After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 467 Ochazuke with 461.60 copper coins.

Chapter 467 Ochazuke with 461.60 copper coins.

The sun shines through the shadow of the tree, and sprinkles on the bare skin mottledly. The scratched part has not healed yet, leaving faint bloodstains.

There are many holes in the old clothes, and the long-term sun exposure has caused my body to be black and white.

I grabbed the 50 copper coins I earned by helping find the lost cats in the morning, and walked to the horse farm in the small town that kindly took us in.

"Terry, you're back."

The commoner girl who was feeding the horses saw me and greeted me with a smile. Her name is Lissica, and she is the only daughter of the owner of the horse farm.

I nodded slightly to her, but didn't make a sound. Perhaps this is the etiquette of a nobleman, but I really don't want to have too much involvement with others.

Lissica's family are very gentle and kind people. I am very grateful to them. When I have earned enough travel expenses, I will leave with Shessel.

I am the son of the lord of the subjugated country, and I am also a monster cursed by the devil. If I get involved with someone like me, it may bring misfortune to innocent people.

I don't want that.

"Shessel helped the stables in the morning, and should be waiting for you to come back now."


"Ah! Terry, wait a minute."

Lissica got into the room suddenly, and when she came out, she held a pile of clothes and handed them to me without any explanation.

"Your and Shessel's clothes are already tattered. These are clothes that the children of our servants can no longer wear. You can take them."

I looked at Lissica hesitantly, and shook my head slowly: "Lissica's father has already taken care of us very well. He gave us a place to live and food. I can't accept it."

"Really, it's just a few old clothes. The stables are empty. It doesn't matter if you live here. Besides, you have been working part-time to pay for food, Terry."

Lisica is a tough girl, very kind, about my age, but much more mature than her peers.


"Terry, let's not talk about it, Shessel is a girl, how can she wear clothes with holes all the time."

She was right, Shessel was in her puberty period, and her breasts were growing very rapidly compared to when she first met her.

The clothes that were supposed to fit were gradually becoming tightly wrapped around the top. Although Shessel never expressed dissatisfaction, I was thinking of saving money to buy suitable clothes for her.

So, I couldn't refuse her kindness.

"Then... I will definitely pay in the future."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just some old clothes, Terry, you're making too much of a fuss."

Lissica waved her hand happily. Not far away, the servant of the horse farm called her name. After Lissica waved goodbye to me, she bounced away.

I looked at her back and thought in my heart that she is such a kind girl.

When I returned to the stable, a strong smell came into my nose, but I was used to it.

For me, who suffered from wind and rain all the way, slept in caves and fields, and finally reached a town inhabited by human beings, I am very fortunate to have such a house that can shelter from wind and rain.

"Shessel, I'm back."

There was no one in the stable, and I called several times in a row, but I couldn't see the girl with fiery red hair.

Putting the clothes I just got on the straw mat, I looked around outside, and finally saw her in the open space in the distance.

She was sitting on the ground with her arms around her knees, staring blankly at the sky, not knowing what she was looking at.


I called out to her from a distance, but she finally heard it and turned to look at me.

The next moment, she got up quickly, and galloped over with brisk steps, her dazzling red hair was like fluttering silk, dancing in the wind to her heart's content.



Putting on the clothes that Lissica gave us, Shessel's face was unmoving, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, turning around in front of me, sobbing a few times.

I couldn't understand what she was saying, she seemed to be asking how I was doing.

I didn't respond to her, took out some dry black bread, broke off half of it and gave it to her: "Let's eat first, I have to go to work in the afternoon, you have to stay here and don't run around."

After she took the bread, she didn't eat it right away, but leaned against me and tightly held the hem of my clothes.

"No, you can't speak, and you will cause trouble for others."


"Look, you can't even communicate with me normally, how do you go to work."

After hearing what I said, Shessel lifted up his sleeves unconvinced, and patted his seemingly slender but powerful arm.

