Chapter 540 534. The Apostle Strikes.

The next morning.

In the bedroom, Mogami Kazuto was already fully dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking Sakura Ayane's messy hair.

Ayane Sakura lying on the bed was still covered with a quilt, her shoulders were exposed, and she was still naked under the quilt.

"Then I'm going out. I've already prepared breakfast and put it on the table. Remember to go down and eat later. You don't seem to have work in the morning. I'll be back at noon."

Ayane Sakura, who was curled up in the blanket, let out a weak "hmm", both her voice and her body were soft.

I didn't go to bed until two or three o'clock last night, and woke up once at five or six o'clock.

It's nine o'clock in the morning, and she has no strength at all. Even speaking, she feels numb all over, and she is already worrying about whether she can make a normal voice during the dubbing work in the afternoon.

Excessive use of voice, singing sentinel class is not so tiring.

After leaving home, Kazuto Mogami went to the audition and successfully won a supporting role.

On the set, I met Nobunaga Shimada, who also came to the audition. Because there was Ayane Sakura waiting for him at home, I couldn't go to lunch with him after the audition.

On the way to the station, I received a call from Ayane Sakura, who asked me to eat the cake downstairs in the Shinjuku recording studio, and Kazuto Mogami turned back.

While paying, Kazuto Mogami met the loli-sound duo who accompanied them into the store.

There is a recording studio next to it, and it is quite normal to meet voice actors by chance.

The world seems to be full of strange prejudices against men. It seems that a 25-year-old man should not appear alone in a cake shop, at least that's what Ogura Yuyi's face shows.

And Hidaka Licai still had that polite and well-behaved appearance, greeted Mogami Kazuto, and after placing an order at the counter, sat aside and waited quietly.

"Totsuka-kun, I highly recommend the honey caramel cake here, when Yui-chan and I come to dub here, we will buy it every time.

Among the voice actors I know, there are many who like to come here to buy cakes. "

"That's it."

Kazuto Mogami strictly adheres to the principle of reducing conversations with female seiyuu, especially the Miss Hidaka in front of him, who is still on the list in his panel, and Kazuto Mogami is not willing to provoke anyone again.

The cakes in this shop are all freshly made, Kazuto Mogami ordered before them and got his share first.

Kazuto Mogami ordered the bubble fudge flavored cake, which is an innovative variety that few people order.

Therefore, when the clerk called out the name of the cake and said that it was ready and asked the customer to pick it up, Luo Yin'er's duo was obviously taken aback for a moment.

What Ogura Yui thought was that he really was a weirdo.

In Hidaka Licai's cognition, the only person who can order this cake is the female voice actress named Ayane Sakura, who unconsciously connects the two together.

After receiving the cake, Kazuto Mogami nodded to the two of them out of politeness, and headed to the station.

All the way back to Tsukishima, as soon as he got out of the car, Ayane Sakura sent a message to ask him where he was.

Mogami Kazuto told the truth, and then, Sakura Ayane asked him to go to a convenience store to bring her something.

Kazuto Mogami asked her what she wanted to buy, but she didn't say anything, just said to tell her when he arrived.

Although Kazuto Mogami was puzzled, he never had the room to refuse Sakura Ayane's request.

After arriving at the convenience store, Kazuto Mogami called to ask, but Ayane Sakura faltered and said only one sentence, "AT stand, it's used up, please ask for a refill." Then hung up the phone quickly.

Mogami and NPC were speechless.

After thinking about it again and again, he sighed softly, and met the hot and ambiguous eyes of the shop assistant, and replenished the goods.

After returning home, Mogami Kazuto did not see Sakura Ayane's voice on the first floor, but he had already finished the breakfast he made in the morning and even washed the dishes.

Going upstairs and returning to the room, Ms. Sakura was sitting cross-legged on the bed playing with her mobile phone. Seeing Kazuto Mogami walk in, she immediately smiled teasingly.

"Bought it back?"

Kazuto Mogami was helpless: "I bought it back."

The girl immediately showed an expression of eagerness: "Why don't you give it to me soon?"

"Uh... which one are you talking about?"

"Cake, of course!"

Ms. Sakura laughed badly, Mogami Kazuto could only sigh and handed her the cake packaging bag in his hand, and left another convenience store shopping bag on the bedside table.

Ayane Sakura cast a glance, her face flushed slightly.

"Get me a glass of water, but don't pour me hot water anymore."

"Drinking hot water is good for your health."

"Why do you think I drink water because I want to be healthy?"

Well, since it doesn't make sense, just do it.

Kazuto Mogami went downstairs to get a glass of tap water, and when he returned to his room, Ayane Sakura was taking a selfie with a cake.

For food that is about to be swallowed and subjected to stomach acid corrosion, they must think this behavior is the bad taste of arrogant human adults.

Ayane Sakura over here was sitting on the bed and eating cake, laughing unknowingly.

"What laughing?"

"I'm eating in bed~"

"so what?"

"I don't dare to do this at home, my mother will scold me, ah~ it feels so taboo."

Mogami Kazuto burst out laughing when he heard the words: "Do you still do too many taboo things?"

"Why? Sarcasm me?"

"Don't dare."

Sakura Ayane is Sakura Ayane after all, even if she is sitting on the bed, her eating posture is still dignified and elegant. This kind of ladylike temperament engraved in her bones cannot be changed just by changing it.

At least, she couldn't finish the cake in two bites.

Kazuto Mogami sat on a chair, silently confirming the work schedule for the afternoon.

After eating, Ms. Sakura put the empty box on the empty bedside table and stretched her body.

The mountains on the chest shook majestically, and the snow-white sweater showed strange small arcs.

The one on the top saw it clearly, and immediately raised his forehead: "You bastard, why don't you even wear underwear under the sweater."

Sakura Ayane leaned back, propped her hands on the bed, and glanced sideways: "Don't be so hypocritical, you were never the first to unbutton that side."

Kazuto Mogami was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Sakura Ayane looked up at the ceiling and took a few breaths.


"What's coming."

Sakura Ayane lightly licked her lips, licked off the cream left at the corners of her mouth, and beckoned to Kazuto Mogami, asking him to sit by the bed.

He just sat down on the edge of the bed, before he could speak.

The next moment, Kazuto Mogami was thrown on the bed by her, and her triumphant laughter was heard in her ears.

The girl smiled brightly, she got the AT position from nowhere, her pink lips were soft, she held a jagged corner of the square in her mouth, her thumb and index finger were slightly torn apart, and the oil overflowing from inside gradually stained her fingertips.

"Stupid~ idiot~ of course the apostles are here."

(End of this chapter)

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