After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 566 560. In past and present lives, you are the first one.

Chapter 566 560. In past and present lives, you are the first.

I received a message from Sakura that I have boarded the car. While waiting, I quietly looked at my shoes, which reflected their shadows on the floor, with my feet slightly sideways, and there was a little bit of melted snow left on the soles. water stains.

A little embarrassed, she talked to the clerk, and she came to clean up very politely with a mop.

After leaving the convenience store, the heavy snow did not show any signs of weakening. Looking around, it was snow, snow, snow, and it was cold and gloomy.

Looking up at the sky, I feel in a trance that my whole body is going to be swept up into the sky, and I am immersed in this silence without knowing it.

Walking slowly all the way home, feeling the cold wind blowing into the neckline, the cold touch of a single snowflake sticking to the cheek, pinching the things in the pocket to heat.

Time passed by little by little, and January 1 is coming to an end.

I don't know how long it took, I heard a sound of footsteps.

She was walking on the path under the dreamy and strange moonlight, and the soles of her shoes stepped on the snow, making dull footsteps, which were like the footsteps of people walking on the bottom of the sea.

I just turned sideways when she swooped over with resolute steps.

I opened my hands and took her into my arms. The huge force made me hold her and turn around on the spot a few times before I could stand still without any danger.

"Don't make trouble, it's snowing, the road is slippery, what if you fall down?"

"But you caught me, didn't you?"

"What if it doesn't connect?"

"Then punish you not to sleep with me tonight."

"This is really a severe punishment."

"Are you afraid?" She said proudly, with deep affection in her eyes.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid."

I stroked her long black hair lightly, and stroked her soft cheek with the fiery hand I held in my pocket earlier.

"Where did you get off? Your face is so cold."

"In front of the station."

"Just go directly to the door of the house."

"I'm worried that you're waiting for me outside, and I can't wait to see you."

In this way, I hugged her more and more tightly in my arms.

Sakura first rubbed her face in my arms with enjoyment, then gently pushed me away, spread her lovely palms, and looked at me with wide eyes.


"Birthday present, can you bring it with you?"

"Take it."

"Give it to me soon, the time is coming."

I raised my wrist and looked at my watch. There were 1 minutes left on January 29 this year.

Just as I was reaching into the pocket of my coat, she stopped me suddenly.

"Wait, let me guess what it is."

"Guess, guess, birthday is coming soon."

"Well... well, take it out."

I smiled lightly and touched the bridge of her high nose with my finger, and took out the small box in the coat pocket, she must have guessed what was inside.

Presumably, on such an occasion, with such a style of box, it is extremely easy to guess the contents.

"I'm a person who doesn't know much about what girls like. When I buy things, I only consider practicality. I usually divide them into what I need and what I don't need. Miss Sakura, you seem to have everything.

I also thought about preparing a romantic birthday for you, driving a high-end sports car, filling the trunk with gorgeous flowers, drinking expensive red wine in a high-end restaurant, can you imagine such a birthday? "

"It's really tacky."

"Look, this is the biggest romance I can think of, but you and I don't drink alcohol, and I don't know how to drive, and the cuisine in high-end restaurants is not as good as mine, so you want to complain to me.

So I thought, how should I spend this birthday with you.

After much deliberation, the only thing left is to wait for you on the side of the street, watch you get out of the car, move the umbrella over your head, say 'Welcome home' to you, and enter the house with you.

But even this was messed up. "


"So, even if you don't like it, I still hope you can show a smile and say to me 'It's so beautiful, I like it very much'."

I slowly opened the box, and I found the ring inside which I pre-ordered. It may only be worn on her finger tonight, and it will be taken off when she goes to work at dawn.

And it doesn't have any great significance in itself. Apart from the high price, I may not have paid any thought at all, it's just expensive.

Perhaps for this girl, the word "expensive" is the most worthless, but it is still something I only thought of after racking my brain.

It's beautiful enough, shining enough, but not one-thousandth of the girl in front of me.

