After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 478 472. Misaki Sakura Wants Contact Information ~ Voice Actors' Love Brain Battle ~

Chapter 478 472. Misaki Sakura Wants Contact Information ~ Voice Actors' Love Brain Battle ~
"Moshi moshi."

"Hey, Ahe, Jieren and I happen to be on the same set today, and we are going to have a drink or two now, do you want to come together?"

Kazuto Mogami kept the gesture of answering, glanced at Ayane Sakura who was looking down at the phone, took two steps back silently, and walked aside.

I promised Sakura Ayane in advance, if Mogami Kazuto repented now, this woman might cry in public on the station platform.

Just imagining that scene made Mogami Kazuto feel his scalp go numb.

"Sorry, Nobunaga, I have something to do tonight, next time."

"Hmm...that's it."

"Yeah, so let's just go drink with Jatoto today."

"Okay, then you are busy, I'm going to have a drink with Jieren."


"Mr. Xiaoren, the tram is coming, let's go."

"Okay, I know."

Shimada Nobunaga on the other end of the phone was taken aback for a moment, with such a recognizable voice, it didn't take even a second to tell who was who.

"Then I'll hang up first, Kanai."

"Oh... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Back beside Ayane Sakura, she involuntarily cast a sideways glance at Kazuto Mogami, pursed her mouth tightly, and spoke in an unnatural tone.

"A female voice actor again?"

"It's Nobunaga, who said he wanted to drink and eat together, but I declined."

"Hmph! Who will believe your nonsense."

Having said that, Sakura-san's face obviously warmed up, and she tugged on Mogami Kazuto's sleeve.

"What are you still doing in a daze, let's go in."

After saying that, he grabbed Kazuto Mogami and dragged him into the carriage without any explanation.

In the evening in Tokyo, countless trams are running on the tracks, staggering and passing each other. No one knows what kind of people are sitting in the compartment of the next tram.

Perhaps only the moment when the trams meet each other is the closest moment between two strangers in this life.

And in a certain carriage, Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane were sitting side by side, the tram was shaking, and their shoulders were lightly touching each other.

Strange to say, Kazuto Mogami, who has become unable to have physical contact with women, will not be affected in any way when he is with Ayane Sakura.

This seems to be a privilege that only belongs to Sakura Ayane, even the ex-wife who has separated is slightly inferior.

Kazuto Mogami is not stupid, he probably thought it was related to the special skill called "Harem Master".

It's just that he still doesn't understand what the thing is for.

If the effect is to make the girls around him look up to him, then there is no need for such a thing.

Mogami and people can do it with their faces.

"Ring-chan, Jiro-kun's line, have you added it?"

"How can it be so smooth, let alone the line, when I was in school, I couldn't speak a few times."

"It's really, sorry."

The two female high school students sitting across from each other talked about the boy they liked as if no one else was there.

Boys and girls of this age, while enjoying their youth, are also looking for things that they can call youth when they recall ten years later.

The voices of their conversation were not clear, every word fell into the ears of Sakura Ayane, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Mogami Kazuto.

He was crossing his arms, eyes closed.

The mask blocked half of his face, but the eyelashes and eyebrows were so beautiful that one couldn't help but want to reach out and touch them.

But Sakura Ayane couldn't do that kind of embarrassing thing after all, even if she had plucked up the courage to do something bolder, it was only through the strength of alcohol.

a long time.

"Mr. Scumbag."


Her voice pierced through the mask and reached Kazuto Mogami's ears together with the sound of the tram running.

Just when he was about to speak, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Miss Sakura thought about it, but she didn't think it would work.

Why do you have to add him by yourself? Every time she takes the initiative, he just lies flat and does nothing, just enjoy with his eyes closed.

Not fair at all.

But if he doesn't make a sound, the guy next to him must not have thought of this.

Thinking of this, Miss Sakura shut up again.

"Why don't you speak?"

Kazuto Mogami opened his eyes and looked at her.

Obviously it was sunny when I got in the car, but now for some reason, my brows are frowned again.

Mogami Kazuto really wanted to tell her, he always frowned, and wrinkles would appear before the age of 30, but once he said it, he would be the one who would suffer, so he simply stopped talking.

Sakura Ayane thought about it for a long time, then hesitated and said: "Xianren-kun, how do you contact me when you miss me?"

As soon as the words came out, Sakura Ayane regretted it. The purpose was too strong, and it was almost obvious at a glance.

Mogami Kazuto looked at her strangely.

"Where did you get the confidence to produce the idea that I would miss you?"


I almost forgot, this man doesn't like oil and salt.

Miss Sakura held her forehead, feeling a little frustrated.

"Well... Speaking of contact, I have no other way to contact you except your mobile phone number."

Mogami Kazuto scratched the tip of his nose through the mask. He would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable after wearing the mask for a long time.

"I added a line before." Sakura Ayane hinted that she thought it was insignificant.

Mogami Kazuto was thinking, and said slowly, "Hmm... it seems that there is such a thing."

It seems that this bad guy, after adding it, deleted it, and blocked her from adding it again.

Can't find a second adjective other than nasty.

No matter how I hinted, the guy next to me remained indifferent. Sakura Ayane had cursed him ten thousand times in her heart, and she couldn't figure out whether he was really slow, or if he didn't say anything on purpose.

So, Ms. Sakura, whose face was still bright when she got on the train, waited for the tram to arrive at the station, and when they got off together, her pretty face was already as cold as ice.

Every time he quickened his pace and walked forward, Mogami Kazuto trotted to catch up.

Speed ​​up and catch up again.

Until Sakura Ayane exclaimed, the heel of her high-heeled shoes got stuck in the drain outside the station, and passers-by cast surprised glances at her.

Sniffing, Sakura Ayane squatted down aggrievedly and buried her head in her knees.

Mogami Kazuto came over, looked at her feet, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

After hearing this, Sakura Ayane became even more impatient, and raised her head to give him a hard look, with the appearance of wanting to cry.

Kazuto Mogami panicked and stopped immediately.

Accompanied by her unexpected exclamation, Mogami Kazuto quickly picked her up by the waist.

The white and small beautiful feet were separated from the upper, and the five crystal-like jade-like toes were slightly curled up. The toenails, painted with cherry-colored nail polish, were vivid in the dusk, like pieces of finely carved jade gems.

"Let you go so fast, you will suffer, please sit here for a while."

Sakura Ayane bowed her head in silence, waiting until Kazuto Mogami left and squatted in front of the drain to pull on her high heels.

Two blood-stained blushes flew up on her cheeks, and the troublesome girl couldn't help but softly laugh.

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(End of this chapter)

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