Chapter 524 518. Heading to the game site. (Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!)

At ten o'clock in the evening, after a day's work, Sakura Ayane returned to Chiyoda's home exhausted.

After a busy day, the whole person soaked in the bathtub, washing away the fatigue from his body.

Putting on the high-end underwear I just bought two days ago, I stood in the mirror and looked at my body for a while, and my cheeks turned red.

She silently cheered herself up, put on a pure white dress, put on a coat, picked up her bag and was ready to go out.

Destination: the game site.

However, as soon as she went downstairs, Ayane Sakura heard her mother calling her name.

"Caiyin, it's so late, where are you going?"

Sakura Ayane's tiptoe steps suddenly trembled, she turned around stiffly, and forced out a smile.

"Mom, you haven't slept yet."

"I'll sleep in a while, but you, where are you going?"

"Eh... having dinner with friends."

The guilty Ms. Sakura hesitated and lied subconsciously.

"It's nearly eleven o'clock now."


Ms. Zhishin looked at her daughter's well-dressed appearance with a nice smile on her face.

"I'm going to a friend's house for dinner. We made an appointment to hold a girls' meeting tonight."

Ms. Zhishen frowned slightly: "It sounds like I'm going to stay at a friend's house."

"Ah... aha... maybe it will be like that."

Miss Sakura is not good at lying, especially when facing her mother, basically any lie will be exposed.

It's just that today it's about her being able to compete with Mogami Kazuto, Miss Sakura can only bite the bullet and laugh.

"Speaking of which, Caiyin, you also suddenly went out in the middle of the night a few days ago. Who should you talk to at the door of your house?"


Ayane Sakura's eyes widened, while her mother still had a calm and joking demeanor. Compared with Ayane Sakura, who was outspoken, Ms. Shishin usually had this indifferent appearance.


"Well... Caiyin is about this age, mom, I won't restrict you too strictly in this regard.


Mother changed the subject.

"Going out so late, who's house is going to spend the night, mom, I still feel a little worried."

"It's... annoying, Mom, I just went to a friend's house to play, and I have been there many times so far."

"Well, Mom knows, but I always feel that something is wrong this time, Caiyin."


Ms. Shishin's gaze was burning like a torch, and Sakura Ayane gradually dared not look directly at her, thinking about how to find an excuse to get out.

But at this time, the sudden ringtone of the mobile phone rang inside the bag, making Sakura Ayane's heart stop suddenly.

In Noda's living room, the ringtone was particularly abrupt, and Ayane Sakura dared not reach for the phone for a long time.

"It's impolite not to answer the phone, Caiyin."

Sakura Ayane tried to see her mother's emotions from her face, but, with her rank, she couldn't see what Ms. Shishin was thinking at the moment.

Stretching her hand into the bag tremblingly, her heart sank suddenly when she saw the string of cell phone numbers without notes.

Seeing Sakura's delay in answering, Ms. Shishin slowly narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "If you are embarrassed to tell your friends, why don't you let your mother tell you."


Sakura Ayane immediately panicked.

However, in the next second, the smile on Ms. Zhishen's face suddenly dissipated, and she quietly raised her hand.

She exudes an aura that does not allow Ayane Sakura to refuse.

Ayane Sakura nervously handed over the phone, Ms. Shishin smiled slightly, connected the phone and put it to her ear, waiting for the voice to ring from there.

Sakura Ayane stood on the spot without saying a word, thinking that she is really going to die now.

Wait, what reason should I make up.

Well, let's just say that this guy is brazenly pursuing himself.

Although that guy might be angry, why don't you give him some benefits, anyway, I was going to compete with him tonight.

Ms. Shishin stared at her daughter intently. Finally, there was a voice on the other end of the phone. After listening for a while, Ms. Shishin gave Sakura Ayane a strange look.

"So it's Miss Xiaoxi."

Sakura Ayane froze for a moment, stayed where she was, looking at her mother in bewilderment.

Why did Saori's name appear?Could it be that...that guy is with his ex-wife now?
No, no, no, no way.

"...Women's Club... Well, not really, it's just that it's so late, don't worry about her going out alone."

"Hmm... so it's a job discussion."

"Then I know, Caiyin will leave it to you, I will let her answer the phone."

Ms. Shishin handed the phone back to Ayane Sakura, and Ms. Sakura mechanically took it with a look of confusion and said "Hi".

"Idiot, I knew something would happen to you."

A familiar male voice came from next to his ear, the voice of Kazuto Mogami.

Sakura Ayane silently glanced at her mother.

She was not stupid, and soon thought of Kazuto Mogami's ability to imitate, and couldn't help admiring his adaptability.

It's a good thing he can understand that he is not the one answering the phone, otherwise, if it is exposed, it will be somewhat troublesome for his mother.

In the end, Sakura Ayane successfully dealt with her mother and drove away from home.



On the way, Ayane Sakura sat in the car and called Kazuto Mogami on the speakerphone.

After connecting, Sakura Ayane spoke immediately.

"Hello, Mr. Scumbag."

"go out?"

"Well, thanks to your quick reaction just now, otherwise I should have been scolded by now."

"Well... I don't think it's a bad thing to take the initiative to confess to your mother."

"Of course I know, I just can't say it yet."



Kazuto Mogami was taken aback for a moment, he thought it would be because of some deeper reasons such as worrying about his parents' opposition, but he didn't expect it to be because of embarrassment.

how to say.

It really looks like Sakura-san.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help laughing.

"What's so funny, it's the first time I'm in love, I don't know how to tell my parents, it's not a matter of course!
Unlike you, you have been married once. "

"Yes Yes Yes."

"No, the more I think about it, the angrier I get. I want to marry Saori too, and then leave her!"

"It might not work."

"If you go to Shibuya to register, ***************************."

"You are so clear!!!"

Kazuto Mogami began to seriously doubt whether his girlfriend was really having sexual thoughts.

"Are you home now?"

"No, shopping at a convenience store."


Sakura Ayane's little brain turned rapidly at this moment, thinking of a previous shopping experience in a convenience store, and a certain rectangular packaging box reappeared in her mind.

"Dirty! Perverted! Shameless!"


 Recently, the review has been relatively strict. It is recommended to read it immediately after updating, otherwise it will most likely be 404 and then deleted.

  And recently, the starting point is doing anti-theft. If it is deleted, the pirated version will not be able to see the original text.

(End of this chapter)

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