She stared at it for a while, then raised her head and looked into my eyes intently. I could clearly see my own outline from her almost transparent pupils.

"Have you thought about it, you want to wear it for me?"


"Have you ever given rings to other girls so far? Naturally, whoever got married in a fake marriage doesn't count."

"Past and present, you are the first."

"There is no past life, just talk nonsense."

I smiled quietly and put it on for her gently.

"Happy birthday, Caiyin."

"Thank you."

Sakura raised her hand with a joyful expression, her fingers spread open, and the slowly falling snowflakes rested on her palm.

"It's beautiful, I like it very much."

"Sorry for not being able to give you a romantic birthday."

"As far as you're concerned, that's romantic enough."

"Are you happy?"

"Very happy."

"Think so in your heart?"

"Of course it's from the bottom of my heart, I wish I could strip you naked and push you to the ground right now."

I glanced at the ice and snow around me and said with a smile, "Isn't that torture?"

She raised her toes and kissed me, with a passion that could melt ice and snow in her eyes, which I am all too familiar with: "The real torture is yet to come, have you made up your mind?"

"Don't take my life."



The snow stopped at some point, and the bright moon and silver light pouring in from the window dragged the shadows of things long, like a layer of light ink faintly imprinted on the wall.

I hugged the exhausted girl who fell into a deep sleep, quietly watching her eyelashes fluttering slightly from time to time, and I was unwilling to take my eyes away from her face. I stared at her for a long time, just like Gatsby who stayed up all night. It's the same as the small light spot on the other side of the night guard.

Close your eyes, there seems to be small figures flying back and forth in the darkness.

I stroked her hair for a while, and couldn't help but kiss her on the lips.

Sakura shyly opened her eyes.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Want to see you for a while."

"What an idiot. I'm right here. I don't know where to go. I can't see when."

"I can't see you so close during the day."

"Aren't you going to rest tomorrow? You can watch it for as long as you want. I'm afraid you'll get tired of it after a while."

"Will not."

She laughed softly, and the hands hidden under the quilt began to restless, kneading here for a while, pinching there for a while, looking straight at me, as if testing what range I can accept.

"Didn't you say you were tired just now?"

"After sleeping for a while, I feel a little more refreshed."

"I didn't sleep."

"That's your business, I don't care."

I looked at her helplessly, and let her make trouble under the bed.

Suddenly, she retracted her head into the bed, and it was not until a long, long time later that she came out again with her blushing face, panting.


I handed her the cup, and she drank it all in one gulp, licked her lips, lay back on the bed again, hugged me quietly, her eyes were wide open, and she seemed completely sleepless.

I also didn't feel sleepy at all, and she secretly took away the remaining sleepiness just now.

I suddenly thought of a sentence.

We are merely speaking to each other of emotions that can only be expressed through the contact of two imperfect bodies, sharing our respective imperfections.

But there's nothing wrong with it, she likes it and so do I.

We are literally obsessed with each other, wishing we could stick together for 24 hours and be burned into one thing.

"Is there any progress?"



"Why do you look so smug?"

"It's just pride."

Her expression at this time was particularly cute, like a fifth grade girl who got full marks in her first exam, excitedly begging for a reward when she came home.

Stimulated by various emotions, I hugged her smooth back and kissed her lips.

She didn't seem to expect that I would kiss her suddenly, she was staring at me with wide eyes, her nose twitched, very cute.

"He Renjun."


"You are so disgusting."

I raised my hand and tapped her head lightly, and she laughed out loud.

It would be great if time could freeze at this moment, stop at this minute, this second forever, without having to look back on what happened in the past, and don't have to think about what is about to face in the future.

This is a feeling that everyone will have. When feeling happy and satisfied, everyone hopes that time can be slower, and slower.

But time is equal, and happiness is also equal. When we feel happiness and hope that time can slip away more slowly, there are also people who are experiencing the trough of life, looking forward to the early arrival of tomorrow's sun.

