After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 564 558. Under the night, snowflakes are falling slowly.

Chapter 564 558. Under the night, snowflakes are falling slowly.

After the sound audition, the sound supervisor asked all the voice actors present to go back and wait for the notification, and Kazuto Mogami left the set alone.

In the afternoon, there will be an official dubbing of "As a Heroine". Although it is a supporting role, there are only a few lines.

After arriving at the recording studio, it was no surprise that Nobunaga Shimada was already on the set. After all, he was the leading actor in this episode.

And as the heroine, Qingshui Yousha, it is said that she has already recorded all the lines of the characters by herself, and she is not on the set.

That's fine, after all, the lines of a certain episode that will be recorded in the future may hit her a little bit.

No, there will definitely be.

Ayane Sakura was sitting in the distance, beside Kazuto Mogami was a experienced female voice actor, who seemed to be talking about something.

Not long after, the staff came over and informed them to enter the recording studio. Nobunaga Shimada and another male voice actor sat in the middle of the main role, and Kazuto Mogami leaned against the corner of the wall as usual, bowed his head and remained silent.

Even in the dubbing studio where he was the main actor, he never sat in the middle position once, and the corner can bring him a certain degree of peace of mind.

After the test of Part A, the audio supervisor issued various revision instructions and entered the formal recording process.

A 20-minute TV animation single episode, counting the test phase, will consume almost an hour.

Kazuto Mogami has very few lines, and there are only three or four sentences in total. Most of the time he is standing in a corner in a daze, or listening to the acting skills of other voice actors.

On the LCD TV in front of me, every time it was the heroine's turn to dub, the voice actors present were all silent, waiting quietly for the heroine to disappear from the screen, and then stepped forward to dub their own parts.

Situations like this are actually not uncommon in this industry. Due to various reasons such as schedule or health, it is common to record a single person.

It's just that the situation this time is somewhat special, and it has something to do with Kazuto Mogami. He was in a daze while thinking about it absently.

Every time it was the turn of Sakura Ayane to play with the air heroine, his heart felt as if it was pinched by some invisible thing, and he felt pain after burst.

After the recording ended, Kazuto Mogami was about to leave when all the lights in the recording room were turned off and plunged into darkness.

Just when the group of voice actors came up with the idea of ​​"could it be a power outage", the heavy door of the recording studio was opened, and the dim room was suddenly lit by candlelight.

"Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you~"

"Happy birthday to you Sakura~Happy birthday to you~"

With the help of the flickering candlelight, I could see clearly that the staff members were clapping their hands and singing the birthday song, and the sound director was carrying the cake, walking towards Ayane Sakura who was sitting on the chair, slightly dazed.

"Sakura-san, happy birthday."

"Nagasaki-san, everyone..."

Sakura Ayane covered her mouth and nose with both hands, looking very touched, several voice actors around her reacted and sent blessings one by one.

After Ayane Sakura blew out the candle, she bowed to the applauding crowd around her, and the recording room was turned on again.

Mogami Kazuto stayed in the corner, unmoved.

Nobunaga Shimada walked up to Kazuto Mogami at some point, elbowed his arm, and asked him softly if he wanted to bless him or something.

Mogami Kazuto didn't respond, just stood quietly, looking at this picture that had nothing to do with him.

Ayane Sakura is a very emotional guy, she will be touched by many small things in life, Kazuto Mogami knew this kind of thing a long time ago, so at this moment, there are tears floating in the corners of her eyes.

Mogami Kazuto didn't go over to trouble her, and acted like a passerby passing by unintentionally.

During the stage of dividing the cake, Ayane Sakura came to Nobunaga Shimada and Kazuto Mogami, and handed over the cut cakes respectively, and both of them sent blessings softly.

Mogami Kazuto didn't know how to describe this feeling. In this situation, he and Sakura Ayane didn't seem to have any connection.

It seems that only at night will they bind each other physically.

He didn't know if all lovers in the world were like this. Mogami Kazuto certainly liked to sleep with her, but since Qingshui Yousha left, it seemed that the only bond left between them was endless sex.

It can't be called a mistake, but Mogami Kazuto always feels that it should be more than that. He wants to continue to get to know her more deeply, and get to know this girl named Sakura Ayane.

Not just the body, but something closer to the spirit.

soul?thoughts?the real thing?
He couldn't tell.

"Happy birthday, Sakura-san."

Sakura Ayane raised a nice smile: "Thank you, Totsuka-san."



At nine o'clock in the evening, Kazuto Mogami finished his busy work and sat quietly in the tram. Half an hour ago, he received a message from Ayane Sakura. It seemed that there was still a long time before the end of work.

This is a common occurrence, and Mogami Kazuto has long been used to it.

After getting off at Tsukishima Station, Kazuto Mogami didn't go home immediately, but wandered outside and walked near the park unknowingly.

Sitting down on a slightly rusty bench, looking up at the night sky, drinking a burst of white mist, curling up.

Looking back, during this period of time, he slept with Ayane Sakura almost every day, and came back to the empty home suddenly, but he was not used to it.

He was becoming more and more inseparable from the girl he once regarded as troublesome.

It seemed like a good choice to just wait here until she called, then go to the station to pick her up and go home together.

Heavy snow gradually fell from the sky, the cold wind howled, and a thick layer of snow piled up in the blink of an eye. Kazuto Mogami had to leave the park and take shelter in a nearby convenience store.

After stomping his feet and brushing off the snow from his body, Mogami Kazuto walked into the heated convenience store.


Looking at the falling snowflakes outside the door, Kazuto Mogami was a little worried about whether Ayane Sakura would come over soon, so he sent her a line, which showed as unread.

I ordered a cup of hot coffee, sat in front of the window of the convenience store, drank it silently and waited.

As time went by, the heavy snow outside the window showed no sign of stopping, but it was getting bigger and bigger.

After an unknown amount of time, the coffee at the entrance became a bit cooler, and Ayane Sakura sent a message that the tram was out of service due to the heavy snow, and she was still waiting for a taxi at the intersection.

Mogami Kazuto could only tell her to pay attention to safety.

Because there are basically no taxis passing by in the nearby residential area, even if Mogami Kazuto wanted to pick her up at this time, there was no way, and he felt more and more troubled by not being able to drive.

I ordered another cup of coffee, held it in the palm of my hand, and watched the heavy snow falling slowly outside the window.

"Snow, it's falling so hard."

(End of this chapter)

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