After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 577 571. He will face off with his girlfriend's mother.

Chapter 577 571. He will face off with his girlfriend's mother.

I never thought of girls as boring creatures.

An annoying person is an unpleasant person, regardless of gender. For example, in the eyes of many people, I will also be that annoying person.

And among the women I have come into contact with so far, there does not seem to be such a woman, and Ms. Uchida is no exception.

She just accidentally saw something that I didn't want her to know, and she just came to verify it with me in person, neither threatened me nor raised any conditions, she was just seeking to prove something.

Unfortunately, I can only lie.Her eyes seemed to be looking at an abandoned house that was about to collapse a hundred meters away.

"The night I took the bus with you, as soon as you walked out of the station, a girl came to hug you, and finally left with her."

Her eyes seemed to be looking at an abandoned house that was about to collapse a hundred meters away.

"I don't have that memory."


I denied it very firmly, acting as if I heard the funniest joke in the world. What I need to do is not to make Miss Uchida believe in me, I don't need that kind of thing.

I'm just showing an attitude.

[My business has nothing to do with you] attitude.

I think Ms. Uchida is not stupid, in fact she understood very quickly.

Whether it's the expression on the face or the continuously falling values ​​on the panel, they are all telling me.

After that, she changed the topic as if to resolve the embarrassment, and talked a few things about work, but even I could see that she was not that interested at this time.

So I took the lead to leave, and she bowed politely to say goodbye. I said a shallow "um" and left without looking back.

When I got home, I went straight upstairs, sat in front of the computer, and let my mind go quietly.

After a while, he leaned down and went downstairs, made a cup of coffee, and took it back to the bedroom.

When people have something on their minds, they always do things that they don't usually do at all, replacing the brain's operation with the busy body, but in fact, this will not alleviate anything.

Sitting in front of the computer, thinking about nothing but novels, I felt as if I had put my desk in a deep well to write.

Until ten o'clock in the evening, I turned off the computer and went downstairs to take a shower.

Since she agreed to meet with Sakura's mother, she no longer came to my house to spend the night, most likely because she was seen and knew what she was going to do when she went out at night, so she was shy.

That's kind of cute.

After soaking in the bathtub, the white mist lingered, and after soaking for less than 10 minutes, he got up and left.

I used to be able to stay alone in the bathroom for more than half an hour, but I don't know when, taking a bath alone has become such a boring thing, and my heart can't help but feel empty.

Both my spirit and my body are yearning for something.

It was as if without the warmth of a female body, I would become a shell with no thoughts.

I'm getting nasty.

Hate this lonely April night.

I want to hug and fall asleep with a cute girl.

So I hate it even more.

He hates April nights and men who shine in the middle of the night.

At ten forty, I was about to go to bed when Sakura sent a message.

She said that she had some free time at noon tomorrow, about two hours, and asked if I could meet.

I immediately understood what she wanted to express, so I followed my heart and extended an invitation to her.



At noon the next day, I showed up with her at the love hotel we visited last time. Both of us were tightly covered by hats and masks, which made people feel suspicious.

Afterwards, Sakura got dressed and went back to work quickly, while I lay naked on the hotel bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Is it empty?
Not exactly.

The kind of emptiness that gradually fills the body and mind after being satisfied, I don't think it can be called a real emptiness.

I don't seem to have what everyone calls a sage's time. I am still longing for something, not just the integration of the body, but something that integrates the spirit and the spirit.

That kind of emptiness after satisfying nerves, even once, I will also experience it.

I'm not saying that Sakura is bad, on the contrary, she's good everywhere, and she can't find any faults in that matter.

She has a good figure, well-behaved cooperation, and enthusiasm.

In my previous life, I must have been a savior-like superhero to be favored by such a lovely girl.

After a long time, I put on my clothes, mask and hat, left the hotel, and went to the dubbing studio.

On the set of "TRINITY SEVEN", I saw Sakura who had just separated. She was wearing a floral dress. I took off that dress for her not long ago, and she had pistol-shaped white high-heeled shoes under her feet.

She sat there, as gentle as a lady who didn't know much about the world. I looked at her from a distance, and my mind was full of her appearance on the bed.

I was the only male voice actor on the set, and I was still huddled in the corner as always during the recording.

Many people think that I am afraid of strangers, or I like to be lonely. I think what they say is wrong. I just want to avoid contact with female voice actors.

When it was Sakura's turn, I listened intently to her performance, and whenever there was a line that required a groan or a howl, I always made a subconscious comparison.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that a character is a character, and a voice actor is a voice actor, and they cannot be confused.

After all, the real Sakura Ayane's tone was much more indulgent.



The passage of time is always magical and disturbing, and the third weekend in April is here.

Sakura came to my house in the morning, took a shower together after exercising, and I changed into the clothes she carefully selected for me, and went to see her mother in the afternoon.

The location was an ordinary family restaurant outside Chiyoda Station, and I thought she would choose the kind of high-end restaurant that can be seen at a glance as a demonstration.

When we arrived at the family restaurant, Ayane Sakura, who had parted from me beforehand, was sitting with her mother, chatting and laughing affectionately.

"Sorry, may I be late?"

"No, we came early. Totsuka-kun was 10 minutes early. There is no need to worry about this. Please sit down."

This is the first time I saw Sakura's mother in the daytime. I have to say that they look alike. It's like copying and pasting and adjusting the color, and they act as the role of a krypton gold mobile game with a new skin that sells for a high price. like that.

I sat down in front of them, facing Sakura's mother, I was subconsciously cautious.

Sakura was sitting on the side, her pretty face blushing and winking at me, I can probably understand her meaning, if I behave badly today, she will definitely lose her temper with me.