"Heren-jun, what are you thinking?"

"I think it would be nice to have a longer tonight."


"Not what you think it means."

"That's a hooligan too."

This girl may have far more things on her mind than I do.

I love that even about her.

Falling in love seems to have magical powers. Once I have this kind of emotion towards someone, no matter what I do, I can't seem to resist it.

"By the way, there is one more thing."


She magically took something out from under the pillow, and the mountains were completely gone. I was worried that she would catch a cold and put the quilt back on her.

"Happy birthday."

I looked at what she was holding in her hand. It was a string of shiny silver bracelets. I don’t like wearing cumbersome accessories. Besides, men always wear these shiny things, which always make me feel at a loss.

Surprisingly, my mood at the moment is nothing but joy.

"You said that today is your birthday, right?"

"Didn't you say that I lied to you?"

"Anything is fine, I can send it if I want."


"Wear it for you?"


She raised her left hand and leaned against my right hand. The room was dim and I couldn't see very clearly, but I could clearly see the marks on our hands.

"Hmm! The taste is really good!" she said with a smile.

"Can I wear it to work?"

"You're not allowed to pick it up, and I won't pick it up either."

"How about that?"

"Why not, why don't I show off?"

"You said it was from Mr. Totsuka?"

"That still doesn't work. For the time being, let's just say that I reward myself."

"According to your."


She came over again, opened her mouth and bit down on my neck.Biting and biting, it moved to my ear, and gently blew into it.

"He Renjun, have you recovered?"

"It seems... yes."

"Then come."

"it is good."

I reached out to touch the cardboard box on the bedside table, but she stopped me. I looked at her suspiciously, and gradually understood the message conveyed by her eyes.


"Only tonight."



In the early morning, the sunlight that filled the room completely wiped out the blue and white moonlight.

Today is a rare rest day, Sakura is still in a deep sleep, I lightly leave the bed, walk out of the bedroom, and go downstairs to make breakfast.

She was very tired last night. I wanted her to sleep more and didn't wake her up.

Of course I like to see her sleeping soundly, but I am also worried that when she wakes up, she will drag me to continue working with her. Her constitution is already weak and cannot withstand my tossing and tossing.

I had no choice but to pick a warm sunny place in the living room and read Jerome David Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" quietly.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sky is clear and blue, with only a few wisps of pale white faintly smeared by intermittent clouds, just like a few strokes painted by a painter when he was testing paint.

The only thing left in the yard was the snow that had melted into water. With the baptism of the sun, it gradually disappeared, as if the heavy snow last night was just an illusory dream.

But I will never forget, I will never forget that she flew towards me in the snowy night, and I will not forget the sound of hailstones hitting the window when I had a passionate love with her.

The cell phone rang, and it was Miss Dai who called. She said something about work, and the whole process took only one or two minutes before hanging up.

"Who are you on the phone with?"

I looked back and saw Sakura in her pajamas standing on the stairs rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Manager, why don't you sleep more?"

"When I woke up and saw that you were not there, I came to look for you."

"Just sleep a little longer and you'll be fine."

"I can't sleep well without you here."

I suppressed a smile: "I can't sleep well when I'm with you."

"Tsk, don't speak hooligans."

I walked over to hug her, and rubbed her slightly fluffy black hair just woke up.

"Are you hungry?"

"a little bit."

"Eat something before going to bed?"

She nodded and said "hmm" obediently.

After breakfast, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, Sakura didn't go back to her room to sleep, she sat on the sofa, snuggled up to me, swiped her phone by herself, and yawned occasionally.

"I'll carry you to sleep?"

"No, I want to stay here with you."

"I can go up and read."

She glanced at me: "If you go up with me, can you still read the book?"

I thought about it, maybe it was the reason, so I found her a coat of mine and put it over her pajamas.

On the rest day when there is no work, we lean together quietly like ordinary couples, sharing each other's body temperature.

(End of this chapter)

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