After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 537 531. A new job with Miss Farming.

Chapter 537 531. A new job with Miss Farming.

"Totsuka-san, Taneda-san, everyone has worked hard."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Thanks for your hard work."

The OVA animation collection of "Hori and Miyamura" is over. Kazuto Mogami and the staff greet each other, and Risa Taneda is smiling, and she is in good condition.

Nobunaga Shimada, who was silently aside by Mogami Kazuto, moved over.

"Hori and Miyamura" is not a TV animation series, it only has one episode, that is to say, today is the first day and the last day of this recording studio.

As for whether there is a chance for TV animation in the future, and whether he can continue to act as the actor's voice actor after the animation, this is not something that Mogami Kazuto should consider.

But if there is that opportunity, Kazuto Mogami still wants to fight for it.

"Ahe, do you still have work later?"

"I'm going to record the supplementary lines of "Magic C" later."

"What a coincidence, I'm going too, together."


"Want to have a drink together after the end?"

" depends on the situation."

Kazuto Mogami still took good care of Sakura Ayane's thoughts, so he didn't recover immediately.

Shimada Nobunaga smiled slyly, put his arms around Mogami Kazuto's shoulders frivolously, and whispered in his ear:
"Oh, oh! You don't want to report to Ms. Sakura, do you?"

"Idiot, I've already said that's not the case."

Although Kazuto Mogami is unwilling to lie to women, lying to men is as easy as breathing.

"Totsuka-san, Taneda-san, can you come over?"

The voice of Mr. Morishita, the speaker supervisor, came from the speaker. Kazuto Mogami and Risa Taneda looked at each other and entered the control room together.

In the control room, besides Mr. Morishita who is the sound supervisor, Mr. Kutana who is the chief supervisor is also there.

"Sit down, both of you."

Neither Mogami Kazuto nor Naneda Lisa knew what was going on, so they could only sit quietly aside.

"Let me just say it straightforwardly. The investors here saw the cooperation between the two and are considering doing a separate radio program for the two of them."


"A radio show?"

"Yes, if I remember correctly, the animation of the light novel written by Totsuka-san will be broadcast next year. There are also two voice actors for the male and female protagonists."


Mogami Kazuto didn't understand what the connection was.

"Actually, the supporting radio program being planned by "Travel" is also provided by the sponsor here."

So that's the so-called water testing program.

Mogami Kazuto turned his head quickly, and he realized it all at once.

"The supervision means that we hope that before the supporting broadcast of "Journey", let us make a cooperative radio program, and then connect to the supporting program of the animation after the animation is broadcast?"

"Well, Miss Tanada is right."

"Of course, this idea is also a temporary idea, and we need to communicate with the two firms specifically. Today we just want to confirm the two ideas first."

Mogami Kazuto looked at Taneda Risa.

"Personally, I don't have any opinion. It would be better to say that I am very grateful for giving me this opportunity, but the details still depend on the arrangement of the firm. If the communication goes well, I will be happy to take this job."

Taneda Risa made her statement, and Mr. Kutana looked at Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't say anything else, so he had to say: "I have the same opinion as Miss Taneda."

In this way, Mr. Taming showed a very happy expression, said a few words to the person who looked like an investor beside him, and then let the two leave.

After walking out of the control room, Taneda Lisa was delighted to get another job.

After her comeback, although she received fewer and fewer animation dubbing jobs, Taneda Risa is a talented person who is willing to come back and work hard. On the contrary, she is getting better and better in the convenient work of broadcasting programs.

"Totsuka-kun, that's great."

"What do you mean?"

"Of course it's a new job. Isn't Totsuka-kun happy to have a new job?"

"Uh... It's not that I'm not happy, it's just that I'm not very good at radio programs."

"It's okay! I will cover you well!"

Well, Tengtian Lisha seems to be really fighting.

She has a passion for work, and this passion has allowed her to overcome her destiny, making her once again stand on the stage of seiyuu.

Changtian Lisha is not an NPC.



After parting with Naneda Lisa, Kazuto Mogami contacted Dai Qiuhui and recounted the previous incident.

Dai Qiuhui said that the supporting broadcast was originally planned. If there are sponsors who are willing to pay for the broadcast to be produced in advance, of course it is very welcome.

After hanging up the phone, I felt someone tap my shoulder, and turned to see Nobunaga Shimada's face.

"Ahe, what are you doing, let's go."


Mogami Kazuto was completely used to the feeling of being the co-pilot, while Nobunaga Shimada on the right drove seriously, while he sat with his eyes closed.

"Ahe, why don't you take the driver's license test?"

"Too busy with work and no time."

"It's all just an excuse."

"Anyway, I'll call you when I need it."

"Will you pay my wages?"

"Stop joking, the helpless request from the juniors of the same company, do you have the nerve to refuse?"


Mogami Kazuto slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

The letter is long in writing and convenient in reading.

Go to the recording studio together, and record separately.

Kazuto Mogami had fewer lines, so it ended quickly, so I sat in the lounge and waited for Shimada Nobunaga to finish.

During the period, I sent a line to Ayane Sakura, asking her if I could have dinner with Nobunaga Shimada at night.

Sakura Ayane only told him not to drink.

Although she put a lot of restrictions on Kazuto Mogami in her mouth, she is very conniving towards Kazuto Mogami in essence, not to mention that Nobunaga Shimada is a male voice actor, and she will not interfere with Kazuto Mogami's friendship.

Thinking of Nobunaga Shimada's attitude of acquiescing that the two hooked up, Mogami Kazuto tentatively asked if he wanted to go together.

Ayane Sakura rejected it directly, and she will be busy with work until midnight today.

In this way, Kazuto Mogami stopped talking, and cared for her to pay attention to her body and not to be exhausted.

Ayane Sakura sent an emoji of herself, saying that he is really a mother-in-law, Kazuto Mogami shook his head helplessly.

After waiting for a while, Nobunaga Shimada's recording ended, he exchanged greetings with other seiyuu who had just finished solo recording, and left together.

When he came to the familiar izakaya, Shimada Nobunaga came up to order beer, but was stopped by Kazuto Mogami.

"Didn't you come here by car?"

"Just take a taxi home at night."

"I won't drink with you."

Shimada Nobunaga pointed at Kazuto Mogami and laughed: "I wish I could, I have to take you home after you drink."

Mogami Kazuto could not refute.

(End of this chapter)

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