After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 516 510. After the concert, he got into Miss Shimizu's car.

Chapter 516 510. After the concert, he got into Miss Shimizu's car. (Ask for a monthly pass!)

"Miyano-san, congratulations."

"Senior Miyano, congratulations."

Several melodious female voices came, each holding a pre-arranged bouquet and handing it to Miyano Mamoru together.

Miyano Mamoru scratched his head and laughed loudly: "It feels really good to be given flowers by a young girl. I can show off to my wife when I go home at night."

The three female voice actors who came together are Yusa Shimizu from the same company, Yui Ogura, and Aimi Terashima.

And among these three people, only clear water and sand came here with two bouquets of flowers in their arms.

The petite figure walked up to Kazuto Mogami with a dignified manner and a calm tone.

"Here. Totsuka-san also worked hard."

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback for a moment, and even Yui Ogura and Aimi Terashima who were beside him were stunned.

Only Miyano Mamoru was still laughing, thinking it was just a simple congratulation.

"Thank you."

After regaining consciousness, Mogami Kazuto took over immediately, acting gracefully, without the kind of hesitation that would make people imagine.

Shimizu Yousha smiled sweetly, and there was a cunning in his eyes that only Kazuto Mogami could understand.

Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to be helpless.

"Oh, by the way, we're going to hold a celebration banquet next time. If it's a reward, the three of you should go too." Miyano Mamoru suggested at this time.

"Huh? Is it okay?"

"Of course, we're all artists from the same company, so there's no problem."

On this occasion, Miyano Mamoru was the one who really had the right to speak, and Mogami Kazuto could only stand silently by the side without saying anything.

Well... anyway, it's just a meal together.

The staff on site will be there too, nothing to worry about.

Shimizu sneaked a sneaky glance at Kazuto Mogami, then turned to Mamoru Miyano and said, "Then let us disturb you."

"Oh! Just interrupt!"

Miyano Mamoru smiled.

Kazuto Mogami stood aside without speaking, feeling that Aimi Terashima was looking at him, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to return a slightly embarrassed polite smile.

"Totsuka-san's performance just now was quite brilliant, I admire it very much." Terashima Aimi praised unabashedly.

"Thank you."

With the experience of performing in front of tens of thousands of people, Mogami Kazuto may have a little understanding of what kind of dream Aimi Terashima is pursuing.

For this girl who has just turned 20 years old and wandered alone in Tokyo, I feel more and more admiration in my heart.

While admiring her, I don't know how to keep a distance from her.

His relationship with the girls was messy enough now.

He didn't want to drag her into a new vortex.

After that, the on-site staff finished the finishing work, and the group took a car and prepared to go to the izakaya that had already been reserved.

Kazuto Mogami and Mamoru Miyano took the company's commercial vehicle, while the other female voice actors all came in a car with clear water and sand.

When leaving, Ogura Yui and Terashima Aimi, who were still calm, begged with serious faces to take the company's special car.

The word fear is vaguely written in the eyes.

Just counting the staff, the location may not be enough.

Just when Ogura Yui felt ashamed, Mogami Kazuto suddenly said, "Then it doesn't matter if I take Ms. Minase's car."

As soon as these words came out, Qing Shui Yousha glanced at him silently, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Ogura Yuyi looked at him in amazement, one was admiring his courage and ignorance, and the other was thinking whether this person was trying to get close to him and failed to agree immediately.

Qingshui Yousha smiled very suitably: "Youyi-chan is really too much, I obviously drove very steadily and said, let's go with me."

"Totsuka-san! Thank you very much, please!" Yui Ogura immediately bowed to Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami had reason to suspect that Shimizu Yousha's last words were intentional, but he couldn't find evidence.

In the end, everyone else got into the company's car, and only Kazuto Mogami followed Shimizu Yousa and got into her car.

Outside the venue, there were still many spectators who did not disperse. It took a lot of effort to drive away with clear water and sand before leaving this area.

Came to the not-so-empty street, Qingshuiyousha stepped on the gas pedal, gradually exerting pressure.

At first, Mogami Kazuto was still lamenting that the girl looked weak and not frightened, but she had a decent posture when driving the car.

And this kind of thought completely disappeared from Mogami Kazuto's brain as 30 seconds passed.

"There is sand! Slow down! Slow down! I'm about to hit you!"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but clutch the armrest above his head, his voice was full of surprise.

"It's okay, please leave it to me."

"There is sand!!!"

Until now, Mogami Kazuto finally understood where Shimizu Yousa's reputation of being intimidated when it came to driving came from.

In the end, under the naive threat of "If you don't slow down, I will never cook for you again" by Mogami Kazuto, Shimizu Yousha finally slowed down.

Kazuto Mogami experienced the fear of remaining alive after a catastrophe for the first time in a long time.

The last time I experienced it was when I was recording the Totsuka Shokudo BBQ chapter, and I ate grilled corn from Ayane Sakura.

The car was driving steadily in Tokyo at night, and Kazuto Mogami paid attention to Shimizu's sandy side face from time to time, for fear that she would step on the accelerator again while he was not paying attention.

"Kazuto-san, today's performance is very handsome. The female fans who were standing next to me at that time almost stared at you."

"Senior Miyano finally gave me this opportunity, so I will naturally go all out."

Qingshui Yousha glanced at him with a smile: "Full power...right?"


"Although I really want to scream, but when I think of Yui-chan and Aimi-chan's eyes, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Kazuto Mogami gave her a surprised look: "Okura-san?"

"Ah? Does Kazuto-san care about Yui-chan's attitude?" Qingshui Yousha said meaningfully.

"Not really, I just always thought she wasn't interested in me."

"Leaving aside Yui-chan's disinterest in Kazuto-san, I think her performance at that time was only based on her approval of your performance."

"That's good."

Seeing that Kazuto Mogami stopped talking, Qingshui Yousha slowly raised the corners of his mouth: "Because I'm not sure about Yui-chan's attitude, I'm asking this extra question.

But don't ask Amy-chan. "


Qing Shui You Sha is indeed a sensitive woman.

"Even if I don't say it, you've already seen it, haven't you?" Mogami Kazuto said calmly.

Shimizu Yousha laughed, she felt that the current Mogami Kazuren was strange and interesting.

Made her feel very fresh.

This man never spoke so bluntly before.

"Of course, since she came to King Records' orientation last year, I told you about it.

The way that child looks at you is the same as mine. "


 There are still more than 200 monthly tickets!

  If you don't vote, it should be wasted!

(End of this chapter)

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