After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 582 576. Mr. Shimada who is seriously ill.

Chapter 582 576. Mr. Shimada who is seriously ill.

late April.

Kazuto Mogami still performed stably on the recording set of "Reincarnated as the Evil Lady Who Only Otome Game Destroyed the Flag...", and he felt particularly at ease in a dubbing set where most of the voice actors were male.

Even if he didn't know any of those male voice actors, he was much better than the "TRINITY SEVEN" next door.

Male seiyuu Sai Gao!
After the recording of Part A ended, there was a break in the middle. Kazuto Mogami huddled in a corner and read the script. Maaya Uchida, who was the voice of the heroine, was sitting in the middle, and next door was Shimizu and Sand.

Most of the other seiyuu are quiet, with occasional voices exchanging acting skills and lines.

At this moment, for the first time among the voice actors present, someone got up and walked around.

And the direction that person was going was the corner where Kazuto Mogami was staying.

"Arnold... I'm very sorry, Totsuka-san."

Mogami Kazuto raised his head upon hearing that, and looked at her calmly.

The person who came was Miho Okamatsu, who had just signed a contract with the firm this year and officially debuted as a voice actress. It took only a few months to receive a supporting role with a name. Presumably the firm planned to focus on training her.

Mogami Kazuto and Okamatsu Miho are already very close because she often goes to izakaya with Shimada Nobunaga to drink and eat. It is probably because of this reason that she will take the initiative to talk to Mogami Kazuto.

After all, the other voice actors present all knew Kazuto Mogami's temperament on the set, and few of them would take the initiative to chat with him.

"What's wrong? Miho-san."

"May I ask you about the lines here?" She asked timidly and softly with a shy expression.

Kazuto Mogami was a little surprised, just as he was about to refuse, his right hand was driven to reach out to take her script.

"This place, what is the tone of Nicole's lines? Because I want to play a rival role, I want to figure out the character's thinking first."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her and saw that her heart was on the script, so he swallowed his refusal and answered her calmly and softly.

She listened carefully to every word Mogami Kazuto said, nodded solemnly, said "I see", and finally bowed politely to him, turned and left with the script in her arms.

If it's just this level of communication, Mogami Kazuto won't be disgusted, and he won't deliberately put on any senior airs, he himself is still a rookie voice actor.

It soon came to the testing stage of Part B, and the testing part went very smoothly. After that, the official collection will be done in one go.

Before leaving, Kazuto Mogami intentionally or unintentionally staggered to take the elevator with Shimizu Yousa, and stayed in the corner waiting for the other voice actors to leave.

Besides him, he saw Miho Okamatsu also shrinking in another corner, and when he saw all the other voice actors leave, he walked to the elevator entrance, and she also saw Kazuto Mogami.

"Huh? Didn't Totsuka-san go down first?"

"I'm used to walking alone."

"'s the same as me. I feel a lot of pressure when I'm with my seniors. I'm still far behind."

Mogami and people are silent.

In the elevator, Miho Okamatsu answered a call, the content seemed to be about the work in the izakaya.

She still seems to be working there, which is quite understandable. Many of the new voice actors who have just debuted have multiple jobs.

"Are you going to work next?"

"Yes, Totsuka-san should be going to work."

"Today is over, I have a dinner with Nobunaga."

"Hmm... are you coming to our store?"

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

"Totsuka-san, you really have a good relationship with Shimada-san."


"It's okay? Mr. Shimada said that if he was a girl, he would definitely associate with you."

Mogami Kazuto shook his body, his eyes showed undisguised horror: "What kind of ghost story is this?"

"He said it when he was drunk."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear it."

Miho Okamatsu giggled, because the two had the same destination, so they walked to the nearby station as a matter of course.

When Kazuto Mogami and Miho Okamatsu appeared in the izakaya together, Nobunaga Shimada, who was already waiting there, seemed particularly surprised. When Kazuto Mogami sat down in his seat, Miho Okamatsu went to the dressing room to change clothes.

Nobunaga Shimada leaned close to Kazuto Mogami's ear and asked how they came together.

Kazuto Mogami said that he was on the same set today, and when he got such a boring answer, Nobunaga Shimada curled his lips and said nothing.

Ayane Sakura has to work late today, and Kazuto Mogami's plan is to meet with Ayane Sakura after the dinner with Nobunaga Shimada is over, to see if there is time to do it.

If it is too late, I will go back to Chiyoda with her, and then go back to Tsukishima by car.

In fact, this behavior itself has no special meaning. Kazuto Mogami did not want to add trouble to Sakura's mother. The core of this matter is not Sakura's mother, but Sakura Ayane herself.

Only by strengthening Sakura Ayane's own will, will she not be affected by family factors.

"Ahe, your concert will be next month."


"It actually said [should], can you be more professional."

"I practice singing in the company every day, and I also go to the gym to exercise my physical strength."

"Company reimbursement?"

"That's natural."

"Can it be effective?"

It's hard to say whether it has any effect on singing, but the effect on Sakura Ayane is very obvious.

Of course, this kind of thing must not be said to Nobunaga Shimada.

"Should I not need to buy a ticket?"

"Concert fare evasion should be arrested, and you also want to be exposed by Wen Chun?"


"I'm joking, I will prepare your tickets."

"The words just came out of your mouth, I can't hear it as a joke at all."

Mogami Kazuto shrugged slightly.

At this time, Okamatsu Miho, who had already changed into the uniform of the shop assistant, came to them, and the two ordered something.

Mogami Kazuto suddenly sent a message from Sakura Ayane from the street. Because of something wrong with Konishi Saori, the recording of the catapult at night was postponed, and he ended work early, asking where he was.

Mogami Kazuto said that he was still having dinner with Shimada Nobunaga, Sakura Ayane hesitated for a while, and asked her if she could come.

Kazuto Mogami was surprised, but agreed after a little thought.

Anyway, the three of them are all artists of Qingyiyou Agency, so it's not unusual to eat together.

"Nobunaga, do you mind having another person later?"

"Huh? I don't mind, who is it?"

"Miss Sakura." Mogami Kazuto answered truthfully.

After Shimada Nobunaga was slightly stunned, he immediately gave a thumbs up: "No problem at all."


"It's a small thing, but is it really all right?"

"what do you mean?"

"Let your wife know that you have dinner with Ms. Sakura, and she won't be angry?"

"What's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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