Chapter 510 503. She was sleepy. (Ask for a monthly pass!)

That night.

The location was Mogami's bathroom. In order to prevent that guy from drinking the bath water secretly, Ayane Sakura soaked in the bathtub after Kazuto Mogami took a bath.

Although there was a somewhat strange atmosphere soaking in the leftover bath water of someone who wasn't even a boyfriend, Sakura-san unexpectedly did not repel her.

At this moment, he was soaking naked in the bathtub, and his face was flushed because the water was too hot or because of some other psychological factors.

"Sakura! I put the bath towel and pajamas here! They are all washed, you can use them later."

Mogami Kazuto's voice came from behind the frosted glass door.

"Know it!"

Sakura Ayane responded, moved the water in front of her, closed her eyes quietly and rested her mind.

Because today is her menstrual period, Sakura Ayane didn't dare to soak for too long, and after feeling the comfort of being wrapped in the water for a while, she got up and left the bathtub.

Putting on the ladies' pajamas that Mogami Kazuto had prepared for her, the upper body was a bit tight, and the buttons could not be fastened. She probably thought of who the owner of this pajamas was.

To tell the truth, she felt a tinge of shameful immorality.

It's really... quite exciting.

Patting her flushed cheeks, Sakura Ayane shook her head in the mirror for a while, threw this absurd thought out of her mind, and walked out of the living room.

Arriving at the guest room on the first floor, Kazuto Mogami was laying out the futon, and Ayane Sakura leaned on the door frame, watching him silently.

Mogami Kazuto had heard footsteps a long time ago, and didn't turn to look at her until after the bed was made.

"Today you sleep..."

Mogami was halfway through talking with Ren, when he was attracted by the mountains of Ayane Sakura, and froze in place.

"What are you wearing!"

"Me! What can I do! I can't put on Qi Zhisuke's clothes at all!"

After all, Sakura Ayane is still the girl who can only talk on paper, and once she is seriously on the battlefield, she will involuntarily give up.

At this moment, he was covering the mountain range with his hands, staring at Kazuto Mogami with shame and anger, with a little bit of complacency vaguely.

At least in this link, she is definitely better than clear water and sand.

Mogami Kazuto held his forehead, but he couldn't think of any words to refute.

Although this kind of thinking is very disrespectful to clear water and sand, the gap between the two is like K[-] and TLF Basin.

The reason why I didn't say it was Mount Everest was just to show her some affection.

In short, if you compare these two people, it would be too pitiful if there is sand in the clear water.

"Just let it go, this is the only one in my house."

Ayane Sakura wrinkled her nose and let out a snort.

"What are you doing, you will lose points for women's pajamas at home! I will deduct three points from you!"

Kazuto Mogami quietly opened the panel, and the intimacy with Ayane Sakura remained at 89, without any change.

Thinking about it, she was just talking casually.

"Also, you said that, but you actually wanted to see it on purpose." Sakura Ayane looked at him slyly.


"I know, you men are most interested in f*cking."

"Apologize to the lolicons of the world."

"Huh?! Jun Ren, are you a lolicon?"

"Why did you come to this conclusion!"

"Because you dated Kinosuke before, and her bust is probably in Lolicon's strike zone."

Although it was hurtful, it was a pity that what she said was the truth, and Mogami Kazuto had no way to refute it.

"It's you, wouldn't you be shy dressed like this?"

"The only thing I'm shy about is those two dots."

"What the hell, otherwise you can use a Band-Aid."

Sakura Ayane squeezed her chest even tighter: "Huh!? Pervert! Don't make it look like a beautiful girl figure! I'll kill you!"

Well, Kazuto Mogami admitted that what he said just now was indeed somewhat inappropriate.

Suddenly, Kazuto Mogami recalled the scene on the beach, the cherry blossoms that bloomed in summer were really pleasing to the eye.

Even though Mogami Kazuto hadn't been trained by the "Lord of the Harem" at that time, his instinct as a man prompted him to take a second look.

Seeing that Kazuto Mogami stopped talking suddenly, Ayane Sakura thought about it for a while, and finally remembered something.

His cheeks were flushed red, and he was about to go crazy.

Mogami Kazuto saw that things were not going well, and hurriedly interrupted: "Anyway, you should go to bed earlier, I'm going upstairs."

If she gets mad, it will be troublesome, and Mogami Kazuya is unwilling to continue to drag this annoying girl.

Fortunately, Ayane Sakura didn't bring up this topic, so I guess I couldn't get rid of that embarrassment.

"So early?"

Mogami Kazuto was speechless: "Miss, what time do you think it is?"

"Isn't it just after 12 o'clock?"

"I usually go to bed at 11 o'clock."

Sakura Ayane looked at him in surprise: "How on earth can you sleep at your age?"

"how about you?"

Sakura Ayane gestured proudly with two fingers: "Two points."

Mogami Kazuto sighed softly: "I finally know how your dark circles came about."

The girl pouted dissatisfiedly: "What can I do? It was already very late when I finished work, and it was at least 12 o'clock when I got home. It just so happened that I finished work early today."

Well...Mogami Kazuto knew that what she said was true, so he could only say that an annual income of [-] million yen was not so easy to get.

Even at his level, this period of time is enough for him to be busy, not to mention Sakura Ayane who has a much more workload than him.

"Then you can do whatever you want, I'm going to sleep, and tomorrow morning I have to attend the audition for "As the Moon Wishes"."

"Hmph! Thank you for this opportunity I won for you."

Speaking of this, Sakura Ayane's nose almost went up to the sky.

Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to express his thanks.

"Then I'm going upstairs."

"Aren't you going to sit down and chat for a while?"

Sakura Ayane looked at him with weak anticipation. If she stared at him for too long, Mogami Kazuto might not have the confidence to reject her, and immediately shook her head.

"Didn't you say you were sleepy before?"

"After taking a bath, people feel much more energetic."

"Then take it easy, I'm going to bed, good night."

After saying that, Kazuto Mogami left the bedroom, turned off the light in the living room on the first floor, and went upstairs.

Sakura Ayane snorted at Mogami Kazuto's back, made another grimace, and closed the door with a "slap".

After returning to his bedroom, Kazuto Mogami didn't go to bed directly as he said.

Half of the mountain range of Ayane Sakura still remains in my mind, and I can't get rid of it for a while.

Sitting on the chair with a secret sigh, Mogami Kazuto patted his face.

"Why did he suddenly become such a man who almost couldn't walk when he saw a girl?"

After talking to himself, Mogami Kazuto regrouped, turned on the computer, and started writing.

Trying to dilute the memory of the mountains with the fantasy stories in my heart.

 League leader plus more 15
  Chapter 15, the addition of the leader is over.

(End of this chapter)

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