"Even if it's physical labor, people are more willing to hire adults than children like you."


"If you understand, let's eat first."

Shessel looked at the bread in his hand, hesitantly, but still did not move.

I patted her on the head lightly: "It's okay, I've already paid for today's food, so eat with peace of mind."

Shessel nodded and began to eat in small bites.

On the first day he came to this small town, Shessel took the apples from the fruit stand without authorization because he didn't understand the concept of money, and was treated as a thief by the shopkeeper.

Without me, she, who cannot communicate with others, will probably be handcuffed by the nearby security guards.

In the afternoon, there is also the work of carrying wood. Although I am only a child, I have received training in magic and swordsmanship since I was a child. In terms of strength, I am as confident as an adult.

But I know in my heart that Shessel's strength is much stronger than mine.

It's just that she can't speak, and I'm worried that she will encounter or cause unnecessary trouble.

After eating the bread, I told her a few more words, got up and left the stables, and went to the lumberyard near the town to carry wood.

The work is very boring and inconspicuous. For the only son of the lord who was once well-to-do, I have never been exposed to similar work.

I am not dissatisfied, but occasionally have a little nostalgia.

It's not that I miss the comfort of food and clothing, but I often think of my father who saved me, my mother I've never met, and the people in the territory.

Now I am a little bit lost in my life, I don't know where to go, I don't know what to do.

Just walking aimlessly, if it doesn't work, then turn around and go another way.

The sun hung high, sinking all the way to the west, and the sky was glowing with a halo of reddish color, permeating the halo, covering the entire sky.

After work, he took 90 copper coins from the lumberjack, carefully put them in his pocket, and walked slowly into the town.

Adults are paid 200 copper coins for an afternoon. I am still a child, and 90 copper coins is the limit, even if my work is not easier than theirs.

There's nothing to complain about, I'm so grateful for hiring a kid like me, I can't fault it any more.

When I passed a certain field, I saw a familiar figure.

She was wearing ill-fitting ripped clothes, her calves were exposed, and she stepped on the field with bare feet, and her white calves were stained with dark mud spots.

Gorgeous red hair tied into a ponytail, bending over to work.

I thought it was a mistake, but when I got closer, I realized that it was indeed Shessel.

I was a little angry, I told her not to run around, but she didn't listen at all.

"Hey! Boy over there, don't trespass into other people's fields without authorization."

Just as I was about to walk over, a white-haired old woman with a cane not far away stopped me.

"Ah... sorry."

"What are you sorry for, what are you doing here, thief?"

"No, no! The girl over there belongs to my family..."

"Huh? What are you talking about, pervert?"

Since I was born, this is the first time that I have been called a pervert, so I must be quite embarrassed at this time.

Shessel over there heard the quarrel here, and immediately wanted to run over after seeing me.

However, just after taking a step, as if thinking of something again, he put his hands full of dirt behind his back in a little panic, and looked at me timidly.

When she saw that the old woman in front of her was about to drive me away, she finally ran over and stopped me, her face anxiously trying to explain.


Humans are social animals, and social animals want to be able to understand each other, communication is essential.

That's why language was born. Language can make two strangers get closer, and it can also make people who were originally close hate each other.

As for the girl standing in front of me at this moment, she couldn't do anything, so she had to dance and dance desperately, trying to convey her "words".

"Huh? What? Do you know this kid?"

"Hmm!" Shessel kept nodding, and after a lot of effort, she finally made it clear.

The old woman looked at me suspiciously.

"Not a thief?"


"Not a pervert either?"

"of course not."

She looked back and forth between me and Shessel, and finally put away her stern attitude.

"I'm sorry, it was my mother-in-law who made a mistake."

"It's okay, please don't worry about it."

I breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately the old lady in front of me was not the kind of person who couldn't communicate.

It was dusk at this time, and the old lady left us to have dinner at her house. She seemed to live alone, but I didn't open my mouth to touch such topics.

