After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 491 485. Month, a steady stream of new jobs.

Chapter 491 485. In October, a steady stream of new jobs.

Kazuto Mogami found a random place to sit down, quietly flipped through the novel he was carrying with him, his phone vibrated, Kazuto Mogami picked it up and took a look.

Natsuki Yuta is here to press for the manuscript.

Recently, due to work reasons, Kazuto Mogami’s writing time has been greatly shortened. The manuscript of the seventh volume, which was supposed to be submitted last month, has not been completed yet.

Kazuto Mogami thought for a while, and decided to pretend he didn't see it.

Unknowingly, Totsuka Kazu, who used to be famous for his coding speed, also joined forces with other light novel writers.

It has to be said that it is a happy thing.

After a while, all the male voice actors who came to participate in the audition left, leaving Mogami Kazuto alone in the corner.

Seeing that he hadn't left yet, the staff member wearing a hat was taken aback and looked at the list in his hand.

"Totsuka-san... isn't it? Is there anything else you need?"

"Huh? Oh... oh, nothing, sorry, I'm sorry."

Kazuto Mogami was about to get up to say goodbye when Ayane Sakura came out from the door beside her.

"Ah... Totsuka-kun, wait for me, the audio supervisor just finished the sound audition, I'm going to record now, wait for me for half an hour."

Mogami Kazuto was helpless, nodded with her, and turned to show an apologetic look with the staff.

"Please allow me to interrupt for a moment."


About half an hour later, Sakura Ayane finished the solo recording, walked out of the recording studio, raised her head proudly, and called Mogami Kazuto with her eyes.

Mogami Kazuto closed the book in his hand, and like a follower, he got up and followed her silently.

The two staff behind them looked at each other as they walked away.

"Those two people, it's not true that they are dating as the rumors say, right?"



In the coffee shop, Sakura Ayane was holding the coffee cup in both hands, her little finger with cherry-colored nail polish on the fingernail was slightly raised, and she breathed in small breaths.

It's an action that is so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary, but for some reason, it exudes a lovely aura from the inside out.

"Mr. Scumbag."


"Have you been staring at me for too long?"

"Your illusion."

Kazuto Mogami opened his eyes and drank the bitter coffee calmly.

Sakura Ayane sneered: "What is that? Tsundere?"

"Only I don't want to be told by you."


Ayane Sakura suddenly thought of something, took out a magazine from her newly bought bag, and pushed it in front of Kazuto Mogami.

"what is this?"

"The last time I was interviewed by a magazine, I just sent the sample to the office today. I guess you are not interested in this kind of thing, and I expect you will not take it."

Kazuto Mogami is really not interested, and I have to say that Ayane Sakura really knows Kazuto Mogami in this regard.

Kazuto Mogami picked up the magazine, and on the lower left corner of the cover were his and Ayane Sakura's avatars and names. After flipping through a few pages, he saw a large interview.

The title "Simultaneous Story" is particularly eye-catching, and the rest are the photos he took with Sakura Ayane. Compared with the seiyuu interview, it really gives people a subtle feeling like taking a couple photo.

Mogami Kazuto said helplessly, "Is this magazine carrying too many private goods?"

"Hahaha, feel honored!"

Sakura Ayane was in a very happy mood, and Kazuto Mogami didn't want to cheer her up, so he let her go.

It is unbelievable to think about it. The two who used to hate each other have kissed three times in a row. They are sitting in the coffee shop in a harmonious and friendly manner, enjoying the short leisure time after the recording is over.

That arrogant and disdainful Sakura-san seemed to have only appeared in Mogami Kazuto's dream, which seemed extraordinarily unreal.

On the way, Gotanda received a call, and a script was sent to the office, and he was asked to pick it up when he had time. In addition, there were a few more chances to audition for supporting roles.

Kazuto Mogami was naturally thankful.

After that, Ayane Sakura had other dubbing tasks, so she bid farewell to Kazuto Mogami and asked Kazuto Mogami if he wanted to have dinner together.

Kazuto Mogami said he had an appointment with Nobunaga, Ayane Sakura wrinkled her nose in displeasure, said "Why is it Shimada-kun again", and walked away arrogantly.

After Ayane Sakura left, Kazuto Mogami took a sip of coffee slowly and muttered softly.

"Nobunaga, it's really convenient."



During this period of time, Kazuto Mogami has been busy recording songs and participating in auditions. One time, Natsuki Yuta approached him, and Kazuto Mogami promised to complete the manuscript of the seventh volume within three days.

I am busy with work during the day, and it is common to write until the early hours of the morning after returning home at night.

Finally, the manuscript was submitted on the last day.

It seems that it is indeed a bit difficult for Mogami Kazuto to juggle three jobs at the same time.

Therefore, the idea of ​​getting a driver's license has been completely erased from his mind.

The writing of the eighth volume was put on hold for the time being, and Kazuto Mogami was busy with his work as a singer and voice actor, and sometimes went back to Ueno to visit his parents.

Days like this lasted until mid-October.

On this day, Gotanda called and asked him if he had a special main character, and asked him if he would like to audition.

Kazuto Mogami was puzzled at first, and didn't understand what was so good about asking.

If possible, Mogami Kazuto would naturally want to take over the main role.

It wasn't until Kazuto Mogami went to the office and got the script that he understood a little bit, and couldn't help showing a subtle expression.

The popularity of the original work is not high, and the funding for the animation is not enough, with only 12 minutes per episode.

The most important thing is that Kazuto Mogami has not performed this kind of role with an offline brain so far.

To put it simply, the protagonist is a perverted cartoonist who draws fat times, and tells the funny daily life with a group of beautiful girl assistants and editors.

Kazuto Mogami has taken the beautiful and melancholy route so far. Such a character will undoubtedly surprise the audience.

However, Mogami Kazuto himself has no special ideas.

A character is a character, a voice actor is a voice actor, he makes the distinction very clear.

This is the most basic quality of a voice actor. People who confuse their works with reality usually have some problems in their heads.

For Kazuto Mogami, since he had the opportunity to receive the main role, he naturally wanted to fight for it, so he asked Gotanda.

Gotanda was a little surprised. He thought that a singer, voice actor and amphibious artist like Kazuto Mogami would not be willing to take on such an image-destroying role.

After seeing Mogami Kazuto's acting skills, he believes that as a voice actor, Mogami Kazuto will definitely shine in the future, and there is no need to take such a role in the early stage.

But since Kazuto Mogami had no objection, as a manager, he didn't say anything more.

Occasionally there are people in this industry who don't want to make money or be famous, but simply want to dub characters.

 Why do I seem to be writing about Ah Ying lately?

  Doesn't this make me look like a Zozo!
  Don't do that kind of thing!
(End of this chapter)

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