Chapter 506 500. I can't lie to Yousha.

Facing Shimizu's speech, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but raise his hand with a soft sigh.

In Qingshui Yousha's expectant eyes, she gently flicked her forehead.

The girl ouched.

"Stop talking stupid things, go back and rest early."

Shimizu's eyes dimmed slightly, and Mogami Kazuto's reaction was within her expectation.

She didn't know how to say these words, but only after seeing the changes in Kazuto Mogami during this period of time, she hoped to be lucky.

Facts have proved that Mogami and people are still Mogami and people.

His nature ultimately determined that he would not do such a thing.

But the changes in Mogami and Ren do exist.

He will no longer muddle through or pretend not to understand as he did in the past.

"Yousha is a lovely and kind girl, you can't say such things to someone who isn't your boyfriend."

"It's just not for the time being, and I can't imagine the scene of falling in love with someone other than He Rensang, I don't want it."

Mogami Kazuto smiled wryly.

Qing Shui Yousha stared at him stubbornly, with eyes like torches, and let out a disturbed voice leisurely.

"Heren-san, can you imagine? One day, I held the arm of another man and went shopping with him intimately.

In unknown streets, eating unknown desserts.

Even if he is not interested, he still tries to cater to the topic he said out of "love".

So, at this time, we saw the poster of Totsuka Kazu's new album pasted on the door of the audio store.

Handsome, melancholy, revealing the beauty of loneliness.

"My boyfriend" pointed to the poster, smiled and said to me, I quite like this singer.

I said, I used to be too. "


Perhaps Kazuto Mogami has never been so shaken when facing this girl.

She spoke calmly and word for word, but Mogami Kazuto couldn't listen calmly.

The girl gave an unknown smile.

"Such a scene belongs to the ending between me and you.

Kazuto-san, can you accept it? "

She looked directly at Kazuto Mogami like this, and painted a picture for him that might happen in the future, maybe in a parallel world.

Before that, Kazuto Mogami never knew she would think about such a thing.

The scene described in the girl's mouth was too close to reality, and the reality made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Kazuto Mogami opened his mouth, but seeing her pure eyes, he couldn't say a word.

What does Kazuto Mogami want to say?

With his past temperament, he would probably say something disgusting like "that's something that can't be helped".

Even if this is not what he really thinks in his heart, he still chooses to say that in order to keep this girl away from him.

However, that is a lie.

The current Mogami Kazuto cannot lie to Shimizu Yusa.

"I tried to imagine what Yousha said."


Her unmoving eyes were in stark contrast to Mogami's unsteady eyes.

"Kazuto-san, I'm sure you'll say something like, "That's something that can't be helped, I'll bless you all." "

The girl in front of him may know herself better than Mogami Kazuto thought.

"If that happened, I think . . . I might feel bad.

No, I must not accept it. "


Kazuto Mogami looked up at the starry sky lightly, took a deep breath, and looked at the clear water and sand again.

"Well, it's better not to do that kind of thing.

Although it is exaggerated and selfish to say so, to be honest, I don't want to deceive Yousha. "

Speaking of this, Mogami Kazuto suddenly laughed, a bit inappropriate, and a bit lonely and sad.

"Why on earth? I seem to have become a little less like myself.

Obviously we are no longer lovers, but after imagining the scene you just described in my heart, subconsciously, I have a conflict. "


"I'm sorry, I'm such a bad man, does it make you feel uncomfortable?
It's disgusting, I'm not willing to accept your love, but I phantom you as my own without authorization.

Have I also... become a selfish and mediocre man? "

Maybe Kazuto Mogami's rhetoric has changed, but no matter which way it is, it can't hide the fact that he is a scumbag.

Perhaps the most correct way is not to say a word, hold her in his arms forcefully, say that he loves her, that he likes her.

Kiss with her, throw herself on the bed, dry sticks and fire, big do special do.

If that's the case, Mogami Kazuto will really become the big bad person that Sakura Ayane said.

"The Lord of the Harem" corrected Kazuto Mogami's distorted personality to a certain extent, making him frank.

But he still couldn't correct the most essential thing in his heart.

Qing Shui You Sha could only stare blankly at the man in front of him without saying a word.

After a long time, the sound came out slowly.

"Heren-san, you've never said such things to me before."


"Why? The current Kazuto-san has become something I don't know.

He has become a cunning person who will use demeaning himself to gain girls' favor. "

"Feel sorry……"

Qingshui Yousha shook his head: "I'm not blaming you, maybe Herensang thinks his thoughts are too much and despicable.

But for me, this is exactly the answer I was looking for.

If I tell Ren-sang that it's okay, I may be heartbroken and it will become difficult to get close to you.

If it gets more serious, it might become like Neru-san, losing trust in men.

Hmm... This kind of statement seems a bit wrong. After all, even a girl as proud as Neru-san would like Kazuto-san. "

Mogami Kazuto remained silent and could not refute.

There was sand in the clear water, but he suddenly relaxed, and a provocative smile gradually bloomed on his face.

It's even more beautiful than the moonlight.

Even if the sky above Shinjuku at this time, the moon cannot be seen.

"It's really weird.

When Mingming was dating, Herensang would never say such things.

Every time you say something I like to hear, there is loneliness and guilt hidden in your eyes, and you can tell at a glance that you are lying.

But what was said just now was not a lie. "

Mogami Kazuto silently clenched his palms, and then let go quietly, with a hint of hesitation and relief in his tone.

"I can't lie to Yousha."

Qingshui Yousha smiled, very sincerely and sweetly.

"I just found out today that I don't know He Rensang at all.

I originally kept it and planned to give it to you after a while, but I am very happy today, so I will give it to you in advance. "

Under Mogami Kazuto's puzzled eyes, Shimizu Yousha put his hand into the handbag and groped for a while.

"Heren-san, please close your eyes, I have another gift for you."



Mogami Kazuto hesitated for a while, anticipating something in his heart, after struggling a bit, sighed inwardly, and slowly closed his eyes.

one second.

two seconds.

Three seconds later, as he expected, the girl named Qingshui Yousha stood on tiptoe and kissed her.

Her lips were as soft as Ayane Sakura, but smaller, different from Ayane Sakura's fragrance of cherry blossoms, but with the sweetness of orange.

It is a familiar taste hidden in memory.

Kissed a hundred times, the taste of a thousand times.

Mogami Kazuto opened his eyes, Shimizu Yousha let go of his neck, and stepped back with a smile, his face flushed slightly.

"Thank you very much today, Heren-san, thanks to you, my confidence has increased a bit."

 Five hundred chapters in a blink of an eye.

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(End of this chapter)

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