrogance, but the joy revealed in her eyes was still captured by the forehead of Taneda Risa and Shimizu Yousha beside her.

No one has exposed her.

Ms. Sakura is a pretty poor disguise, but she doesn't know it. In a sense, she is really cute.

Compared with her, Qing Shui You Sha has become very good at hiding his emotions, and his eyes can't help falling on his ex-boyfriend in the distance.

As a seiyuu, she naturally knows the basic common sense that "a character is a character, and a seiyuu is a seiyuu", but she has not yet been able to step down from the position of a girlfriend.

Both Sakura Ayane and Taneda Risa got roles to play opposite him, and Taneda Risa even got the role of Shessel, whom she had coveted for a long time.

As a matter of course, there was a trace of helpless envy for the two people beside him.



After drinking for three rounds, Nantian Lisha got up and left the table, and went to the bathroom.

When she came out of the bathroom, she happened to meet Mogami Kazuto standing at the door. He was crossing his arms with his chest full of helplessness, and there was an unbelievable retching sound from the men's bathroom.

The moment Taneda Risa walked into the izakaya, Mogami Kazuto had already noticed her, but the other party didn't notice him.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

"Come for a drink with friends."

Kazuto Mogami stretched out his thumb and pointed to the men's room, there was still the uncomfortable sound of retching.

"This...that's it."


"I heard that you received a role from another animation today, congratulations."

"Thank you."

Zhongtian Lisha looked much more energetic than when she was in the hospital. Although her cheeks were thinner, she was much ruddy than before, and she was still that peerless beautiful girl.

"I just wanted to say thank you."


"Although this is just my guess, Totsuka-san must have contributed to the fact that I was able to win the role of Shessel."

Taneda Risa looked at Mogami Kazuto very seriously, and Mogami Kazuto's expression did not change at all.

"Both the supervisor and the sound supervisor recognize Miss Taneda's strength very much. It is only natural for a person with strength to win a role that matches her."

Seeing him silent, Gengtian Lisha showed a faint smile.

Taneda Risa herself knows better than anyone the reason why she has not been able to get a job so far. Similarly, she can roughly guess how she got this role.

But since Mogami Kazuto didn't want to admit it, she didn't have the idea to get to the bottom of it.

"However, Totsuka-san is worthy of being a Tokyo native. At that time, he swore that he was not interested in voice actors, and it took a long time for him to debut as a voice actor.

The words of the people in Tokyo are really unbelievable. "

"Well... I also have various reasons."

Gengtian Lisha covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "I'm not blaming you, on the contrary, I'm quite happy.

I didn’t just say it back then, if you become a voice actor, I can be your number one fan. "

Kazuto Mogami stood still, not knowing what to say.

"Ah... Ahhe... come in and give me a hand."

In the men's room, Nobunaga Shimada's weak voice came. This guy is a little drunk.

"That voice is... Shimada-san?"

As a voice actor, she is most sensitive to voice, even if the voice is a little erratic, Lisa Taneda still easily identified her identity.

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

Zhongtian Lisha smiled and waved her hand.

"Then I won't bother you much, um...see you on set, villager A."

(End of this chapter)

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