Sakura's mother's face is very kind and friendly, completely different from her daughter's.

"Mom, this is Mogami Kazuto, I'm... dating him."

Sakura introduced me with a blushing face. It's rare to see her look so shy, but it's a pity that I don't have the time to appreciate her now.

"Hello, my name is Kazuto Mogami. I am currently engaged in voice acting activities under the name 'Kazu Totsuka', and I am dating Saki... Miss Ayane on the condition of marriage." This is the first time I have used such a complicated honorific.

When Sakura heard the word "marriage", her face became more rosy, and she gave me a somewhat reproachful look, I knew her temper very well, most of the eyes were shy, not angry.

And I'm not just saying that I do have a desire to marry her, and so should she.

"Get married...huh."

Sakura's mother let out a meaningful laugh.

"It's the first time we's not the first time, hello, Totsuka...well, Mogami-kun, how many times have we met?"

"It's the third time." I said.

In fact, there was another time when I almost had sex with her in Sakura's car, but it was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Sakura's mother.

If I let her know that her daughter always does such outrageous things with men, if I were a parent, I would probably break that man's leg.

"Mogami-kun, I've watched your cooking show. I can see that you often cook at home. Boys who can cook are not common nowadays."

"I'm apprehensive, because I live alone, and I started to like the feeling of cooking without knowing it."

"Caiyin has been eating your cooking, no wonder she always dislikes my cooking during this time."

Sakura panicked and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't have anything to hate."

"But you only eat a little each time, don't you?"

"I'm losing weight."

"I still need to lose weight with this figure? Mogami-kun, tell me, does my Caiyin need to lose weight like this?"

Sakura's mother suddenly threw the topic to me, I looked at Sakura, and slowly shook my head: "I think Miss Caiyin will definitely not dislike your cooking, I think it's all my fault, always In order to please her, I brought her a bento box and watched her eat it up in the lounge of the set before giving up, which made her not eat after returning home."

This is a lie, I never made a bento for Sakura, and I never watched her eat in the waiting room of the recording studio.

And I avoided answering the topic of losing weight, and I didn't have to make nasty words about her figure in front of Sakura.

Even if it is a compliment, it is not suitable to say it on this occasion.

Sakura's mother looked at me in surprise, and asked, "Ayane, is that so?"

She nodded hesitantly, and I recognized her look, which seemed to blame me for being a liar, and it meant that she had lied too.

"Really, this is the fault of Moshang-kun."

"terribly sorry."

"Well... But this also shows that Mogami-kun's craftsmanship is very superb."

"Don't dare to be, it's just out of life and interest."

"Do you have hobbies on weekdays?"

"Reading, writing, playing the piano."

"It's all done by one person."

"Ashamed to say, I'm not very good at socializing."

"So you're talking to me in a very embarrassing way right now?"

Sakura's mother giggled, and I could clearly see my girlfriend's face becoming stiff, an expression of trying to interrupt.

"To be honest, it is true."

"Oh huh?"

The one next to Sakura's mother was glaring at me with extremely ferocious eyes.

I can't see her.

"When I heard that Miss Caiyin said that you wanted to meet me, I was naturally very nervous and thought of a lot of serious things."

"Can you tell me?"

"No way, I was so nervous I forgot."

"Hey! You Mogami!" Sakura finally couldn't hold back her true nature, and shouted at me angrily.

"Caiyin, don't be rude."

"But he..."

"I think Mogami-kun is very interesting, um... at least he is sincere, telling the truth."

I smiled apologetically.

I'm not sincere at all, and even if such seemingly flattering words are said to my face, I will not cheer inside because of it.

Sakura seemed relieved, it was the first time I saw her so afraid of being alone, I couldn't help but find it funny in my heart.

"Mogami-kun seems to be doing other jobs besides being a voice actor."

"Let's be a singer and a light novel writer."

"Light novels..." Sakura's mother turned to look at Sakura, and asked, "Is it the novel with illustrations in your room?"

She hesitated to explain, and finally nodded.

After all, I'm not writing much literature, just commercial novels for young people to pass the time, and I don't think there's any shame in that.

Earning money with words and stories, and being sought after or abused is an additional product of this work, and it is a matter of course.

Not just writing, but almost any work that requires others to judge.

"Sorry, I don't know that well."

"His novel will be aired in anime in July." Sakura interjected, with a hint of complacency.

"Hey~~ Is that so? It's amazing."

"And he is the voice actor of the leading actor and the singing of the ending song."

She is like a primary school student who invites friends to visit her home for the first time, proudly introducing her various toys and collections.

From Sakura's point of view, what she said must be my strengths, at least what she likes about me.

As for whether Sakura's mother would look at me with admiration because of this kind of thing, I don't think it's easy to say.

"Sakura, you really know about Mogami-kun."

"Because we are dating."

"Obviously, I have never observed my mother so carefully."

"Why, I like my mother the most."

She hugged her mother's arm crookedly, and her acting like a baby was particularly cute and moving.

"It's hard for me to ask Mogami-kun if you're like this."

"Mom, just ask me directly. I know everything about him." She said.

"How did that happen?"

How should I put it, as expected of Ayane Sakura, this girl is always so interesting.

Even if I really think she is cute, I can't pamper her here.

"Miss Caiyin, I still hope that my aunt can understand me from myself. Although I am not suitable to say this, I really can't find a single fault in what you said about me. I feel ashamed no matter what."

Normally, she would have lost her temper right now, and she would probably say something like "Why don't people appreciate you when they are kind enough to help you?"

But she really grew up a lot and chose to believe in me.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

After she finished saying this, she bowed her body and left the table. Before leaving, she gave me a cheering look. I understood it and smiled back.

So, only Sakura's mother and I were still looking at each other tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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