In the subsequent communication, I learned the complete process of the incident.

As I imagined, Shessel sneaked out with me. He wanted to work in the lumberyard together, but he was worried about my scolding and planned to go back quietly.

I happened to meet this old woman on the way, and she accidentally fell down while farming, and Shessel volunteered to help.

"Little girl, your name is Shessel."

Shessel blinked and nodded obediently.

"Yes, although it's a little small, this is the reward from your mother-in-law. Thank you. I won't be able to go to the ground for a while, old lady. If it wasn't for you, I really don't know what to do."

The old woman handed over two copper coins, but Shessel didn't dare to stretch out her hand, and stood there at a loss, looking at me as if asking for help.

The denominations of the two copper coins are 10 and 50 respectively, which is really not much.

"Accept it, maybe you think it's normal to help people in need, but money transactions are the most basic laws of this world, and you will understand later."

The old lady laughed loudly: "Oh, boy, you know it very well, old lady, I don't hate a brat like you."

So, Shessel took it with both hands solemnly, staring blankly at the two dark copper coins.

Those beautiful blood pupils were faintly flickering with an inconceivable light, carefully wiped them clean, thought for a long time, then reached out and handed them to me.

"This is money you earned through labor, don't give it to me, just collect it yourself."

Shessel tilted her head in doubt, and Abba Abba said a series of words that I couldn't understand.

I could probably understand what she meant, but after all I shook my head, so she had no choice but to put it away.

After a lot of work, the old lady brought today's dinner.

The snow-white rice piled up, and all kinds of fine ingredients were thrown on it.

When I was aristocratic, I occasionally tasted foreign food such as rice, and it tasted delicious with side dishes.

I am used to eating black bread, but I never expected to see such luxurious delicacies in such a remote town.

"Haven't you seen it before? It's a staple food in countries in the east of the mainland. Although it's common there, it's very rare in us. Only old women like me can do it in this town."

The old woman brought the teapot, and the golden and transparent soup slanted down and poured into the bowl filled with rice, the air was filled with a tempting aroma.

Shessel's eyes gradually brightened, staring straight at the shiny rice, and quietly swallowed.

One after another, the snow-white particles absorb the aroma of the soup, bursting out indescribably delicious in the mouth.

I haven't eaten hot food in a long time.



After dinner, I said goodbye to Shessel, and before leaving, the old woman asked me if I could have Shessel help me tomorrow.

I hesitated and looked at Shessel, who was looking at me expectantly.

In the end, considering that the old woman would lose her source of income if she didn't work, I nodded helplessly.

Shessel smiled happily, an expression she rarely showed.

I have to say, it's really pretty.

After saying goodbye to the old lady, we walked together, I let her hold my clothes tightly, and took a look at her tattered clothes.

"Why did you change back into this dress again?"

"Um...Aba... Gooah..."

I didn't understand it, but it must have been because I didn't want to get dirty.

"Take the money you received just now, check your pockets for holes, and don't lose them." I told her.

Shessel looked flustered and didn't respond to me.

"What's wrong?" I looked at her suspiciously.

Shessel emptied his pocket, and gestured with embarrassment, not daring to look me in the eye.

I gradually understood where the money was going, and stared blankly at her, not knowing what to say for a while.

She was like a child who did something wrong, keeping her head down all the time, as if she was waiting for my reproach.

Shessel is still brooding over the fruit stand.

The girl who can't express, hides a purity that ordinary people can't imagine in her heart.

When I raised my hand, she trembled slightly, but she didn't dodge.

Taking her hand silently, Shessel looked at me in surprise, as if wondering why I didn't blame her.

How can I get up in reproach?

"Let's go, tired all day, go back to sleep."



In the wooden house next to the field, an old woman with bad legs was washing three sets of dishes.

On the table, dimly lit candles were flickering, and two wiped copper coins lay quietly, shining brightly.

 Although it is a book, Shessel... is really cute.

(End of this chapter)

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