After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 476 470. The troublesome girl seems cuter than he imagined.

Chapter 476 470. The troublesome girl seems cuter than he imagined.

On the way home, Kazuto Mogami silently looked at Tokyo outside the window, and the sky above the bustling downtown area was covered with auspicious clouds.

Kazuto Mogami was still thinking about Saori Konishi, and Kazuto Mogami still couldn't figure out what was going on in her heart.

But the love shown by Xiao Xi Saori, he didn't think it was a disguise.

She clearly loves herself deeply, and is even willing to be husband and wife with him, but after she expresses her stance, she still doesn't want to get close to him.

Such an abnormal behavior made Mogami Kazuto unable to ignore it.

However, no matter what kind of person Mogami Kazuto becomes, his deepest core still maintains its original appearance.

Since Xiaonishi Saori didn't want to tell, he didn't press the question any more. Facing this woman who had told countless lies, Mogami Kazuto once again chose to believe her.

I believe that one day, she will confess everything in person.

As for their future, no one can tell.

However, Mogami Kazuto can be sure of one thing.

He has stopped lying to girls, and he will not lie to himself.

Now he is willing to accept Xiaoxi Saori.

Having figured out his own thoughts, Mogami Kazuto finally let out a breath, and the depression that had been accumulated in his heart during this period of time was quietly dissipated.



9 month 28 day.

A studio.

Kazuto Mogami faced the vanity mirror and let the stylist play with his hair behind him.

He doesn't like makeup and doesn't let his stylist rub weird powders on his face.

Fortunately, Mogami Kazuto was handsome, and his skin was not bad, more delicate than many girls, so the stylist stopped talking.

A young lady who was sitting by the side and was receiving makeup, let out a rather envious "hum".

"It's so nice of you, just do your hair."

At this time, the stylist behind her was applying eye shadow for her, and the other eye she opened glanced at him.

Hearing her words, the stylist chuckled: "Miss Sakura is so beautiful, you need to pay more attention to maintenance."

"Woo...I know, it's just that I'm too busy with work, I often sleep very little, and my physical condition shows on my face."

Although Ms. Sakura is naturally beautiful, she has a pretty face that can act in idol dramas.

However, due to my poor maintenance and high work intensity, I have no choice but to develop acne, so I can only cover it with foundation.

And she usually doesn't like makeup, she basically wears no makeup when recording, and only puts on some light makeup when she needs to appear on camera.

The only makeup technique that Ayane Sakura is good at is covering dark circles under the eyes, which is her housekeeping skill.

If covering dark circles is considered a makeup technique.

Kazuto Mogami's job today is to be interviewed by Seiyuu Magazine, both of them have recently transferred to Aoichi Office.

Ayane Sakura is a popular and popular voice actor in the voice actor industry. In terms of income, there are not many female voice actors in the industry who are higher than her.

And Mogami Kazuto is a new topic figure in the seiyuu circle recently, and the traffic he carries is not much worse than Sakura Ayane, so it is normal for the agency to arrange them to appear in magazines.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto can't help but speculate maliciously whether there is an element of business speculation in CP.

But since it's work, Mogami Kazuto will naturally go all out.

After finishing the makeup, the stylist left the dressing room, leaving only the two of them.

Ayane Sakura was swiping her phone boredly, Kazuto Mogami inadvertently glanced at her, she was shopping at ZOZO.

In my impression, Ayane Sakura always has endless high-end clothes, and I think so, working so hard and earning so much money, isn't it just to make herself happy.

Kazuto Mogami also has a lot of savings now, but his most expensive consumption so far has only been the purchase of musical instruments and the decoration of the piano room.

The price is not enough for a piece of clothing for Ms. Sakura, after all, this is a woman who can buy clothes worth a million yen in the blink of an eye.

The most important thing is that Mogami Kazuto thinks that dress doesn't look good.

It's just because the person wearing it is Sakura Ayane, so it looks good.

"Hello, Mr. Scumbag."

"what happened?"

"Take me to dinner later."

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her: "Give me a reason for my approval."

"I am Sakura-sama who combines beauty and voice."

"I see."

Miss Sakura raised her eyebrows slightly: "So you agree?"

"I don't think I'm qualified to have dinner with Sakura-sama, who is both beautiful and beautiful, please be wise."


Sakura Ayane clicked her tongue in displeasure.

"Why do you have to say such disgusting things?"

"Anyway, I'm an annoying person."

"Hmph... just hurt me, anyway, you'll be happy to see me suffer, right?"

Sakura Ayane puffed up her cheeks angrily, and stopped talking to the man beside her.

Mogami Kazuto looked sideways at her, and saw that her face was full of grievances, and her pink lips were almost pouted to the sky.

Helpless sigh.

"What to eat?"

"What to eat! I'm full of gas."

What a troublesome guy.

Unbelievably, he has gotten used to this trouble, and after getting along for a long time, he still finds it a little cute.

He felt that he must be sick to have such a crazy idea.

"I see. It's my fault. I apologize to you."

Sakura Ayane didn't listen, she turned her head to the side, only letting him see her elegant long hair.

After a long time, she whispered in my ear.

"I didn't say that you are annoying, why do you have to say that I hate you?"

"Um, sorry..."

After hearing Kazuto Mogami's apology, Ayane Sakura turned her head and stared at him angrily.

"If I hate a person, I definitely won't talk to him.

If I hated you, why would I ask you to carry me and send me home.

If I really hated you, why would I say those things to you.

If I try to be someone else, I don't have the kind of leisure to bother.

After that day, it wasn't my initiative to invite you, but you once took the initiative to find me.

I'm worried if you hate me, bore me, think I'm troublesome.

Because of your bad words, I always come to talk to you and give you steps, hoping that you can walk along obediently.

If you are willing to come over, even though I am a little dissatisfied, I am still willing to show you the beautiful and generous Sakura Ayane, and then say a few words that you may like to hear obediently.

But I am also a girl with self-respect.

And you, every time I rack my brains to talk to you, you always get mad at me.

But I can't complain anymore.

I...I really hate you. "

After complaining and venting her grievances, she still held her head up, her thin lips were tightly pressed, and her eyes were shining with unusual stubbornness.

Seeing such a girl, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but be speechless.

After staring at Sakura Ayane for a long time, he said silently: "Sakura, what you said is inconsistent."


Sakura Ayane was in a hurry, she thought that after talking so much, he would comfort herself.

But he didn't want to still be arguing with her, looking for loopholes in her words, his beautiful eyes suddenly became foggy.

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(End of this chapter)

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