After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 499 493. A girl like the bell for get out of class.

Chapter 499 493. A girl like the bell for get out of class.

Sitting side by side on the slightly empty tram, swaying, Ayane Sakura suddenly remembered something, took out a box of medicine from her bag, and handed it to Kazuto Mogami.

"I went to the pharmacy to buy stomach medicine for you just now, remember to take it."

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her: "My family has it."

Sakura Ayane snorted softly: "Who knows that the medicines in your home are all weird things."

Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to accept it in embarrassment, and thanked him.

Ayane Sakura sat obediently beside her, shaking her long white and slender legs slightly, staring at the route map flashing above the carriage, in a daze.

Kazuto Mogami turned his face to look at her, even though half of his face was covered by the mask, it was still not difficult to judge the beauty of the girl from those beautiful eyes.

Why did it take until now to find out.

Discover the gentleness and cuteness of this girl hidden under the trouble and willfulness.

"What are you looking at me for?" Sakura Ayane suddenly turned her head and asked.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head slowly, and said in a soft voice, "No, I just feel a little unbelievable."



"I think you, Sakura, are really a girl who rings the bell for the end of get out of class ahead of time."

"The bell for the end of get out of class that rang early?"

Looking away from the girl's face, Kazuto Mogami looked out the car window at the ever-reversing and changing scenery.

Sakura Ayane silently waited for him to continue, she knew he must have something to say.

"One night in the middle of the night, I woke up suddenly.

I don't know the exact time, maybe two or three, but it doesn't matter what time it is.

Anyway, it was midnight and I was alone with no one around me.

It was pitch black all around, nothing could be seen, and there was no sound, not even the sound of the clock's hands marking the time, maybe the clock had stopped.

So I had some kind of idea, what is the meaning of my exile in this world.

Be endowed with a handsome face, outstanding talent, and withdrawn personality.

I realize that in this vast world, no one loves me, no one talks to me, no one thinks of me.

Even if I just disappeared from the world, it would probably go unnoticed.

This feeling is like being locked in an iron cabinet in the midsummer classroom. All the students have gone to physical education class, and the classroom is empty.

I can only listen to the thin cicadas singing alone, longing for someone to help me. "

Sakura Ayane listened carefully and didn't interrupt.

He continued: "I thought that I was used to loneliness long ago, even without your presence, I would be able to live well on my own.

But I seem to think too highly of myself, no one likes to be alone, and neither do I.

Whenever this happens, I can no longer fall asleep, afraid that after closing my eyes, I will never wake up from sleep.

This is what it means to wake up alone in the middle of the night, isn't it sad? "

She didn't say a word, but slowly stretched out her hand, covering his hand quietly.

He didn't break free either, and let her let it go.

"But at this time, I heard the bell for the end of get out of class coming from far away.

It shouldn't have sounded so early.

Why earlier, I don't know.

It came from far away, and it seemed to be heard, but it seemed to be inaudible.

But I knew it was the school's get out of class bell, and there was nothing wrong with it, so I listened quietly.

So, the ringtone came to my ears again.Then, my breathing was no longer painful, the hands of the clock began to move, and the chaotic footsteps reappeared in the classroom.

This is all because of the insignificant bell after class, because of the bell that seems to be heard but not heard.

And you come to me, just like the bell after class. "

Mogami Kazuto's voice fell, and the time Sakura Ayane felt seemed to stop at this moment.

He held his breath unconsciously, forgetting to blink his eyelids, only his heart was still beating thumpingly.

The hand on the back of his hand suddenly heated up at this moment.

I don't know if it's his body temperature or my own.

unwilling to let go.

"Just say sweet words to trick girls, I won't be fooled by you."

Kazuto Mogami still looked out of the window and said a calm "hmm".

In a trance, he suddenly felt a heavy weight on his shoulder, and Mogami Kazuto looked sideways.

The girl beside him leaned on his shoulder with her eyes closed.

Kazuto Mogami's eyes seemed to be asking her, "Didn't you say you won't be fooled?"

"Stupid, I'm just a little tired, and I just want to squat for a while."

"That's it."

"Hmm! So, be my pillow for a while."

"…………it is good."

Mogami Kazuto thought that it might be some kind of disguised punishment for a man like him to be favored by so many girls.

It is precisely because he has compassion for girls and does not want to hurt them that he deliberately gives occasions where he must hurt them time and time again.

The love between two people is often joyful and sweet.

If a third person is involved, this sweetness will turn into guilt.

Men are guilty, and women are equally guilty.

Like several stretched steel wires, they are constantly intertwined and twisted into an unbearable appearance.

Kazuto Mogami was already tired, so he gave up struggling and resisting.

Perhaps a large part of this change of mood stems from his newly acquired skills.

Mogami Kazuto also thought about it, it is impossible to achieve this kind of excessive state of mind just by relying on the original self.

But after actually experiencing it, he gradually realized that such a change is not bad.

Girls are very cute, and I want to respond to their brave mood as much as possible, and I will no longer do the evasive things like before.

The girl next to her smelled good, her palms were very soft, and she pretended to be sleeping in a funny and cute way.

Mogami Kazuhito couldn't help stretching out his hand to tidy up her long hair that was hanging down.


"...Huh? What's the matter?"

"The next stop is coming. I'll just go home by myself. You should go back early."

Sakura Ayane opened her eyes and looked at him: "No, I want to watch you walk into the house."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Not convinced?" Sakura Ayane wrinkled her nose.

Kazuto Mogami sighed slightly, and as the tram gradually stopped shaking and the doors opened, he dragged Ayane Sakura onto the platform.

On a night in mid-October, Sakura Ayane unconsciously rubbed her arm with a cool breeze.

"Is it cold?"


Touching her hand, it was surprisingly cold, thinking that Ms. Sakura's physique is not considered healthy.

Worried that she would be exposed to the wind and cold, he unbuttoned his coat with little hesitation, and put it on gently for her.

"Hmm... Thank you, thank you." Miss Sakura said flattered.

"Let's go."

"Xianren-kun, are you alright?" She looked up at Kazuto Mogami.


"I obviously cared about you before I came to send you home, so wouldn't it turn out that you were taking care of me instead?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind."

"……oh oh."

All the way out of the station, Sakura Ayane couldn't stop the smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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